SS ET a SOR LL ADTs A SS RE STANFORD UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF THE DEAN OF MEN STANFORD UNIVERSITY, CALIFORNIA February 28, 1939. ; ils Drs F. GC, Alien, Page #3. WG ad 3. $5.00 during residence in San Francisco throughout the time of the tournament. After the arrangements were made it was found that the dates of March 17 and 18 would conflict with the 6-day bicycle race. Since the bicycle race dates were subject to a season schedule it was not possible to adjust them to the tourna- ment dates. This left the alternatives of running the tournament on an independent plan in the Civic Auditorium or changing the date to avoid the above mentidned oe The latter seemed AWS to be the better plan so the tournaments WiWere moved up to March 20-21 e wk PU sa a aa aa FS La pe ae al se A ot Now we are going ahead with arrangements on this basis. As soon as each district picks its team I hope they will rush to me full publicity material, together with a good supply of pictures. I can get some good hotel rates if the teams will all stay at the same place. However, unless I am iN directed by each team to make reservations, these details will : be left to the individual teams. Arrangements for practice courts can also be made if the desires of each team are made known. Mo 5th, 2 eRe ui i to t= let werk I am sending a copy of this letter to each of the districts west of the Mississippi with the hope that this will serve as a general information bulletin concerning the western play-off. I hope that this information, in turn, will be passed on to the teams that are chosen torepresent the districts. Very cordially yours, * # # ss is 4 ; « a . iB CC to H. G. Olsen - J. W. St. Clair - Willard Witte and W. B. Owens JB:B