Janusry 15, 1939 fhe H,O.A. Basketbei1 Tournament Committee has officially designated San Francisco ae the place for the weetern play-off for dietriets 6,6,7 and 8. Thie play- off tournament wil! be maneged by myself as chairman of the esighth district. The San Francisco Feir ig sponsoring the event. They have underwritten the full expenses for ell the teams which will conpete in the tournament. In addition, fifty per cent of the net proeeeds will acerue to the account of the N.0.A.4. Full details vill be sent to you at a later date. The tournament wes originally scheduled for March i7 and i8, but because of comp ications, has been shifted to the detes of arch 20 and 21. Condneting the tournamsnt on these dstes, first of the week, will neces- Sitate, accordi to our estimate, one dys lese absence from school for the farthest travelling teams, For this reason I hardiy fee] that there can be any objection to p sying at this tims. These later dstes, however, are subject to the spprovai of the tournsment committee, but I anticipate no difficulty in this resect. fhere is greet enthusiasm for this tournament here. A new pavilion is veing built om Treasure Island for Sports. This will hoid in excess of twelys thousand Spectators. The newspapers are thorouchiy behind the whole plan. Ye ean depend on their whole-hearted support. In cooperation with -he oublicity side of this project, will you please send me each weak ners atoriaes of the outstanding teans in your districts, so thst we may stert from the very beginning of the season to build up interest in the popular eatrants for this tournament ana the person &lities, Gvaches and piayers attached to these different orgenigetions? I will need your 199 per cent cooperation if I am to furnish the newspapers with the fosired publicity material, In addition, if there sre any news items which you think pertinent in this ยข nneetion, please do not hecitate to send? them siong. It would seem to me that et