April 25, 1940. ou with the KansasCity tourmament, and I have are still paying bills and settling up loose ends of 2 mesg ginndh ee Ole a check for $5,000, and for $2506 that I have been unable to write you soonere | may could be earsarind for matatiall: than Posident were told fd Geek this nitiey OA tack te eanaaind tar taal Gis anid, “wall, Gat So been 4s tea” tg i qd apa fad acl i Hag ie ey fr ye, ee tad 3 afigis 435 gals ag tat ae ~ itd] yt ie A re iis an Ss . aun Hil are in a bad spot because the I.C A.A. wants all of we ident I said, Now and of > gaid that we heave Ned Irish just think you have got him whipped, bee college coaches in the country would resent the NWeCeisie taking the money and letting the boys qu@-theebeys and the athletic associations of the schools interested play for expenses . "You s alonee" Vhen we agreed that the NeCeAcke get 20% of these tournaments we were just giving the N.CeAsAs something to start one in my mind,