: t & 4 » ® the competing teas should certainly got a part of ite : Confidentially, I told President Owens that I would go to Madison Square Garden where we could get the most moneys And that is exactly why I em going to the Garden. I wanted you to ta. CU ee at Se Hees Aree: | Sy alii Wie as eben i "take their money and cut it four ways for the four competing teans, : end in our wostern play-off we should divide the profits ts four ways among the conpeting teams, after deducting a sizeable sum for the Sd dike. and tn few the fhe ginpealt wi tid wedi heme larger. cut for the two competing teams, with the NeCeAc. ng their cute. “het Ole proposed was to take the ten teams, the four — eastern and the four western, and the two finalists, and give the NeCeleie quite a sum and then cut the reminder ten wiyse Frenkly, ot eo ee ee eee ee oi : iy This whole matter hasn't boon decided yet, and con. : conference vith President Owens, lire liny and the rest of the group, we didn’t get anywheree 1 [{BEB Be ad tm ve sour cone omitah rention te , pn Very cordially yours, | ee Director of Physical Education and Reoreation, FCAsAl hia Varsity Basketball Ceachs