on Qeao Now I am getting to a point that I mentioned to Ole once, and I think that I should speak very frankly to you about ite I wrote Ole asking if he was planning to have some of the members of the general committee at these play-offse I particularly referred to myself at San Francisco and to Salmon at Philadelphia. He said of course that we should be there, and you were very nice to mention the fact that you would be glad to have me as the NCAA representative from the general committee. But I am wondering if the income for such expense would be derived from the general in- come of the N.eCeAA. play-off, or from what sourcee I frankly be- lieve that we will make enough money from our district here to take care of any such expenses that I mentione But I would appreciate any helpful suggestion or te so from you should you write to Olsen to that effecte I think I mentioned to you once before that the American Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation is meeting in San Francisco on April 3<6, and it was my thought that if I came out for this play-off I might stay over to attend that convention as welle I realize, too, that the Coaches Association, as well as the Rules Body meeting dates have not been set. It may not be possible for me to even go to your play-off on March 20821, or to the Health and Physical Education meetings The University felt so financially embarrassed that they were not able to assist the head of the depart- ment of physical education on his trek westward, so it is an individe val financial venture so far as I am concernede I did went to attend our state meeting here on March 24825 at McPherson, and I am scheduled to read a paper at the Central District Physical Education Association meeting at Sioux City, Iowe, at their meeting on March Sle So it looks like we have just got too many conflicts, but we will have to meet only the most important ones. I think things will shape up in a few days, though, so that I will be able to be more definite in my selection of important dates. With all good wishes, I em FCA :AH Chairman, 5th District, NeCeAcAe ENC e