Merch 2i, Mr» James Mixon, Municipal Auditoriuny Kansas City, Missouwrie « This will ditroduee Mre Jomos He Report, ¢ Y ue cabot oF eee, whom I have asked to assist with some of the Heteils of the NeCehele tournanents I will appreciate your courtesy to him in the mutter of tickets and amyrthing else thet he desires. / Sincerely yours, FOA:AH Manager, NeCeAele Basketball Tournanente March 21, abeumelaa, wilh Dear "dle"! i ii g% 8 Hi sii Let mo lmow if you will be at the Hotel Comtinental in Kansas City, and if you can be with us on » of course Tuesday afternoons If you can't gome to I will be happy to see you in Kansas Citye Sincerely YOUns, With best wishes, I an Mamager, NeCeAsA. Baslotball Tournament Indianapolis, Inde March 21, 1940 Dre Fe Ce Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas NeCeAsAe western play-off champion, runner-up and finals awards shipped March 20 express to above addresse Herff-Jones Companye M ae A telephone call from George Bowles at 11 o'clock = giving the following information: He suggests the following newspapers for advertising = 1 colum, S~inch ad, on Wednesday and Thursday: : / i Lawrence Journal World we nn ' St. Joseph News Press K2240 emf Topeka. Capital Topeke, State Journal Leavenworth Times Ottewe, Herald Warrensburg State Journal Sedalia Capital=Democrat ., Joplin Globe-News Herald / Manhattan Chronicle-liercury Kansas City an \ ‘ Here is the ad, line for line, as he pareae ted ee : The Tournament Of Champions 1y NeCeAsAe Western Semi~Finals and Finals Friday and Saturday Nights March 22 = 23 Two Games Nightly = University of Southern Cari tonne. University of Kansas University of Colorado Rice Institute Prices: = Upper Balcony 40 cents, Arena Balcony, $1.12 Boxes and Loges, $1.68 Mail Orders: = Send Money Order or check and designate which -—~. nights you wish tickets Municipal Auditorium Kansas City, Missouri. I / page Ze Myre Bowles has already sent wires to the following firms: Converse Rubber Company Lastbile Basketball Coe Longines Watch Ue Se Rubber Company Vestal Chemical Laboratories Expects to hear from them this afternoon or tomorrow morninge Sent wire to the Chesterfield Cigarette Company for cover; expects to hear this afternoone Has sent out four men with printers' dummies today. Lawrence, Kansas ‘Mareh 24, 1940 ie Dag Partner, Sports Desk, The Kansas City Star, Kansas City, Moe Dear Dane We have quite & supply of photographs and statee — nestts fron members of the Coaches Association which I will send on to you in & day ox S0_ lowever, I em 6ne closing the roster of the Netional Association of Basket= ball Coaches s¢ that you may becane familiar with the TALIOS» Sineerely yours, ‘anager, NeCeAele Basketball Tournament. ; : i ml fy ni 4 ii | : uw i arch 25, 1940 lite George Bowles, Hotel Phillips, Kansas Clty, Moe Dear George? T amewlosing copy of my letter to Mr. Zachman regarding Station YR FE its desire to breadeast the gene Saturday nighte This is just for your inform tons t wish you wuld let me Imow whet other stations are expecting to breadeast the gamce Sincerely yours, Mamager, NeCeAcke Basketball Tournaments Lawrence, Kansas Mareh 25, 1940 Dear Branchs _. This will confirm my telephone conversation ne wires "tall not open Thursday. Available Friday Pete Letter followrs | I have just talied over the phone with lire Zachaan, the manager of the Wmicipal Auditoriu in : Nensas City, and he informs me thet there is another convention scheduled for the auditoriun until five otcloak Priday oveninge Sy eight o'clock Friday night they will have the floor cleared and the goils up so that you my practice at that tines 7 Be sure to bring both sets of uniforms for your boyse We are taking both sets, and after wo arrive in Kansas City we cen determins on the colorte © M Looking forward to seeing you in Kansas City, en FCASA «=»-«-—s=s«sMnmngerr, MaCeAsh, Daskothall Tourmnants March 25, 1040 wks i as Hi Heager, NeCalehe Rackotball Towmnemts For Immediate Release (By the American Press Syndicate) Kansas City, Moe, March The greatest crowds ever to enjoy a sports event in Kansas City's beautiful Municipal Auditorium$ That is the prediction of the auditorium officials after checking up the advance sale for the Tournament of C-ampions to be staged for the basketball winners of the four western districts of the Netional Collegiate Athletic Assoc- iation here Friday and Saturday nights, the winning team to meet the winner of the East on the auditorium court Seturday night, March 30. Two weeks ago sports experts vredicted that the tournament would draw great crowds. But when the University of Kansas came through victorious in its plavoffs in the Pig Six and then followed with a victory over the ifissouri Valley Conference winner---Oklahoma A & M---for the right to represent the fifth district, then the week-end of play was termed a natural, especially as the University of Colorado added to the pres- tige of the event by winning the lietropolitan Invitational Tournament in Madison Square Guardene All four teams---the Jayhawkers of Kansas, the great team from Colorado U., the "fire-department" boys of Rice Institute of Houston, and the pride and joy of the Vest Coast----the Trojans of Southern California--are chock full of color as well as outstanding playing ability. The drawings for the two games Friday night will be made here Thursday afternoon, after arrival of all the four teams, and all four quintets will swing into action for the two games of’ the opening night. Saturdey night the winners will meet with the losing teams battling it out for third place. Today Dre Forrest C. é.llen of the University of Kansas, district chairman and managing director of the tournament, announced the following corps of referees:- Ee Co Suigley, supervisor; Ted O'Sullivan of Kansas City; Ab Curtis of Fort l'orth, Texe, Joe Vidal of Denver, Colo., and Dr. Dudley S. DeGroot of San Jose, Cal. Ratt nr ncn An For Immediate Release (By the American Press Syndicate) Kensas City, Moe, March The greatest crowds ever to enjoy a sports event in Kansas City's beautiful Municipal Auditorium! That is the prediction of the suditorium officials after checking up the advance sale for the Tournament of C-ampions to be staged for the basketball winners of the four western districts of the National Collegiate Athletic Assoc- iation here Friday and Saturday nights, the winning team to meet the winner of the East on the auditorium court Ssturday night, March 30. Two weeks ago sports experts predicted that the tournament would draw great crowds. But when the University of Kansas came through victorious in its playoffs in the Pig Six and then followed with a victory over the Missouri Valley Conference winner---Oklahoma A & M---for the right to represent the fifth district, then the week-end of play was termed a natural, especially as the University of Colorado added to the pres- tige of the event by winning the lietropolitan Invitational Tournament in Madison Square Guardene All four teams---the Jayhawkers of Kansas, the great team from Colorado U., the "fire-department" boys of Rice Institute of Houston, and the pride and joy of the est Coast----the Trojans of Southern California--are chock full of color as well as outstanding playing ability. The drawings for the two games Friday night will ve made here Thursday afternoon, after arrival of all the four teams, and all four quintets will swing into action for the two games of the opening night. Saturday night the winners will meet with the losing teams battling it out for third place. Today Dre Forrest C,. Allen of the University of Kansas, district chairman and managing director of the tournament, announced the following corps of referees:- E. Ce. Suigley, supervisor; Ted O'Sullivan of Kansas City; Ab Curtis of Fort l'orth, Texe, Joe Vidal of Denver, Colo., and Dr. Dudley S. DeGroot of San Jose, Cal. ai acs Distillate auth Ci italise cahaiih bs nbd a A ania sons ais bn a For Immediate Release : Ur, Se "PONE, (By the American Press Syndicate) Kansas City, Mo., March The atest crowds mime ever to Kenn s S a enjoy a sports event inamime | eautiful Municipal Auditorium] ==aqmeamliex That isthe prediction of the auditorium™%® officials after- checking up the advance sale for the Tournament of Champions to be basketball staged for the /winners of the four western districts of the =a National Collegiate Athletic Association here Friday and Saturday nights, the wewmesemt winning team to meet the winner of the East on the adytiorium court Saturday night, March 30.) Two weeks ago sports experts predicted that the tournament would draw great crowds. But when the University of Kansas came through yaisex victorious in its playoffs in the Big Six and then followed with a victory over the Missouri Valley Conference winner---Oklahoma A & M---for the right to represent the fifth district, then the week-end of play was termed a natural, especially as the University of Colorado added to the prestige ORS SNE by winning the Metropolitan Invitational Tournament in Madison Square Garden.’ | All four teams---the Jayhawkers of Kansas, the great team from Colorado U., the"fire-department" boys of Rice Institute of Houston and the pride and joy of the West Coast----the Trojans of Southern California;-are chock full of color as well as outstanding playing ability. ‘The "SmMiMEE drawings for the two games Friday night will be made here Thursday afternoon, after arrival of all the fou teams, and all tour, will swing into action for the two games of the opening night. Saturday night the winners will mee},with the losing teams battling it out for third place. Today Dr. Borrest C. Allen of the University of Kansas, district chairman and managing director of the tournament, announced the following corps of referees:- E.C. Quigley, supervisor; Ted O'Sullivan Sie of Kansas City; Ab Curtis of Fort Worth, Tex., Joe Vidal of Denver, s Colo#, and Dr. Dudley S.' Defro@t of San Joe, Cal.’ ute GEORGE BOWLES AND ASSOCIATES Advertising - Publicity - Radio Programs and Production SUITE 721 HOTEL PHILLIPS BUILDING ¥ KANSAS CITY, MO. Tuesday, March 19, 1940 Dear Mrs. Hulteen:- a j 4 4 , cs ae I am enclosing a story to be mimeographed by. the university, according to the wishes of Doctor Allen.' I don't know whether — this comes under the department of Mr. Mason, so therefore 4 I'm directing this letter to you,’ Please have the mimeograph department reduce the marginal space and also the space at the top of the first page so that all of the copy can be handled on one page. Have 175 run off Sotnastay sure and then parcel post these to me, SPECIAL DELIVERY, so that eee I'll receive them for mailing from here Thursday.’ The advance sale is big. There surely will be great crowds for Sineerely, Woden : | oe pae all three nights, ae SERRE cS ig cae spate fa 4 4 te 232% 8 7 fi ale i ee He quae He Hi if HN}: i pet cle ah i Ff Hi set i Laine Ie a Hf a ii i i ei E lie ea Lt bt | : eae — a fal vai ae it F H 7 ts ak da,8 is, : 4,23 f Ut fgsat: i ak Gee fi ae sini q ay Oly f i i i uae iti lit a x fat Hee g23: ie Vida h Hie he fe H Hae eat pale uit uy if iy au ti ii tall ssa yietengel B fy ai iin ils i in ii Hin i i ae ae i i ie Hey # Hel, i it ii 33 3 HT i Hitt |} ii ‘El ul tat Is ii Bendy ie sui ni i Hy | i a nal ie Hh Hal il; apseiys viii in 1 ei ink a2 niet iti hes SITET ih i? haat ue lint aPeay2y eel if) i i Ha % 4 abe. 1 ft | i 33 if i of A 1 “ae if i q .. € , 5 if I & 3 - Very 8: Maroh 6, 1959 tibet Hh ‘ine ih lan ii ui in r a ri a ig He Li pt tiie it ' et ua sy ¥ Hel i fl ( ee ns el it ine a sing e a AE tial te a ia a5 as aia : ad ae | q nt Mae ihe 2 EU U3: Ht TH aia : P i a 13] li i al Ht ni i H - gi mite if to badeaco i me meus sts play the losers as a Chaismen, Sth District, MeCelelis oF i ui i ya yale See CapenG NNER ing yer ceneatiNy ep Se YOURE, | I om senewimt at a loss to Inow wat you man in the — as che toe a j eee att te ees een vas shang wth AID coed we, Im of ne al | ; UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI C.O-E:U MB ol A INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS March 5, 1939. Dr. F..0. Alien, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan. Dear Dr. Allen: Your special delivery letter arrived early this morninge Inasmuch as my reply will be in your hands in plenty of time, I am sending this letter instead of the wire that you requested. In one of your suggestions you jumped the gun on me. Ina conversation with Mr. Shirkey yesterday it was agreed that Missouri would be involved in any plans for the tournament; and since my withdrawal would leave a better ~ balanced committeg; that I should not participate in any active manner in your deliberations or voting. Consequently, I will not meet with your group in Kansas City as a member of the committee. In fact I will not even make the trip unless you feel that my presence is desirable in order to . facilitate action on any decisions the committee makes. ye you think I should be on call you can wire me Monday night or on Tuesday morning. Otherwise I will remain here and await notification of your plans. I would appreciate a wire of instructions as soon as possible after you have made your plans. Mr. Shirkey told me at the track meet last night that the conference secretary, Mir. Bergman, had wired for Missouri's vote on Big Six cooperation in this tournament. I presume that this was part of a conference pole on the matter. Before any definite plans are laid I imagine it would be best to contact our secretary regarding the oute come of the pole. Yours truly, George R./¥dwards. March 6, 1959. i am sending you a carbon copy of my reply to George Edvards, who wrote me on went to assure you of my desire to be utterly at all timese iI am also desirous of following the Mishes Of wy guemmal chaise of the NCikeke Basket ball Tournanent. BE Director of Physical Edueation, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coache March 6, 1939¢ i, i Hi if Dau 3 1 q i H i’ i, rl : uh i Hin Ld aaety i 3° “if a ihe hal if 3 7 Yours, iy Director of Physical Bducati Varsity Basketball Coathe December 16, 1928 N.C.A.A. Basketball Tournament. Committee The Ohio State University bis oe Columbus, Ohio Dear "Ole:* Thank you very much for your letter of Decem- per 6. I have invited Ur. Fred Bohier to act on my selection committee. I asked Bill Hunter of D.E&.C. to suggest the name of some one from the Southern California Conference. Such an arrangement would give us ecequate representation for the 6th District. To date I have heard from neither of these men. I wrote to them immeciately after receiving your wire. It is impossible for me to name my committee until I have personal confirmation. The date which you have chosen for the play off for the western districts is intconfiict with the Pacific Coast Conference championship series. This series wiil be played this yeer in the northern half of the conference on March 10, 11 and 14. The play oif has been on these dates for a number of years. If you cannot make other arrangements for the teurnament in Kansas City, then it will probably meen that we shall net be able to provide the outstanding teamffrom the Pacific Coast. The Pacific Coast Conference has gone on record to support the N.C.A.A. basketball tournament. I hope therefore that it will be oessible for you to make arrangements to include our repre- sentative. In all probability it will be the champion of the Pacific Coast Conference. | tT suppose that Kansas City is the best place to hold the tournament. However, we shall run into competi- tion with the Liston party. If you were to hold the tour- nament in Denver, you would compete with the A.A.U. affair, I believe we could build up considerable enthusiasm for the tournament if you saw fit to bring it to San Francisco, You see, we would have the added attraction of the San Francisco exposition. Our Civic Auditorium has just installed a floor exactly like that in Madison Square Garden. We can seat H.G.0. ge. something like 9,000 people. I suggest this for your consideration. If some such arrangement cannot be made, I am afraid that the Pacific Coast will be eliminated from the tournament this year. I shall be glad to hear from you further. Very cordially yours, John Bunn Dean of Men