For Immediate Release (By the American Press Syndicate) Kensas City, Moe, March The greatest crowds ever to enjoy a sports event in Kansas City's beautiful Municipal Auditorium! That is the prediction of the suditorium officials after checking up the advance sale for the Tournament of C-ampions to be staged for the basketball winners of the four western districts of the National Collegiate Athletic Assoc- iation here Friday and Saturday nights, the winning team to meet the winner of the East on the auditorium court Ssturday night, March 30. Two weeks ago sports experts predicted that the tournament would draw great crowds. But when the University of Kansas came through victorious in its playoffs in the Pig Six and then followed with a victory over the Missouri Valley Conference winner---Oklahoma A & M---for the right to represent the fifth district, then the week-end of play was termed a natural, especially as the University of Colorado added to the pres- tige of the event by winning the lietropolitan Invitational Tournament in Madison Square Guardene All four teams---the Jayhawkers of Kansas, the great team from Colorado U., the "fire-department" boys of Rice Institute of Houston, and the pride and joy of the est Coast----the Trojans of Southern California--are chock full of color as well as outstanding playing ability. The drawings for the two games Friday night will ve made here Thursday afternoon, after arrival of all the four teams, and all four quintets will swing into action for the two games of the opening night. Saturday night the winners will meet with the losing teams battling it out for third place. Today Dre Forrest C,. Allen of the University of Kansas, district chairman and managing director of the tournament, announced the following corps of referees:- E. Ce. Suigley, supervisor; Ted O'Sullivan of Kansas City; Ab Curtis of Fort l'orth, Texe, Joe Vidal of Denver, Colo., and Dr. Dudley S. DeGroot of San Jose, Cal. ai acs Distillate auth Ci italise cahaiih bs nbd a A ania sons ais bn a