Kay £0, 1939 Yr. @. J. Cross, Business Kanager Phe emagi eo ‘of Watahons Horman, Vel Dear fr. Cross: This will agxnowledge the carbon ef the Letter which you addressed to Major Bc rystal concerning the expenses of ‘ae, Satverstty of Oklahoma basketball team, You e quite | h in your statement that he Oklahoma team should have. been reimbursed for the amount e thelr taxi hae on the night of the final game at ‘Treasure Island. This evidently was an oversight whieh jo eta: wilh | be — to rectify, — fashion “ak ‘for not oottivine the contestants in the tour- ane Therefore I do not think 1t will be possible to nake ‘any adjustment on this particular aceowt. I am sorry for this difficulty. Very cordially yours, dohn Bunn Dean of Ren