Fiotel Muehlebach Kansas City, Missouri +& < J Aotel Muehlebach Kansas City, Missouri PRESIDENT ISSUED BY SEE OTHER SIDE a NOT VALID WITHOUT SIGNATURE To Our Pa trons If you do not already have an up-to-date Courtesy Card, you will help us to serve you better if you will fill in the application form below. This will insure your getting special room reservations and assure identification. Please leave the form with the cashier or mail to the assistant manager. We hope that you have enjoyed your stay at The Muehlebach, and antici- pate the pleasure of serving you again at an early date. a aa ale a ae ier ie ag we i an, ses sa es ee ee oe PRINT PLAINLY | | | Name Street Address City State ;___ Business or Firm Name : Business Address } Name of Personal Bank |_ Address | | | | | | | | I I | | 1 Name of Firm Bank Address REFERENCES Name Address Name Address O. K. Signature of Applicant Manager To Open Charge Account, See Credit Manager