— ¥ INDIAN UNIVER SIT Y BLOOMINGTON, INDIANA OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR MEN April 3, 1940 Dr. F. C. Allen, Director Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas My dear Phog:- Ole Olson was through here yesterday and we had a nice visit. He asked me to send our team expenses to you and you would send us a check for reimbursement. In this connection I told him that the rail- road tickets had been charged and that the hotel bill at the Muehlebach had also been charged. He said that he thought it best that when the railroad and hotel bills have been received, I forward them to you and you will then make payment direct to the Muehlebach and the railroad company. This being the case, 1 am enclosing bill for the expenses we paid out in connection with the handling of our team. The total amount of this bill is $133.45. Receipts for all of these items are on file . with the university comptroller here. We have a state regulation by the State Board of Accounts that requires this procedure in handling our expense items, I have made our bill out in an itemized form and have Signed it. Mr. Olson asked me to make settlement direct to you for the tickets that had been sent over here. We received 50,and 40 of these were returned — by Ralph Graham to E. C. Quigley in as City Saturday morning, March 30, 1940. That leaves ten to be aceounted for; therefore, you will find enclosed my athletic revolving fund sig asi $11.20 covering the price of these, Just as soon as I receive the bill from the railroad company in Indiana- polis and the bill from the Hotel Muehlebach, I will have them approved by Coach McCracken and forward them on to you for payment. Ole gave me a fine report of the game and the splendid manner in which you had organized and promoted it. He was most enthusiastic about the entire set-up, and I told him that I thought you and he had done absolutely the right thing in stating that you would hold the tournament finals at Kansas City again next year. I note that the coaches will meet in New York, but even though they do, I still feel that these games should be played in Kansas City where promoters will be out of the picture and the games will be entirely under the supervision of college men and the receipts will also be under direct disposition of the college men. With kindest personal regards, I am Cordially yours, GH. “ j/2nc. 3 L/ lee G. Clevenger