Confirming my wire to you of even dates "University of Oklahanm, Mifth District representativee Will you please make hotel reservations San Frencisco for Oldahoma end for me? Please wire today straight wire Tan Stidham, athletic dire ector, Norman, definite financial set-ups He desires this message from youe Am expecting to make trip. Games played Oklaham City. Good receipts. Letter follows" | . I have just returned this noon from Oklahoma City where the townament was held. I will not give you the details of the tournament in this letter because I have much rush mterial to get off, but will say that we had a fine crow! last night. The ex pense was rather heavy, but I think we made sane moneys first The Oklahoma. Aggies defeated Drake University the night, 28815, and the University of Oldehom. defeated the Oklahoma Aggies S0s21] Tuesday nights :