ad \ 4 . This may seen like a trivial point, but it affected the players of both teams more visibly than any other single iteme | The officials wore Parke Carroll, of the Kansas City Jourml, and Jack North, of the Des Moines Registers ‘ The prices were $1.68 top price and 40¢ for the upper balcony. The attendance was nearly 5,000 and the ineome averaged $1.00 per head, making a total of $5,000 income the sesond night and $600 the first night. Se ee ene or oe nee SANS Sone Med alse for the N.CeAcle, the governing body. The tasketball cemnittes of the Fifth Metriet of the NeCeAsA. iss Co Be McBride, of the Kansas City Stary. George Re Biwards, of the : University. of Missouri, John C. Truesdale, of Grimell College, and Forrest C» Allen, University of Kensas, chairmane 2 ae “The University of Oklahoma is now on its way to San Francisco where they play with the district winners - University of Texas, of the oe ee en Sete Ol egn, OF Se Tih Setenel, ant the misma of the Californiz-Oregon game which is decided tonight for the 6 Coast championship, the Sth districte Entire expenses are paid for 15 een ee, Se ae RR See erie wie The-wimer af these four districts,WAich will be decided on : Monday and Tuesday nights, larch 20 and 21, will meet the winner of the four eastern districts, 1-2«5<4, east of the Mississippi Ri These ecutern dateiate wil) play at the Univeraity af Peeayhventia 5 l | in Philadelphia on Friday end Saturday nights, Merch 17 and 18. Then the national championship will be determined between the first place winners of these two districts, the game to be played at Northwestern ia ements eather a ike shXd hin Wao ftset Sines tk tae Riwtiny ot Wenbotind’: at o thbeeed Selingtate dteselenaiip tan teen aubienined,: This tournament is the only tournament thet has the sanction of the National Collegiate: Athletic Jssociatione This basketball tournament is comparable to the Netional Collegiate Track Meet which is held ammally wmder the auspices of the N.CeAche There is no other national basketball tournament in the sy conferences, | that the other mjor sports have gained, and in addition it will be Seeneeeee *e Vw enperinen of Ce Pew tay. Tt is not an idea of this NeCeAeA. that nomads will be made ©