THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Grorce W. Rigutmrre, President D NT oF Puysicar E T EPARTMENT OF Puysicat EpucATION COLUMBUS L. W. Sr. Joun, Director February 13, 1939 Mire We Ae Witte Te tetentbtr of ton Laramie * Dear "Duteh"s iy ont leg ag By Boson ay AL pogecthing tb peenthats of holding a tournament in District j/7 Roe the Gaeta a to be held in San Franeiseo. Ag I have indicated in previous correspondence, I have the feeling that, generally speaking, if we can possi ae representa= tives from each of the eight WsCs4.d. districts without resorting to playeoffs within each district that that is the thing wich should be donee I ama little afraid that if we had a playeoff, such as you have indicated in District /7, then follow that up, say a week later, with come Very sincerely yours, “uC? He Ge Olsen Chairman, NeleAsAse Basketball Tournament Comittee