Hi ie th i tl at ti ‘fl a i 1" ir a a Dre Dana Xe Bible | Director of Athletics University of Tess — To say that we enjoyed your mgnificent hospitality would be mildly putting its You are a groat host, DeX» and lirse Se ee she 414 in your Lovely hones: - | a2 ee a a we did not cet to see Mrae Bible that their trip to the coast was . mat os a ee give the Allens' greetings to lrse Bible when you wri Again thanicing you for eo ales snealiianss ad hospitality, and with kindest regards and best wishes for a great year, I am, Physical Bducation and Recreation Dire De Ke Brace, Head Department of Physical Kiucation aeaes sy of Tae Dear Drs Braces ks is Gs ened a le tte and kindnesses in entertaining me while at the University of Texas» I appreciated your kindness in accompanying me over the municipal golf course, I enjoyed every moment of $5 ab wath 08 wo fellewhdy with you Gut the other good man of the foursont, ! Anim hiking you fir eatiitte we dow and the unny ede easrovas Pon, ; Y \ he TAP eos 8 Se ereathy. appreciated your fine sordial 1) note of duly alt sin = and, even, more, your? ‘presence et Jf the Baue bis a ot the, eye Bus o PAE edaoeday ane ee 24 i ee 1 ee UN f GS e ; y K 6 SN. fg! on f af % ; nfou “migtine . ‘see pea es good = errs to. comé—to\a Banquet ‘on ‘hat beastly “ee \ might vand Listen: ‘to. the-. ree of your Hag " ertend cree Kansas - City.) | 2 : cn a 3 ) en = ce sth Vee ere a, 5 = Soa.i if Oe pe a ee Ns, eek Poy yaks | i ‘all: bod wi aay and, Wdniteot personal poms regands, know me oy * eee Na Pde o ee Po ye = sS i ; ef te) ‘De! Por aad: Cx ated > > Director of - Eyes ducati é and Recreation 2S Be “ Yaiversity, oe Kansas, , a : ‘AaureHos,. Kansas) Ne Ay. "know Sono Deople who work herd end ett] i # a § iu g 5 z if get then, the PeEs group who are holding the fort teaching, and our summer recreation course — y say it is the talk of the town and, really, than evers Tuesday night we had a no mush, and the aggregate mmbored the Union Ballroom, which has just been re= & juvenile mob because it will be mostly jitterbug. twolve~picee band, and laving a special cooling systen mat is portables It is big enough for a pool hall, but “not Inow wha what @ pool hall is—well, a billiard parlor sold two of them to billiard parlors around here, so wo 4 perecmniity an the, used the novoneary sales resistance end got an Se eee ae one for this frenzied festivity. We can work out sanething ii-i'er next year when it is excessively warm we will have the street dance—betwoon the anntay building ahd the quadrangle, the short ctrest tat aoa. We will _ Play the weather on a hit and rum Sasite “ cee nares a vei Saas E A : : g Dre Elbel and I rae = if Hg thi He £ 2 We had quite a lengthy letter fran Tiisabeth wadurdy and ee eis as ds Ls ee on this side wale GR good to loaf and-do ine 7 Sad: this eenetine suis pnieel Midis nik tite: etemntaticn 4 chang@e Ty, what yegion of the UsSeh» do you expect to give the follsaa break? I am hoping tet it is better and a more lucrative position than the one you now have, Well, in fact, I know that would be the case, olsé you would not make a moves I would appreciate your letting me know at the earliest possible moment when and if you decides We are having quite : good suscess in placing our teachers but you low everyone we place mikes thet much happlere Won't you write me confidentially? I assure Peer Your tana seek then te dies ok aed isin Seals 9 ii Nady Waste LinlinAa, ech wittrtenoiay whan ear dckeek te ce soutien T leave immediately for Austin, Texas where I am to teach a aa wei O31 be vending your way back Kansnawasd if you inagine expect to tonch in our Somumenlth anothsr yours és ae my el: ‘os ins Meads “eat Sea” In very reli that the MeYele » have some of our star students i on sure that they will have a pretty good ides of our materiale | With all good wishes, I am, : ape ‘DMireotor of Physical sina and _— Varsity Basketball Caache Sloatsburg, New York July 16, 1940 Dear Dr. Allen, | Gamp is just as interesting if not more So than last year. Two weeks have passed by so quickly, I've hardly gotten started. I'm bakin Erowiene: in Phys. Ed. under Dr. Lloyd. It BRePs me wondering ghore I am mas) of -%) the time. Tim also taking a course in Safety. Brouceanves® it isn't so interesting but is required so I gaess L better take it and keep seem: I received my. Intersession gfades last week and found . that aii. of my*efforts. weren't wasted after all. The ase points of A look all right on my Poaneariou Tod, admit I had to work for it but what do we get this day a age that we don't work for? Tennis, badminton, ping-pong, swimming, canoeing, seatiae. and dancing furnish plenty of exercise for a in camp. Occasionally I study. This is” just like a vacation after being in New York City for a month slaving on those education courses. “ Alice Paden is my room mate here in camp. She's enjoying the six point Principles course under Dr. Nash tthat TE sae last. summer. Dr. Nash is one grand fellow. Re had a Letter from Elizabeth D. MacCurdy today. Leigh is at a camp somewhere this month so Eliz. is a widow. I tried to get her to come out and visit camp but she sens to he too busy. I hope to get in to see her before I go home. Is Catherine going to take the jop at KU? I'm sure she would be a fine one to have it. J am contemplating a change and in case I do ta ke another jeb T'11 let you know; perhaps you could place another KU graduate in my placé. | ? itts nearly time to go to class so I#ll bring this to a close. Give my regards to the people around the gym. In case any of you are traveling in the east ‘before Auge 9,. be ‘sure to ‘stop a a camp and enjoy one (or more ) of our good meals ona. experience ‘the congental Sie sues that prevails here at all times. I really think every Phys. Fd. person should at some time visit this place ee and I get no commission either. Must go to class. , as ever Gab Bu ef benetibang a de na er: 7 Bay Sects af Amectiony Land Banke Bui a Kansas City, Mlesouris ly dear Koes oe cuit came tine agp 1 out out © cltoning tran te Kansas City Tames es in which you were signally honored @s being one of the three distinguished citizens in Yenses City, Missourie I expected at that time to write imal aiid Sd thls saasien- amie hoon but I still have that promise of buying that dimer or luncheon definitely in mind, and I will surprise you sme day this sumer or fell, I hope. I have a coaching school down in Texas, and go to Topelm, Kansas, later in the sumer for a coaching school, but I have not forgotten : SS you paid our National Association of Basketball Coaches and with what enthusiasn it was re~ eciveds With all good wishes, en | Very Sincerely yours, 7 aa Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FOAsAH Varsity Basketball Coach. Pedic this does not require a replys eee oem ath Gu ee Pe dey Neh oh ahi a + Rome ead ohh S Mee Cre a Rerenbre WL nnn Q a ae nee Ne ee os ee aoa Nene = anf See Ae S eyed ch _ Sa of Lice rember 9 tk er ee eee a Kian’ eee Demera —aver thu Be woh. san eee d a ee ey oo, 4 6 ee. od Yona, ont bod ae tn Kok Oey , Wik, co a ee = < —— ete on fe SEAR pe Re meen Tate, opt how Page = AE ae oe a ty ark Saat, ee eee Se abet oe a ee a \. WL. er ey ay ee | Reneendhy Ure - ie b | ‘Thank you for your kindness in writing me as of July 10the la ‘Bowles told me nothing at all about your collecting the Longine Wateh Company bille He gave me the Longine name slong with the others but he did not tell me whom we were to contact to collect the money or igen bores It was only when I paid him 25% in cash of all “tising he solicited that he told me about Longines ee : Wink i. ids Welthe wa east ak ee ok ns we es seo at Converse, or whom we should eontact? This also applies to Beacon Falls and lashbilt. i imgine you contacted Schabinger, bub we have no — Se ee ee ee Some ee tea ante _must rn in to xanme City in the next fom doys and gee Doves wiing these Kansas City accounts that it is alleged he svide bee ‘Iave hood on oom ef tun and ho ine not oolleotel fron thats 90 T ae CREE WEEE We have an opporteed ty So get out even. | We heave not, at this date, received the copies of the pro roms _ _ ‘that you were mailing under separate covers ica tee sce. chikh ten shiw tipnin bu Sens watinuee eee ab thames eee - but 1f you will be kind enough to send us the infomation we have asked | for we wERL eppreciate 4%, ani if we Ens} we will onl) on you sgning I em not sure that I will have comections with the next programe | ee ee | Very cordially Ouray . \ Director af Riysteal nfuoation and Reareation, ioe ed artic capers a . ts sn ir alain de eaiink