Lawrence, Kansas - November 16, 1958 : Myre He Ge 8 | ‘t+ of Physical Education, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohioe Tear Ole: I will answer your letter by asidng you sao questions that are not clear to mee . First, I tale 4¢ that only colleges will be eligible for seleetion who are abiding by the freshman rules Is this true? In> the administration of this problem we will have teams who play freshmen, but the personnel of this particular team might happen . to be all juniors. This sitwmtion would still bring them wder the three-year college rule. In other words, the fact that there are only juniors would allow then to participate men who have only com» peted for three yearss : | , dnd again, the foursyear college my have some fellows who have competed only three years, but wmiless there is some sort of a check up many of these small colleges will play their four year, raising a very undesirable situations. How are you planning to handle that? It seens to me that about the only way you can handle it satisfactorily would be to-climinate the teams that do not observe ) the freshman rule. Perhaps this has been done, but you state in your j mimeographed sheet that "such king as has been dene up to the 3 present time with respect to the ".CeAsAs Basketball Championship Poursanent hae boon thong Shave incse* mf ee aking Ch Soper Peraceniiy, I am tert 00 nude Wisther the adeiuisteation along detain for the popie to shook oty eopeoteliy cine you nin te, details for the at, especially since you make the selection arbitrari “én the’ basis of.récord, and perhaps personal observati one wiles Certainly I would say that any committee member that had his team in. the rumning should automatically disqualify himself and appoint someone else in his place. This is the procedure that the jurists and the legal profession have traditionally adopted Ce 59 ee ee Senet ye ee Now, let*s talk ahout this outstanding newspaper mene The one outstanding newspaper man in this vicinity is Clyde E, lMcBride. He is a writer of clean sport, a colloge man, and a mean with high ideals both as a newspaper man and as a sportemne Doubtless you will remember that C, EB, McBride did not sponsor but he was friendly _ dndeed to the Netional A.AcU. which was held under such ‘@uspicious circumstances for a mmber of yearse It was his support that really put that tournament over. Then when the National AAU. Tournament went to Denver, this National Collegiate Tournament wder the straw-bossing of Enil Liston of Baker University, endeavored to promote this tournament in the new auditoriwm in Convention Hall in Kenses City. The difficulty wes that cnly amall teams were obtdinede But Liston set up a beard over the scoumtry including John Bum of Stanford, Dutch Lonborg of Northwestern, Adolph of Kentucky, and other men who had basketball reputetions over country of course, none of these men breught teams, but they used that persomel to boost the prestige of this so-called National Collegiate groupe How, Ole, I am ina dilemm end I em turning to you for ad vice. Of course the locetion of where to expect to have this. tournament would have much te do with the selection of the news- paper mate You have talked te the NeCeAsA. powers that be, and I ne. ee locetion of the tournament, east or woste I will say that I think your set up of assembling the first, second, third and fourth teams, and the Mfth, sixth, seventh and eighth teame in groups is much better than the original plan of having the first and second pley, third and fourth, fifth and sixth, seventh and eighth. That feature would entail too much time amy fran school and would be subject to much criticism. You, as chairmen of the NeGeheis Basketball Tournament Committee, should have a fairly good idea of where you think the tourmment would pare I kmow Kansas City is one of the best baskettell centers of . the United States, but without Mr. McBride boosting for this tourna= ment there would be no use in trying it in Kansas Citye Likewise, Des Moimes is a good town if Drake is in the tournament. It doesn't matter whether Kansas, Misscuri, OMahoma, Nebraskan or anyone else is in the tournament here in Kansas Citye The Oklehom. Aggies have good teams and would draw just as well in Kansas City as any other teame Gains Olky in © fens teabsateadd doun, but 44 vnchd tale Ga Be McBride on your side to succeed theree And, Ole, the fine thing about lite McBride is that he doesn't want a lot of kow-towing to hime He is just the type of fellow that will boost a project if it is on the up and up and he is the type of fellow that doesn't ‘take his cut as so many of these newspaper men doe He is one of the Jaree stockholders in the Kansas City Star and his dividends py many times more than his salary check does. I would like some guidance from you on the persomel of the committee. I will not discuss thie mtter with any individmls wrtil I have heard from you, as I very much desire the benefit of oe ee a, ee ee ee ee Oe ee Ee TeCadehe districtes With all good wishes, I an Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Yarsity Basketball Coachs FOAsAH Cheaimmn, Sth District, UeCeaAwle a¥ iA iinet ieeeeieemciaiicibiiiileeiaeaiiiaiaal ee ee ee ee ee BAe FR at PEA AS OXY st pe Te aU Feet, SF ey Sues ote etme Cpr hn Meet Pete ip kn sk RRs Salle Pee AS SNe Dey a ee > a ars rey, AST pity! Sak PUM 7 si So ee Parnes pet ch ae 4 THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY COLUMBUS DEPARTMENT OF Puysitcat EDUCATION | L. W. Sr. Joun, Director November 7 3 1938 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear “Phog"s I am enclosing a brief outline of tournament plans.Would you please give me the benefit of your observation regarding the same? I should like to have youact as chairman of the selection committee of N.C.A.A, district #5 and would like to have you select two other members to serve with youe Your committee, of course, would be charged with the selection of the team to represent district #5 in the play-offs and, as I indicated in the sheet which I am enclosing,- it seems to me that wherever possible we ought to make the selection arbitrarily on the basis of record and, perhaps, personal observation. If it should come down to the point where some member of your committee, like yourself, is vitally concerned in this selection, then it would seem that he should step aside and ask somebody to serve in his lace. Suppose, for example, that Kansas was the best team in district is, It would not look so good to have "Phog Allen and Company" selecting the Kansas team to represent the district. I am sure you get what I mean. But, seriously, we need your help in district #5. You did a swell job = I should say the finest job ~- in the Olympic set-up of 1936 and everybody that I have talked to have agreed that you are the one that should head up this committee in your district. If I may make a suggestion regarding the other two men = first of all, select somebody whom you know will work at the job, someone who is vitally interested in basketball and who has some standing in the basket- ball world so that when your selection is made it will have a really fine chance of meeting with general approval. I know that in some of the other districts the chairmen are going to put on their committee one outstanding newspaper man. I see no objection to this procedure and I see a good many things in favor of using this means of getting favorable reaction by the press toward this basketball tournament. If you do select a newspaper man, then it would seem to me that the other man surely should be an N.C.A.A. man, not necessarily a coache Perhaps you ought to take into accowmt too the geography of district #5. Just as soon as you have selected the other two men to serve with you on the committee, will you please wire me their names and addresses? I would prefer to release the publicity as to our committees from here when we get all the selections ine I will certainly be looking forward to hearing that you will agree to serve as chairman and I very much hope that you can F.CeAe #2 November 7, 1938 select your committee men very soon, because the earlier we get started the better our chance of doing a good job. With kindest regards. Very sincerely yours, H. G-' Olsen ' Chairman, N.C.A.A. Basketball HGO:M Tournement Committee Enc. ee, NeCeAeAs BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT Such thinking as has boon done up to the present time with respect to the NeCeAeA. Basketball Championship Tournament has beon along these lines. 1, There should be a selection committec appointed in cach N.CeAcAe Gistrict. This committeo would be charged with tho responsi= bility of selecting the bost N.CeA,A. toam in that district. It soems that wherever possible this selection should be made arbitrarily withe out any playoffs. 2, Whon the tcams to represent ona district havo been selectod, the teams representing tho four districts East of the Mississippi River, that is, districts 1, 2, 3 and 4, will get together at somo desirable point to play a four team straight climination tournament to decide the toam which will go into the finals to moot a toam similarly selected from the four districts West of the Mississippi. These two tcams would play a final game for the NeC.AeA» Basketball Championship of America at a place to be selocted lator. The reason for such a curtailed program is to keep at a minimum the objections which will always be raised to any postseason play by individual schools or conferences. The plan bricfly outlined above, it is felt, comes closest to eliminating such objections as time away from school, otce, and can be carried out with a minimum of travel expenses February 1, 1959¢ Mate He Ge Olsen, ; Ohio State University, . on _- \elmowilledging your circular letter of Jameary 26 regarding the possible date for the play-off as of March 27 at the Chicago Col it seems to me thet the only fair thing to do would be not to play the game a day before March 27e 1% Ss rather unfertumte that the | ‘Const " gdded times ‘Then the national championship, if it is to be played, should be played under the fairest possible conditions that can be obtained. : : aE RE TEE Fe RS SE MEINE a TR PRET RE Spe RN et RR THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Grorce W. Ricurmire, President DEPARTMENT OF PuysicaL EDUCATION COLUMBUS L. W. Sr: Joun, Director ¢ <2 ‘ i eels J January 26, 1939 He Hs Salmon Dr FF. GC. Allen John Bunn We. S. Chandler Gentlemens After releasing the publicity regarding the dates and — for the Eastern and Western playeoffs, and the final game in Chicago, i received a wire from Bill Chandler which reads as follows: "COLISEUM CHICAGO AVAILABLE MARCH 27. CC DATES 13,000. REASONABLE RENT. GOL ISNUN ERERESERTATIVE WILL PHONE OU mODAY, OTHERe WISE PLACES AND DATES SATISPACTORY.* is wahiaihs Sie + eenine binds tins tea tion representative, but I thought I would write you men immediately to Pinal. gane in Chicago, Provided the coliseum (I supyose BLll moss final geme provided the Coliseum (I suppese Bill means ws Chieage Stadium) is available and at reasonable terms. rn in thiviking about the date, that if we were play on March 27, rather than on March 25, that the winner of the : ayeort be in a little better condition for the game than if we go ahead as originally planned on the 25th. By making the best possible train connections they will not be able to arrive in Chicago umtil the evening of March 24. Balancing this favorable slant, however, is the thought that perhaps if we play on Monday, it means additional days = school, not only for the Western repre= s. 2 astie | Hi 3 I wish you nen would think about this problen and give ne : the earliest possible moment. As it stands now, we have announced March 25 at the Hovtiatetora University Gymnasium and tap ai is tee ee ia Gide Wink GF Sones eaebd tube ie tite eaneuseea ia oe the standpoint of prominence and finances. I will bo waiting to hear from yous Very sincerely yours, He. Gs Olsen , Chairman, N.C.A.A. Basketball HGOsM qownament Committee ans ARRANGE A CAGE MEET DRAKE AND. OKLAHOMA. A.-M. START PLAY-OFF MONDAY. Winner of Contest in Oklahoma City Will Clash With Sooners Tuesday to Decide Fifth District Represéntative. (By the Associated Press.) OKLAHOMA CirTy, March . 8.—Bas- ketball teams of the University of Oklahoma, Drake university and Oklahoma A. and M. college will stage a 3-way argument here Mon- day and Tuesday nights to decide which will represent the fifth district in the N. C. A. A. western play-off in San Francisco, March 20 and 21. A committee headed by Dr. Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas coach, selected the three teams, along with the University of Missouri, which tied Oklahoma for the Big Six con- ference championship. But - Mis- souri rejected the offer on the ground it would keep players away from the classroom too long. 4 DRAKE VS AGGIES IN OPENER. Allen conferred with tournament, officials and coaches of the two Oklahoma schools here today. As’ soon as final word was received that. Drake’s team would be here for the play-off, the schedule drawn up by the district committee in Kansas City yesterday was given final ap- -proval. Drake and the Oklahoma Aggies, who finished the Missouri Valley conference race in a dead heat, will meet in the first game Monday night, with the winners facing the Sooners the following night. The Aggies split even in two games with each of the other two teams during the regular season, winning on their home court and losing at Norman and Des Moines. | The Sooners and Drake have not Mew c The games will be played in the municipal auditorium which is not equipped for basketball but will have a seating capacity of more than 5,000 after a playing floor and goals are. installed. TO USE O. U. GOALS, Allen and Coaches Henry Iba of the Aggies and Bruce Drake of the Sooners completed all arrangements today, even to measuring the audi- torium floor for a playing court... Portable goals will be brought from | the University of Oklahoma field-— house in Norman. The winner of the play-off here will go into the San Francisco play- off with the other three western dis- trict winners, while winners of the four eastern districts will meet in Philadelphia, March :17 and 18, Winners in San Francisco and Phila- delphia then will clash in Chicago, March 25, for the national intercol-- legiate championship, NorMAN, Ox., March 8.—Dr. W. B. Bizzell, president of the University of Oklahoma today gave the Univer- sity of Oklahoma basketball team permission to go to San Francisco and play in the National Collegiate tournament provided the Sooners, defeat the winner of the Drake- | Oklahoma Aggie game in Oklahoma | ‘ity Monday. DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND ATHLETICS J. C. Truesdale G. H. Lookabaugh G. Lester Duke GRINNELL COLLEGE, GRINNELL, [OWA John Scholte Nollen, President March 6, 1959 De, Fo Cy Alton Hotel Continental Kansas vity, Missouri Dear "Doc"; I am writing this following our phone conversation of this date to set before you the desires of the teams I represent in the proposed NCAA playoff. 1. Se Oe CO. Drake and the Aggies are agreed that a #@-team or a 4-team playeoff is best, subject to the outcome of the 2 Monday night games. They both expect to attend, but such participation is subject to the formality of Conference and Faculty approval, (both of which should be mere formalities). They will abide by the Committee's best judgement as to place, although Williams said Drake would have their field house full of boys and girls H. S. tournaments the next 2 week-ends; and the Ageies talked of a $6000 gross at their new place. The Valley delegation wants to make the NCAA angle big and consequently we wonder whether a Monday - Tuesday session at K. C. might seem like a minor spot for the NCAA play-off. Your answer to that was to the effect that proper buildup would make it prominent enough. that's a good point and I am sure it could be done alright. We understand that the reason for the NCAA going into this 1s to keep the profits in the NCAA and with the competing teams, rather than having private promoters make the profit. Neither brake nor the Aggies care to svend their own money for this purpose, consequently they expect their expenses to be taken care of out of proceeds and also a pro-rata share of any profit, along with the NCAA. Doubtless OU amd MU would take the same stand. Also, doubtless that is the expectation of our Committee and of the NCAA. Would it be proper for the two conferences invloved to cut in there too. ‘Due toa heavy class schedule I ought not to travel to Kansas City for a committee meeting on Tuesday. Any other day would not offer the same objection. However, 1 am expecting to get down for the play-offs especially if they are held in connection with the Collegiate tournament in KC. 7,. Because of the necessity for speed in this matter I heave undertaken to deal by long distance. If possible I think we each should be reimbursed for such expenses end for whatever travel or other promotional expense the Committee or its members incur. F. CG. Allen 2 i see no reason why the balance of the Committee should not be able to transact the busbhess of the Committee without me, especially in view of the points I have set forth here. But if necessity should arise I shall be here in town all day Tuesday and could be reached by phone. The Valley Conference might be jealous of the interests of it's teams and therefore might expect it's representative to attend all meetings, but I am sure whatever you decide will be for the best interests of basketball and of the NCAA and that lL would subscribe also, I would be very glad if you should decide that the Committee should be called together at the time of the play- off for the purpose of running matters, and you may be sure I would do my part on any assignment you see fit to make for me. With kindest regards, I am ally yours Jo¥n C. Truesdale ia bal ba tit ‘ly 1 i nt i [ : ria i bys i eae yl ‘i al re i ‘ rt 4 ap is ae | ny i mal bess = iF itis Nei nly Pi iy 1 tus q@ 4 ia i a ate that ra 2 ih it it q aa3 HE a | a i | Be i ' i TH Hit: Ha Hh Ht ii: Hl : thre § igs = eee ee S Rapgeioe: oe Se SRS ee re el Ni; a ad tapay bray pee :f rll : ui ie i : i 3 nalts . ie 4 al me tiaeh 20, mannan Coumnent Cont toss a TRACE, WeCshalle Mite He Oe i stedfe Stang’ si re iN ti ‘4 A al He ie qi iN re pil ran nif i i a ‘fit inltl ate ff ce Wg ‘is Hi Hit ts ait iit st Ha illonall 4 diy ER ii He i lt i , | ctl i ii et lip cs. ie abstattis mt Fi i i Wis | of i i Hf ae Hie let te ii 8 ‘| Nye ia | i Tate | lt itiiks | iif od lawrence, Kensas March 10, 1959 lire Honry Tha, Director of athletics, Oklahoma Ae and Me College, Stillvater, Oklahanae Dear Honrys | ) {es ealosing aaron cowy of ny Lettor to Mite He Ge Olsen so that you will see I an — to do everything I can to answer the questions that oo Wednesday mornings I aeaure you Ian desirous of being cooperative to the nth degroce = Very sincerely yours, FCAsAH Chairmen, Sth District, NeCobsAe ENCe | I assure you I am desirous of being cooperative to the degrees | ak Very sincerely yours, FCAsAH : Chairman, Sth Distriat, NeCelAe Merch 16, 1959e cande. Aaden 88 alilh : i nil hi a i Pa ae i: i - int q LE a3 t i H. ns gor a ie if? z Iai oa" 1 jit: rani a Hibs vila fi i a Mai pis Bil HY 383 | re re seiay vii if } He i Het (i Hp i Mead aii] i ) H | aus y ebee? 23 fi a grat i if lantd i nie Hue Be I am going to leave Friday night for San Francisco, arriving there Suntay moming. I will have to hurry out after tea eee you in Chicago. With at] good wlates and with Hniort person roca I em | Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCAsAH | Varsity Basketball Coache : oS a 4 ip it itt Gee fiers ef ay a: q Ba as ai Ji pai “u rf ahd A yf : fad : ue ib ty iy ite Ati 4 aH Gl tot iy | at | + a tae mi H aa 1H 8 : fog « ei % ii g pie 4 beae 2 i £3 tk Whi ; fin i) | Hae a 4 B Monday afternoon --= -Prof. Davis received a wire from Dre Bergman s giving approval for Big Six - ees in the ti = NCAA basketball townanent. THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE 4990-8 ee ’ E S l E RN ee ¥ DL = Day Letter This is a full-rate , NM = Night Message felegram or Cable- NL = Night Letter gram unless its de- (5 ferred character is in- 2O } Sa a dicated by a suitable sign above or preced- NLT = Cable Night Letter J. C. WILLEVER x Ship Radiogram é ing the address. R. B. WHITE NEWCOMB CARLTON : FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT PRESIDENT CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD filing time as shown in the date line on full-rate telegrams and day letters, and the time of receipt at destination as shown on all messages, is STANDARD TIME. es 939 JAN 25 PM 4 52 KAH3 68 DL=COLUMBUS OHIO 25 431P _ DR FORREST C ALLEN= -UNIVERSITY OF UNIVERSITY OF 18TH WESTERN PLAYOFF RANCISCO 21ST FINAL GAME FOR NCAA ASITUM i i CO OUT AT ONCE SO IF STERN UNIVERSITY GYMNA D 5 OE a BG E MENT PLEADE oF fats hoe or. tas ERS OTHERWI OE ND PLACES= 1 , a THE QUICKEST, SUREST AND SAFEST WAY TO SEND MONEY IS BY TELEGRAPH OR CABLE STANFORD UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF THE DEAN OF MEN STANFORD UNIVERSITY, CALIFORNIA January 27, 1939 Dr. F.C. Alien Director of Physical Education University of Sansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allens This will acknowledge your letter of Janu- ary 21. We here on the Coast are faced with the same problem in connection with the selection of our 8th District representative that you have proposed in your letter. We plan to follow very much the same schedule as you suggest. We have tentatively set up an elimina- tion tournament for March 10 and 11. If this tournament is necessary then the winner will play the Pacific Coast Conference champion to determine the 8th District repre- sentative in the western play-off. e It is my understanding that each district is privileged to formulate and carry out itsown plans for choosing a district representative. I appreciate the fact that the date of our play-off out here is a little late but in view of the fact that the Pacific Coast Conference championship games will be played on March 10, 11, and 13 it is absolutely impossible, if the 8th District is to be represented in the western play- off, for us to set an earlier date than March 20 and él. I appreciate very much your co-operation in connection with publicity material. I shall look forward to periodical outbursts from you. With best wishes for your season, I am 3 Very cordially,yours, J THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY COLUMBUS DEPARTMENT OF PuysIcaAL EDUCATION L. W. St. Joun, Director : February 1, 1939 University of Kansas - ee Q Lawrence, Kansas yr ae Dear “Phog": I am enclosing copy of the first information which we are sending out in regard to the tournament. If you have any suggestions, I hope you will forward them on to me. wr eget ene SES ts sisi Mea eee aes LS Es Gates ee Bie ter nt Bae hess aaa sptak Mactan Sek ee NS ee ree I, too, had my doubts about the advisability of March 20821 for the playeoff dates in San Francisco, but I am assured by John Bunn that the winning team from there can be in Chicago on the evening of March 24 by using the Deluxe service from San Francisco. Under the circumstances, I bee lieve there is nothing for us to do except to use those dates. Bunn, and I assume President Owens, seem to feel that to do so would be o.k. ian ene eye parcel ss hte aie You will note that in this letter to the committee men, I am trying to suggest that they stress the idea that this is a N.c.A.A. Championship and doesn't pretend to be. the "National Intercollegiate Championship" sponsored by the NeCeoAsAe he pode Ue ba A Pe Ses tii ot acre a Bete At I feel we are getting a fine response generally,in respect to this tournament,throughout the coumtry and am very a hopeful of it being a huge success. I deeply appreciate every= ee thing you are doing and I heartily concur in your idea that is you write the people in your section giving them the straight dope on this tournament. Very sincerely yours, % Ce fa He Ge Olsen Chairman, N.c.A.A. Basketball HGO:M Tournament Conmittee Ence February 8, 1939. on the al hin f o i Hn i i ae oa my i ie da de Eg BB 3 : ee Te a rit ‘i fee el ae Ha i Hob i