Lawrence, Kansas - November 16, 1958 : Myre He Ge 8 | ‘t+ of Physical Education, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohioe Tear Ole: I will answer your letter by asidng you sao questions that are not clear to mee . First, I tale 4¢ that only colleges will be eligible for seleetion who are abiding by the freshman rules Is this true? In> the administration of this problem we will have teams who play freshmen, but the personnel of this particular team might happen . to be all juniors. This sitwmtion would still bring them wder the three-year college rule. In other words, the fact that there are only juniors would allow then to participate men who have only com» peted for three yearss : | , dnd again, the foursyear college my have some fellows who have competed only three years, but wmiless there is some sort of a check up many of these small colleges will play their four year, raising a very undesirable situations. How are you planning to handle that? It seens to me that about the only way you can handle it satisfactorily would be to-climinate the teams that do not observe ) the freshman rule. Perhaps this has been done, but you state in your j mimeographed sheet that "such king as has been dene up to the 3 present time with respect to the ".CeAsAs Basketball Championship Poursanent hae boon thong Shave incse* mf ee aking Ch Soper Peraceniiy, I am tert 00 nude Wisther the adeiuisteation along detain for the popie to shook oty eopeoteliy cine you nin te, details for the at, especially since you make the selection arbitrari “én the’ basis of.récord, and perhaps personal observati one