b | ‘Thank you for your kindness in writing me as of July 10the la ‘Bowles told me nothing at all about your collecting the Longine Wateh Company bille He gave me the Longine name slong with the others but he did not tell me whom we were to contact to collect the money or igen bores It was only when I paid him 25% in cash of all “tising he solicited that he told me about Longines ee : Wink i. ids Welthe wa east ak ee ok ns we es seo at Converse, or whom we should eontact? This also applies to Beacon Falls and lashbilt. i imgine you contacted Schabinger, bub we have no — Se ee ee ee Some ee tea ante _must rn in to xanme City in the next fom doys and gee Doves wiing these Kansas City accounts that it is alleged he svide bee ‘Iave hood on oom ef tun and ho ine not oolleotel fron thats 90 T ae CREE WEEE We have an opporteed ty So get out even. | We heave not, at this date, received the copies of the pro roms _ _ ‘that you were mailing under separate covers ica tee sce. chikh ten shiw tipnin bu Sens watinuee eee ab thames eee - but 1f you will be kind enough to send us the infomation we have asked | for we wERL eppreciate 4%, ani if we Ens} we will onl) on you sgning I em not sure that I will have comections with the next programe | ee ee | Very cordially Ouray . \ Director af Riysteal nfuoation and Reareation, ioe ed artic capers a