FeCohe up May 4, 1938 JeWeBe : Basketball Tournament set-up for 1939, which, as I understand it, briefly, was that we were to have a representative from each of the NeCeAA. districts, selected either arbitrarily by a selection committee or in some other manners Then the four teams representing the district East of the Mississippi would have a four team tourna= ment and the four districts West of the Mississippi would also hold a four team tournament = the wimer to play a final game for the National Collegiate title. That was the proposal as we have talked about it = John Bunn and some of the rest of them at Chicagoe We thought this was a plan that might possibly get by the objections which some of the conferences, such as the Big Ten, the Big Six, etce, would have to an extended posteseason basketball playe Another matter =— it seems to me that the committee which we should ask the NeCeAsAe to appoint, should have a fairly large membership and my thought was that if our committee of three, plus a representative from each of the eight NeC.A.A. districts were ape pointed that that would be about the right size. In talking the matter over with Chandler, his idea was briefly thiss District #8 Someone who John could suggest, perhaps Fred Bohlers , District - Le Mahony, University of Denver District # Ste Clair, Southern Methodist District = Geode Edwards, University of Missouri Di strict - We Se Chandler, Marquette Unive District 775 = Parker, Centenary College (now a member of the Rules Committee) District #2 = Possibly He Jemison Swarts of Pennsylvania, | or perhaps the coach at Temple, or maybe the coach at New York Universitye District #1 © Wes Fesler, Harvard (his contact and cone nections with Bill Binghem, who is a power in the NeCeAeAe, might be of considerable valuee) I wish you would write me at yow earliest opportunity, telling me whether you think the idea of the tournament for 1939, @s expressed above is oeke to present to the NeCeMeAe Also, whether you think this idea of a committee as suggested is oeke If either of these suggestions have any “bugs" in them, I would like to have you say So0e At any rate, we ought to agree, as a committee, at the earliest possible time, so as to get our proposal definitely before the NeCeAeAe Very sincerely yours, a x He Ge Olsen HGO:sM Basketball Coach