INTERCOLLEGIATE BASKETBALL Official Publication VOL. | NOVEMBER, 1939 ; BALDWIN, KANSAS National Association of |NTERGOLLEGIATE BASKETBALL E. S. LISTON —Acting Executive Secretary — Baldwin, Kans, INCEPTION AND PURPOSE... The National Association of Intercollegiate Basketball had its actual beginning March 15, 1939, in Kansas City, Missouri. It was the unanimous opinion of a group of repre- sentatives from thirty-five different colleges and universities from twenty-one different states that such an organization, with its chief objectives, activities for the best inter- est of intercollegiate basketball was advisable, in fact needed. Plans were immedi- ately set up to perfect such an organization. _ This. action was not taken hastily; practically two years had been devoted to study and informal discussions by groups who met at the time of the National Intercollegiate Tour- nament in Kansas City and elsewhere. While the National Intercollegiate Basketball Championship Tournament was perhaps the chief factor in arousing interest in the for- mation of the Association, tentative plans call for a far greater program. The commit- tee on objectives lists the following: A. Working toward a more uniform players’ eligibility code. - A professional publication devoted to basketball. Schools and clinics to bring about more uniform officiating. More uniform game equipment such as: balls, baskets, and backstops. moo A central office through which aid may be given in arranging intersectional games and trips. THE FIRST CONVENTION »oich bus been termed, Organization Convention, will be held in Kansas City, March 9, 10, 11, 1940. The Association has a democratic foundation. It has adopted as a fundamental mem- bership requirement that a college or university (except colored) must be one of stan- dard rank, having four years academic work fully accredited by standardizing agencies and recognized graduate universities. — —~ The Association is under the control of a Board of Management, made up of the chair- - men of the thirty-two districts. This personnel consists of athletic directors; basketball . coaches; graduate managers, representing state universities; state colleges; normal uni- versities; and privately endowed universities and colleges. No athletic code of eligibility is required for membership; this being left to the gov- erning bodies of athletics within the member college or university. The membership fee is $10.00 a year, payable before December 1, 1939. Members have full privilege of participating in the activities of the Association, as well as entrance in the qualifying tournaments; or in the final Championship Tournament, subject to the plans of the District Committee, without the payment of entry fees. A $25.00 entry fee is required for non-members of the National Association of Inter- collegiate Basketball to enter qualifying tournaments or the Championship Tournament. Non-member entries must meet the academic requirements for membership and be ap- proved by the District Committee. Members are allowed one vote on matters coming before the Organization Convention. More than one delegate (certified) representing each member of ‘the Association, may attend convention meetings.