Decenber 6, 1938. Mite He Ge Ohie State University, Columbus, Ohids Dear Ole: | ; 4s I told you yesterday, the members of my comalttee are Cy» Ee lebride, George Edwards and John Ce. | 1» coach and athletic director at Grimell College. I am also working | With lire Goldman, of the Municipal Auditerim, trying to get Tt wes a Herculean task in that Mre NeBrido ws not hard to sell, but that he had other friends thet he wanted to helpe lie ws wonderful and I think AS think that it was somd adninistratively to mame only 5 s 3 F not Six men on the scomittee. George Edwards and I both being the Rig Six, we felt that a representative of the Iissow Valley Conference should also be on the camittecs As you imow, the IBissourt Valley Conference is made up of the following schools: : N Dec. 7. 1938 Clyde E, McBride Sports Editor, The Ster Kansas City, Missouri Dear Mr, MeBride: We coaches of the Missouri Valley Conference very much want to see Kansas City remain and continue to develop as the basketball center of the United States, A Contribution to this end would be in securing the National Collegiate Sasketball Tournament for Kansas City. After full deliberation we feel that ym are most suit- ed to represent the interests of this district on the pro- motional Committee for this tournament. The regard for your ability 1s so wide spread that there is no question of secur~- ing the tournament for Kansas City if you will agree to act on the Committee. May I urge that you accept such an appointment. Secure ing the Tournament for Kansas City will insure the National Basketball Coaches Convention nominating Kansas City as their place of meeting also. Cordially yours, Jonn C, Truesdale Director December 8, 1958. ‘Mrs Cy By MoBride, The Kansas City Stars! Kansas City, Moe Dear Macs I em enclosing another letter which has just cone in regard to your selection as a member of our committee. , I thought you might like to add this to your file. Then it comes to finesse, you are 8 past masters - Thank you for your generous friendships CRAY PRO Director of Physical Education, FOAsAH | Varsity Basketball Coach. | LSAT SRT SETAE NE Peo } S: IOWA STATE COLLEGE AMES, IOWA December 6, 19358. Dre Fe Ce Allen BaskeSball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doc: I understand that the National Collegiate Athletic Association has asked C. E. McBride to serve as a member of the Executive Committee of the Fifth District. I certainly hope that you cen persuade Mac to accept this appointment inasmuch as the National Collegiate play-offs of the Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh and Eighth Districts will be held in either Kansas City or Denver and Mr. Mc= Bride, as a member of this Committee, would undoubtedly be the influencing factor in swinging this tournament for Kansas City. With best wishes, I am Sincerely yours, (Signed} Louie Le Ee Menze, Basketball Coaches THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE 1201-S CLASS OF SERVICE SYMBOLS DL = Day Le This is a full-rate ie: 7 NM Se ae Telegram or Cable- peat i isa its de- NL = Night Letter err aracter is in- dicated by a suitable _LC = Deferred Cable symbol above or pre- NLT = Cable Night Letter ceding the address. R. B, WH NEWCOMB CARLTON J.C. WILLEVER Ship Radiogram Se CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT Ne ee aay The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is Stepan aa at pont Septpating_, ee pe Wi 54 Received at 646 Massachusetts St., Lawrence, Kansas. Phone 2764 KRIS 1S=COLUMBUS OHIO 13 1205? DR FOREST C ALLEN» DIRECTOR OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION= SUNITV OF KANSAS TOURNAMENT COMMITTEE ANNOUNCEMENT RELEASED FOR AFTERNOON PAPERS TOMORROW A P AND U P= HH G OLSEN. APU Pws \ THE QUICKEST, SUREST AND SAFEST WAY TO SEND MONEY IS BY TELEGRAPH OR CABLE Mre He Ge Olsen, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohiode When is press announcement to be made leds uleeiaes: tournament? Zz phoned you thinking matter urgenta_ People here pressing for statement,, but have refused feeling you would make exmouneeninbs“ Widorbtoad every was arranged except my committee. Now that this a settled is there any reason for further delay? tim <=" Forrest C. Allen. 0 THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY : COLUMBUS DEPARTMENT OF PuysicaL EpucATION Wo ST. , Director , L. W. Sr. Joun, Directo December 16, 1938 Dr. Forrest C, Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kensas Lawrence, Kensas Dear "Phog": President Owens of the N.C.A.A. has asked me to be present at the meeting of the N.C.A.A. Council on the evening of December 28 at the Sherman Hotel, Chicago, to make a brief report on the progress of our tournament committee. I am going to be on the West Coast at that time, but I wonder if by any chance you are going to be in Chicago at the meetings and if you are whether or not you would go to this meeting and give them as much informa- tion as we have at that time regarding the towmnament. Please give me your reply by air mail in care of the Hotel Edmond Meany, Seattle, Washington. I expect to be in Seattle from the morning of December 21 until 11:30 the night of December 23. Sincerely yours, pte“ He Ge Olsen Chairman, N.C.AsA.e Basketball HGO Mf Tournament Committee ATR MAIL December 19, 193686 Seerctary to Dre Fe Ce Allétis om 1 A Hee Ma eee Iniversity of Kansag Lawrence, Kana whe = The statement in the oe to the December Bulletin that the N.C. A.A. is conducting a basketball tournament in Kansas City on March 13-18 for the National Collegiate Championship is erroneous. The N.C. A. A. has no connection with the Kansas City tournament. The date and place of our tournament will be announced later. Frank W. Nicolson, December 19, 1938. Secretary. THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Grorce W. RicuTmirE, President DEPARTMENT OF PuysicaL EDUCATION L. W. St. Joun, Director COLUMBUS December 19, 1938 EMPORTANT NOTICE TO DISTRICT CHAIRMAN AND COMMITTES MEMBERS: Through some misunderstanding, Mr. Nicolson p ublished in the News Bulletin the erroneous statement that the NeCeAeAs Basketball Tournament would be held in Kansas City on March 13 to 18. I have no idea how he got this mixed up since you know as well as I that neither the dates or places have been settled on. Please do all you can to get this correction made in your district. Incidentally, I would be glad to have suggestions from you regarding dates and places for play-offs in your district, as well as a similar suggestion for time and place of the final play-off. Chairman, N.C.A.A. Basketball HGOsM Tournament Committee Bates rae PUREE Sy oy i= = ie. i ie ae e Eg as ea Ba ot a a ee Orgenigstions? I will need your 190 per cent sgocoperation _ you think pertinent in this ¢ anection, please do not , Janusry 13, 1939 Mr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas 4 Dear Mr. Allen: . The N.C,A. Basketbsil fournament Committee has eSieneted San Francisco as the plece for the off for distriets 6,6,7 and 8. This play- off tournament will be maneged by myself es chairman of the eighth district. he San Franc Seo Fair igs sponsoring the event. ‘They heave underwritten the full expenses for ali the teams which wili Compete in the tournament. In ‘ addition, fifty r cent of the net proeeads will acerue P to the account of the N.C.A.A, Pull details will be sent to you at a later dste, ; the tournament wes originelly scheduled for March 17 and '8, but because of comp ications, has been Shifted to the dates of March 20 and 21. Condueting the tournament on these dates, first of the Week, will neceg- Sitate, os to our estimate, one G@ ys less absence from s@hool fur the farthest travelling teams. For this reason I hardly feel that there can be any objection to D Sying at this time. These later dates however, are ’ subject to the &pprovali of the tournament committee, but = I anticipate no difficulty in this respect. a there is greet enthusiasm for this tournament here. A new pavilion is feing built on Pressure Island for Sports. This will hoid in exeess of twelve thousand Spectators. the newspapers are thoroughly behind the Whole plan. Ve gan depend on their Whole-hearted support. In cooperation with he publicity side of this project, Will you please send me each week news stories of the outstending teaxs in your districts, so that we may start from the very beginning of the season to build up interest in the popular entrants for this tournament and the person- Slities, coaches and payers sttached to these different if | am to furnish the aewspeapers with the desired publicity material, In addition, if there ere any news items which hesitate to send them a ong. It would seem to me that at ‘in the eres, followed , Fes on Neen achat ele A AMEE DES cine STGP at Mesa GALEN “4: ? 2 ' ‘uring Lawrence, Kansas January 16, 19359 Lite He Ge Olsen, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohios Dear Ole: Do you have any definite en se to the dates end place of the mational play-off? em not pressing the Kansas City claims at all. Also, I wonder if you could tip me off as to when end where the Fules Body will medt, end also the Coaches Association? I am trying to mke up my calendar for the spring, end would appreciate any information you can Give mes Sincerely yours, Chairman, Fifth Districte Jemary 21, 19596 vf i , il ie ar ghee 3 aH i ‘a rg 23 ss at i dd si La rl Han a3 gs g beh si § 23353 yours, Very i2th and Baltimore Aves, Ranses City, Missouris Deax Dumpys Your two letters of December 29 and Jammry 17 were duly received, and I contacted Ir. Malkenstien for the tickets for George, Ite ec ee difficulty in obtaining pimaeatin joer Died ob tereiee 00, hin t edd we answered sooner but which came during my absence in Texas with the basketbell team, wish to state that our National Collegiate playe off for the Fifth District (our om), Sixth (Southwestern), Seventh (Reeky Mountain), and Mighth (Pacific Coast), will be held at San. Francisco on March 20 and 21, The other tournament play-off will be held somewhere in the east. This takes care of Districts One, ‘Iwo, Three and Four. The winners of these two play-offs will play at a place to be decided upon ty the General ‘Cosmi tines | ie Ge Glsen is chaiman of tho General Camittee, and Jom Bum, of Stanford, and Jume Salmon, of New York City, and I are members of that committee, and will decide where the final play-eff is to be held. Olsen indicated to me thet Chicago was . | pretty strongly for it, and since Olsen is chairmen and a of the Big Ten Conference, frankly I think Chicago has a pretty good lead on ite That hasn't boen determined, however. So you have the information so far as i em adviseds You will understand, Dunpy, that this National Collegiate is a real mtional tournament sponsored by the N.C.AA,, and not ee group of individuals. Only wiversities and colleges thet recognize the threceyear eligibility rule and who are menbers ae of the National Collegiate can play in this tournament. Long Island University and schools like that do not hold membership. This natioml play-off of the NCAAs is exactly the same as the National Collegiate track meet which is held wder the euspices of the National Collegiate Association end their elig- ibility means exactly that. . With all good wishes, I an Yours in the bond, | . Director of Physical Education, FCAsAH see ‘Varsity Basketball Coachs ~ GEORGE BOWLES AND ASSOCIATES Advertising - Publicity - Radio Programs and Production SUITE 721 HOTEL PHILLIPS BUILDING ¥ KANSAS CITY, MO. December 29, 1958 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: Today in the Kansas City Journal sport page I noticed that both the National Collegiate Athletic Association, headed by you and Harold G. Olsen of Ohio State Uni- versity, and the National Intercollegiate Association will have national basketball tournaments in Kansas City. The staging of such a tournament for your group in Kansas City was brand-new news to mee I have not had the opportunity of telling you about my new organization, the advertising agency I opened three months ego, with offices in the Hotel Phillips. Howe ever this results from the fact that I have not had opportunity for a chat with you in some time, and also I have been so extremely busy that I have not had time to write personal letters to my friends. The Hotel Phillips is one of our accounts and naturally I am very interested in securing all possible business for this hotel. It seems to me that with the Kansas City Athletic Club no longer owning its building or hav- ing an interest in anything but the floors it occupies, that the past ties with university teams no longer exist. Certainly the Phillips can offer every facility for taking care of athletic teams that the Hotel Con- tinental can, and there is the added advantage that we are.a block closer to the Municipal Auditorium. Also I will commit myself by saying that I believe the food at the Phillips is unexcelled in Kansas City and certain- ly prices are lowers I would like to know, Phog, what assistance you can give me in interesting basketball tournaments coming to Kansas City in selecting the Hotel Phillips. I believe we can make an attractive rate--not any lower, but not in excess of those offered by any other first-string hotels. I will be gled to hear from you as soon as possible and will be deeply appreciative of any suggestions you can give me. With the best of regards, I am You in tft , GEORGE BOWLES AND ASSOCIATES George H. Bowles:be AeA aaNet Re Sm mee GEORGE BOWLES AND ASSOCIATES Dr. Phog Allen ? 2 12/29/38 P. S. There is a strong possibility that I will return to the air with a sport program in the very near future. When that happens you may be sure I will be more than glad to boost your basketball tournament. EKA2 liny 2%» 1958. THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Gerorce W. RicgutTmir:, President DEPARTMEN’*OF Puysicat EDUCATION L. W. Sr. Joun, Director COLUMBUS May 24, 1938 Weeds 2 May 24, 1988 Persomel] as follows: District 7-1 = Wesley Fesler, Harvard University “District +S ee oe De es ‘District i; 5 > cuthe Ramee » Comtemary College District @ We 3, Chandler, Marquette University District 75 = George Edwards, University of Missouri ‘District ; Ss Aaae thy Gadts, denteee woakeden District 77 = Ly Mahoney, Denver University District 76 = Je Fred Bohler, state College of Washington Our committee urges that the NeGeeds act on our proposal at its earliest convenience so that the plans et 1959 may be gotten under way vory soc. Couranenah ond Ciguyle Gomd vee of the National Association of Basketball coaches MA, Bho‘, Ge Olsen, Chairman HoOaM ohm Ny Daa Shs ies v CC-Dr. F.sCeAllen Jenuary 21, 1939. i ath Hin Ns ai, tute : Hi oe ea re al taht iff i. & il i ii: re it a ie ly bl iu en U3 AE Uy ip ai hia, i 4 ay i i B ii Hie Ros afi bi yy ga rai i! Hate | sf i i i Z ; _ ij i Het! tity Hh fs : sag d ay i at die Ge ; Staeh 1H ig Er i ® is this in conformity with your idea? Suppose our committee could not conséiously decide on a single entrant. Then would it be all right to pley a game in Convention Hall in Kansas City, or in some other city in which a fine following could be obtained? I am sure that we can make enough money from this play-off to pay the expenses of our group to Frisco. I will be happy to have your advice on this point. Very cordially yours, . Director of Edueation, FOAsAH Varsity 11 Coaches ~ e Ee UeBride is still on the west const, and I MeBride for that decision. I bout it, but it seems to me ‘to have made a decision so preemptor- too little sawumication between the men rary oares tiee COMPU GAT Ore Hane cesar eee aE peR eR S rere, eer DEPARTMENT OF PuysicaL EDUCATION * THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY COLUMBUS L. W. St. Joun, Director January 18, 1939 Mr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kensas Lawrence, Kansas Dear "Phog": I em going to New York tomorrow night to make final arrangements for the Eastern play-off. I believe the final game should be in Chicago on March 25, so I hope you can prepare McBride for that decision. Iam in hopes we will have a complete and final announcenent. regarding tournament plans ready _— next week. oF Very sincerely yours, 4, a” H. G. Olsen HGO:M Tournament Comnittee ‘ January 23, 193%. lite He Ge Olsen, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohios : Harolds Pardon the suggestion, but I believe there is a subs tusk Shae Gppmuel: Gaede Ge de $8 Wageed 46 WEA Hela | AsAe tournament. I believe that we need some pla education in informing the public of the difference between the NeCeAeis basketball tournament and the National Inter= committee is still using the names of Duteh Lonborg, Frosty ae ae ee Se eS of these fellows in their ad- copy of theme We are showing that teams like Long Islend, Loyola of Chicago, Toledo and other schools are not members ee ee re, cee cat We using the _. status of our om N.CeAcAs groupe This will give our group @ prestige that I think is needed since this National Inter- collegiate under Liston is using in their publicity a lot of our coaches, whom I have just mentionede Do you agree with me? Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Edueetion, ' FOAnH ’ Varsity Basketball Coache