ag October 31, 1958. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, 2 THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY COLUMBUS DEPARTMENT OF PuysicAL EDUCATION L. W. St. Joun, Director November 18, 1938 Mr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kensas Lawrence, Kansas Dear “Phog"s Endeavoring to answer your questions in your letter of November 16: First, it seems to me that our only sensible plan of j procedure here is to include only N.C.A.A. teams in this tournament. 3 Doesn't that automatically mean that we are not having any teams that do not observe the freshman rule? Inasmuch as the basketball coaches association was the instigator of this idea and inasmuch as the N.C.A.A, is getting behind it, it seems to me we ought to adhere to the N.C.A.A, ‘4 participation throughout. Therefore, we should eliminate entirely the a teams that do not observe the freshman rule - I believe that will be the consensus of opinion. Secondly, your suggestion that the idea of selection arbie trarily on the basis of record and personal observation might be some= what difficult = that is, of course, true but even if you were to hold an elimination tournament, let us say in your section, you would run into same of the same difficulties, because in order to get your teams inte this tournament for your district you are going to have to make | selections of some kind before the tournament is played. So you will probably run into some difficulty there. With regard to your observation regarding McBride, I certainly a feel that if we ean have Mr. McBride on this committee that would be ideal. e Unquestionably, he is an outstending figure there and to have him on the . committee and to give his support would be a fine move. Why not go ahead a 3% ) i 2 (1 aglidi fal | i | oy age hes LGtaa gall f a 4. iy © My ah ae S3eSe § fe iy gaa fs g s.9ale foe | aii Hn ail (ail le alll cht tacks iT i Yo i sfetsg beg S og j i i; HH a3 paral. q ‘ é Pospts al iagcay Sagalé Gigi eB ap dy Hed ety ae ij E ies ea J a er i asi u te i ae sted} Bsee ee 88: ; in ay (i aad cigs bags ; z in i = 8 yd {is SBs?sa 5 ig ay ae A jal Hee aan UE GN GGA fia ia having heard from you, + sbiaeiinin December 12, 1938 Mr. Forrest C. Allen Basketball Yoach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear "Phog":- Just recently, Dr. Ewerhardt received a let-. ter from President Owens stressing the point that institutions holding membership in the N@AA should lend their entire support to the NCAA basketball tournament, and asked Dr. Ewerhardt to write each member in the Fifth District accordingly. Thought you would be interested in receiving a copy of the letter sent out by Dr. Ewerhardt. With kind personal regards Ce A. E. Eilers Executive Secretary AEE :mk Heshington University — Deeerber 8, 19338 3 iy. Claude ©, Reeds Direetor of Athletics Sentral State Teachers fdmond, Cklehene Dear Tir, Reeds t= “The Matt’. oma Collegiate Athletic saeninne is iienik a basket. bell tournament to be held at the ecnelusion of the 1988.39 season. This tours namont, organized at the suggestion of the Netional Assoelation of Basketball Conches, ig to be the only official National Collegiate Sasketbell Tournament. Mr. Re G. Olsen, of Ohio State University, is the Chairmen of the Tournament Committee, and Forrest C. Allon, of the niversity of Kansen, is the Chairmen for the Fifth District. They are very enxzious thet ell mexber schools cooperate fully. Further commmication in regerd t+ the plens for the holding of this tournament end possibly qualifying tournaments in the various districts wild be sent to you very shortly. He cis ccencok tu mented Su ester Weed tin Melee ealled national tournaments by non-collegiate interests be retarded. There hes ‘been a growing tendency toward the promotion of this type of tournament, same times under the guise of charity end sometimes, apparently, for private gain of promoters. As on example, may I site, thet in our district during the last two years, croups of private individuals, not officially associated with our Universities, promoted a tournament’ calling it the Hational. ern Basketball Tournament. Naturally, sineo the MeCeheAe is o iting (60s dc ela tees nement, «@ members of the Fifth Digtriet should give 10 our waliakeed augpals to tho fon of any other netional tournament, 1¢ seome to mo that it is ee a ee ee i their support to National Intereellegiate Basketball Tournesent, to trans« fer their allegiance te our om letional Collegiate Basketball Tournament. er” f _ Yours very truly, P, H, “werherdt 3 é 8 tee, } gers my BULLETIN NO. 3 SUBJECT: National Intercollegiate Athletic Association Basketball Tournament The date for the final game in the N.CeA.A. Tournament has been changed from Saturday, March 25 to Monday, March 27, but will be held in the place previously announced, that is, at the Northwestern University Gymnasium. This change was made because of the fact that the 25th date interfered with the big indoor track meet which is sponsored by the Chicago Daily News. Then, too, it appears that the other papers in Chicago will find themselves in better position to give us a “break” ‘on publicity if we hold it on the 27th rather than on the 25the ‘Ploase consider this the final word on the dato and place for the championship games If you have any information which can bo used for publicity release from my office, I would appreciate your sending it on at your oarliost convoniconco. We must start o campaign to mako the public a little bit "notional intercollegiate tournament conscious". Vory sincoroly yours, a i se ; , I Mh han Ge Olsen Chairman, N.CoAeAs Basketball HGOsM Tournament Committee Pera CL aT : - ee e sea Fe a —— a . a " oe F : 3 Sa aa THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Grorce W. Ricutmirs, President DEPARTMENT OF PuysicAL EDUCATION L. W. Sr. Joun, Director COLUMBUS February 1, 1939 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear" Phog! : I am enclosing the first release of information regarding the NeCeAsAe Tournament, since we finally have the Eastern play-off, the Western playeoff and the final game set. You will notice there is a sheet of general information and also several sheets for use in your district. We have endeavored to give you definite information as to the territory which your district covers, together with the NeCeAeAe schools in your district. If you should find any discrepancy in this list, I wish you would let me kmow at once so I may get the matter straightened out. We don't want to overlook anybody and the list as I have given it to you is correct to the best of my knowledge. I am, however, making a check with Dean Nicolson, the Secrotary of the NeCeAceAe, to make sure that it is correct with respoct to his rocords. I think now that the play-offs and the final game have been definitely sot, wo should got busy in cach district in the matter of talking about the tournamonts gotting as many people as possible ins» toerostod in the ideas of this tournamont, which is to decide as best wo may tho N.C.A.A. Baskotball Championship, I think it is incumbent upon each mombor of the committoo to sproad the word whorovor possible thet this is not a "National Intercollegiate Championship" sponsored by tho N.C.A-Ae, but rathor a tournament run by the NeC.A-A. for its momborship only. I am sure you got the distinction. Obviously, there aro a uumber of schools with good basketball tcams who aro not mombors of tho NeC.AsAe, but wo are not intcrosted in thom in connoction with our tournamente We are not competing with such other tournamonts as may bo run throughout tho countrys wo are simply trying to put over in tho best possible mannor this N.C.A.A. tournamont, but I think it should bo rather clear to overybody that if we do a good job,this tournamont will be the outstanding basketball tournament in the countrye I think I see a fine opportmity for building up a lot of jntorest in this tournament through tho work of committee men in each district, As the season goes along and various teams begin to *stick their heads up", they ought to bo singled out as potential ropresonta- tivos from that district. I think in this way we can build up a good deal of interest as the teams “come down the stretch" in each of our cight districts. . Ploase boar in mind that because of the very general ob» jection to any amount of posteseason play wo want, if possible, to solect tho bost team in cach district without any playeoffs, If, howovor, you find it impossible to mako a final scloction, as between two teams, lot us say, and you find that these toams are willing to play off to seo who will roprosont tho district, then I can see no objoction to such a procodurce Page Ze | February 1, 1939 Please do everything you can in your district to get in» formation regarding the tournament into the presse As wo come closor and closer to tho Eastorn and Western playeoffs, wc must depend on tho committco men from oach district to get good information regarding the most impressive teams, togothor with good picturos, otc., to sond on to Mr. Swarts at the University of Pennsylvania and to John Bunn at Stanford Univorsitye Those mon will find their job much easior and will make much moro of a succoss of thoso playoffs if you can get good information and good pictures to thom considorably ahead of the playeoff datos. I would approciate vory much having the chairman of cach district koep me informed as to tho progress of affairs in his charges If thoro is anything wo can do to help you in your work, please call on UuSe Vory_sincorely yours, Sebi He G. Olson Chairman, NeC.A.A. Basketball HGO:M Tournament Committee Ence BULLETIN NO. l SUBJECT-National Intercollegiate Athletic Association Basketball Tournament. The NCAA for the first time is conducting its own basketball tournament this year. This tournament is not to be confused with any other netional tournament inasmuch as only members of the NCAA are eligible for competition. The NCAA is divided into eight districts, four east of the Mississippi River and four west of the tiver. Districts ONE, TWO. THRE™S and FOUR comprise the Eastern section while Districts FIVE, Six, SEVEN and EIGHT go to make up the Western sectione A selectior committee has already heen named for each of thes eight districts. This committee, on basis of season record, will select the outstanding team in its district to play la the Sectional tournament with the two sectional winners meeting 2 week later for the NCAA championship. THR EASTERN SECTIONAL WITH THE OUTSTANDING TEAM IN DISTRICTS ONE, TWO. THREE aNv FOUR WILL BE Hilly AT THE PALESTRA IN PHILADELPHIA ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MARCH 17 AND 18 UNDE THE SUPERVISION OF H. JAMISON SCHWARTZ OF THE UNIVERSITY CPF PENNSYLVANTA. THE WESTERN SECTIONAL WITH THE OUTSTANDING TEAMS IN DISTRICTS FIVE, SIX, SEVEN AND EIGHT WILL BE HELD AT THE GOLDEN GATE EXPOSITION GROUNDS, SAN FRANCISCO, MONDAY AND TUESDAY MARCH 20 AND 21 UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF JOHN BUNN OF STANFORD. The selection of the teams playing in these sectional meets, of a necessity, must be postponed until late in the regular playing season. However, most sports writers will be able within the next week or so to tell pretty well which team in their respective district is outstanding. THE WINNER. IN THE EASTERN AND WESTERN SECTIONAL WILL MEET FOR THE NCAA CHAMPIONSHIP THE NIGHT OF MARCH 25 AT NORTH- WESTERN UNIVERSITY, EVANSTON, ILL. THE CHAMPIONSHIP PLAYOFF WILL BE IN CHARGE OF A.C. (DUTCH) LONBORG. The General Committee in charge of the tournament is composed of H.G. Olsen, Ohio State University, Columbus, 0O., chairman; H.H. Salmon, Jr., 40 Wall-St., New York City; W.F. Chandler, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wis., and John Bunn of Stanford University, Palo Alto, Calif. For any additional information write or wire any of the abovee Herewith is a list of states and NCAA schools in your district also members of the Selection Committee for the district: DISTRICT FIVE Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, Kansas, Nobraska, Iowa, Oklahoma. SELECTION COMMITTEE: Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Konsas \Chairmon); Clyde E. McBride, Kansas City, Mo.3 Goorge Re Edwards, University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo.3; John C. Trucsdale, Grimnoll College, Grinncoll, Iowa. NeCeAsAe SCHOOLS IN DISTRICT: Central State Toachers Collego, Edmond, Okla. Coc College, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, Iowa Croighton University, Omaha, Neb. Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa Grinnell College, Grinnell, Iowa Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa Iowa State Teachers College, Cedar Rapids, 7 Towa Kansas State College, Manhattan, Kansas Oklahoma A. and Me Collego; Stillwator, Okla. St. Louis Univorsity, Ste Louis, Mo. Southwestorn State Teachers Collego, Weathorford,Okla. Stato University of Iowa, Iowa City,Iowa University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas University of Missouri, Columbia, lo. University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, N, De University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. University of Tulsa, Tulsa, Okla. University of Wichita, Wichita, Kans. Washburn Colloge, Topoka, Kansas Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. DISTRICT FIVE Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, Oklahoma SELECTION COMMITTEE: Forrest Ce Allen, University of Kansas, Lawronco, Kansas (Chairman); Clyde E. McBrido, Kansas City, Mos; George Re Edwards » University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo.; John C. Truosdale, Grinnoll Colloge, Grinnoll, Iowa. NeC.AeAe SCHOOLS IN DISTRICT: Central State Toachers College, Edmond, Okla. Coo College, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Cornell College, iit. Vernon, Iowa Croighton University, Omaha, Neb. Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa Grinnell College, Grinnell, Iowa Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa Towa State Teachers College, Cedar Rapids, Towa Kansas State College, Manhattan, Kansas Oklahoma A. and Me College, Stillwater, Okla. St. Louis University, Sts Louis, Mo. Southwestern State Teachers Collego, j Weathorford,Okla. State University of Iowa, Iowa City,Iowa University of Kansass Lawrence, Kansas University of Missouri, Columbia, lilo. University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, N, De University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. University of Tulsa, Tulsa, Okla. University of Wichita, Wichita, Kans. Washburn Collego, Topeka, Kansas Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. DISTRICT FIVE Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, Kansas, Nobraska, Iowa, Oklahoma SELECTION COMMITTEE: Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas (Chairman); Clyde E. McBride, Kansas City, Moe; Goorge Re Edwards, University of Missouri, Columbia, Moe; John C. Truosdale, Grinnell College, Grinnell, Iowa. NeCoAsAe SCHOOLS IN DISTRICT: Central Statec Toachers College, Edmond, Okla. Coc College, Codar Rapids, Iowa Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, Iowa Creighton University, Omaha, Neb. Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa Grinnell College, Grinnoll, Iowa Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa Towa Stato Teachors College, Cedar Rapids, : Towa Kansas State College, Manhattan, Kansas Oklahoma A. and Mé Collegoj Stillwator, Okla ° St. Louis University, Ste Louis, Mo. Southwestern State Teachers College, Weathorford,Okla. State University of Iowa, Iowa City,Iowa University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas University of Missouri, Columbia, l'o. University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, N.D. University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. University of Tulsa, Tulsa, Okla. University of Wichita, Wichita, Kans. Washburn College, Topeka, Kansas Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. DISTRICT FIVE Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, Oklahoma SELECTION COMMITTEE: Forrest Cs Allon, Univorsity of Kansas, Lawrence, ~ Kansas (Chairman) Clyde E. licBride, Kansas City, Moe; George Re Edwards, University of Missouri; Columbia, Moe; John CG. Trucosdale, Grinnell College, . Grinncoll, Iowa. N.C.A.A. “SCHOOLS IN DISTRICT: Central State Toachers College, Edmond, Okla. Coc College, Codar Rapids, Iowa Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, Iowa Croighton University, Omaha, Neb. Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa Grinnell College, Grinnell, Iowa Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa Iowan State Teachors College, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Kansas State College, Manhattan, Kansas Oklahoma A, and M. Collego, Stillwater, Okla. St. Louis University, St. Louis, Mo. Southwestern State Teachers Collego, Weathorford,Okla. Stato University of Iowa, Iowa City,Iowa University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas University of Missouri, Columbia, lo. University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. University of North Dakota, — Forks, De University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. University of Tulsa, Tulsa, Okla. ~ University of Wichita, Wichita, Kans. - Washburn College, Topeka, Kansas Washington University, St. Louis, -Mo. DISTRICT FIVE Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, Oklahoma SELECTION COMMITTEE: Forrest C. Allen, Univorsity of Kansas, Lawronco, Kansas (Chairman); Clyde E. hicBrido, Kansas City, Moe; Goorge R. Edwards, University of Missouri, Columbia, Moe; John C. Trucsdale, Grinnell College, Grinnell, Iowa. Ne Cotte Ae SCHOOLS IN DISTRICT: Central State Toachers College, Edmond, Okla. Coc College, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, Iowa Croighton University, Omaha, Neb. Drake University, Des Moines, lowa Grinnell College, Grinnell, Iowa Iowa State College, Amos, Iowa Iowa Stato Teachors College, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Kansas State College, Manhattan, Kansas Oklahoma Ae and Me Collego, Stillwater, Okla. St. Louis Univorsity, Ste Louis, Mo. Southwestern State Teachers Colloge, Weathorford,Okla. Stato University of Iowa, Iowa City,Iowa University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas University of Missouri, Columbia, lo. University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, N.D. University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. University of Tulsa, Tulsa, Okla. University of Wichita, Wichita, Kans. Washburn College, Topeka, Kansas Washington University, St. Louis, Ilo. DISTRICT FIVE Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, Kansas, Nobraska, Iowa, Oklahoma SELECTION COMMITTEE: Forrest C. Allen, Univorsity of Kansas, Lawronec, Kansas (Chairman); Clyde E. McBride, Kansas City, Mo.; George R. Edwards, University of Missouri, Columbia, Moe; John C. Truesdale, Grinnoll College, Grinncoll, Iowa. N.C.AsAe SCHOOLS IN DISTRICT: Central State Toachers College, Edmond, Okla. Coc College, Codar Rapids, Iowa Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, Iowa Croighton University, Omaha, Nob. Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa Grinnell College, Grinnell, Iowa Iowa State College, Ames, Lowa Iowa State Teachors College, Cedar Rapids, Towa Kansas State College, Manhattan, Kansas Oklahoma Ae and Me Collego, Stillwator, Okla. St. Louis University, St. Louis, Ho. Southwestern State Teachers Colloge, Weathorford,Okla. State University of Iowa, lowa City,Iowa University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas University of Missouri, Columbia, Loe University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, N.D. University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklae University of Tulsa, Tulsa, Okla. University of Wichita, Wichita, Kans. Washburn College, Topeka, Kansas Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. He Ge Olsen, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohi oe Have just called McBride and asked him to attempt to procure Municipal Auditorium for March 10 and ll. Liston‘'s tournament is from 13th to 18th. Also asked him to negotiate for March 24 and 25 in case semi-finals or finals should be those dates in Kansas Citye Many dates for large auditoria are closed eight months in advance, so hasty preparations : should be begun for dates in case tournaments are held in any other citiese Am sure March 3 and 4 too earlye Forrest Ce. Allene Se SEEN sR PG ca mea ra RSET ac AiR ear SENT aT erat a NE COPY THE CREIGHTON UNIVERSITY OMAHA, NEBRASKA Department of Athletics December 2, 1938-4 Dre Fy Ce Allen Head Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: The possibility of the National Collegiate Athletic Association sponsoring an intercollegiate tournament has been brought to my attention. a Since you are Chairman of the committee which represents 2 our district, we want you to know that we are greatly in favor of such a an intercollegiate tournament and wish to suggest that Kansas City would 3 be a most suitable place. : Mre C. E. McBride of the Kansas City Star has alweys been most active in basketball in this area and would unquestionably be the most logical choice to serve on the committee representing our district. = Inasmuch as this matter is more or less in your hands now, I should like a to urge that you let Mre McBride kmow how he could help the intercolleg-~ a iate basketball in this district and insist on his serving on the com- .. mittee to regulate and provide for an intercollegiate play-off in Kansas s City. 4 It is certain that such a tournament would be of great P value to the schools in our district and should not conflict with the se present tournament which does not confine its participation to schools 4 operating under the freshman rule. a If we may be of any service in this connection, we should a be most happy to have you let us knowe Cordially yours, (Signed) E. S. HICKEY Business Manager, Basketball Coache Siar gt eee eet " Bare % Sets i Bie ars Bae te gee te 4 Peers = : a es Sis ei cae mae meee ep Bre Se Haies Ga e ks Pees ee Bs ee ae armel oe eee eat : * Ta COPY | THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA LINCOLN December 5, 1938 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kanvas Dear Dr. Allen: In view of the discussions we had at our meeting in Kansas City last week-end, concerning the plans of the N.C.A.Ae to sponsor a national basketball tournament in the future, end the | necessity of appointing a committee at an early date to start the ball rolling to organize a Sth, 6th, 7th, and 8th district, I have the following to suggest from my point of view: Kansas City to me is the most logical sight for the location of this tournament, and should be the hub around which could be made the center of basketball interest in the collegiate world. In order to make this movement a success, it is nec essary to have a personnel on your committee that can command the interest and attention of the basketball public in and around Kansas Citye The most important person seems to me to be Mr. C. E. McBride of the Kansas City Star. I think he should byall means be a member of the executive committee of the 5th district, and I suggest that you solicit his cooperation and willingness to serve on this committee. With kindest regards, I an, Sincerely yours, (SIGNED) W. He BROWNE | Head Basketball Coach. Lawrence, Kansas, December 6, 19385. Deieusatie,, whiting acy Sanaee oo yeoterdty | in t Mee MoBride without the letters. fan weny bap to eny tet he accepted a place on the committecs | Thank you very much for your letter. I have sia £8 on to ltrs MeBride so that he can seo the high estoai in whieh you hold hims Very sincerely yours, POAsAH : Chairman, Sth District, MeCeAsAse Mrector of Physical Education, FOAsAH ‘Varsity Basketbail Coaches .