Roll of Members in NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION | College, : sc Sane deed donne, Kew London, Came University of Maine, Orono, Mee University of New Hmnpshiire, Durham, ‘elle Pennsylvania Military Chester, Pa. Princeton University, Prineeton, N.J-. Rensselaer | Instit Troy, Nee Rutgers University, lew 5 » Nede Ste Joln's University, NeYe Ste Joseph's College, Pits Ste Lawrence University, Canton, 1.Y. State Teachers College, ope e State Teachers College, West Chester, Pas Stevens Institute of ology, loboken, Ned. Susquehamm University, Selinsgrove, Pae Swarthmore College, * Syracuse University, Sy- ‘e NeYe Tenple University, phia, Pae Tio Schenectady, N.Y. University of Deleware, Newark, Uele A State Teachers Boone, eC SaG Ubemnibie oF Gemden, Ietideateks Sete Citadel, The, Charleston, S. C. College, School of » Atlenta, Ga. Howard University, De Ce Johns ns University, Baltimore, iide s& 1 State College, State College, lias. Mte Ste . | Remi PS Mde aun Stegeet wang yf Teachers | State University of Town, lows City, Ine University of Kansas, Lawrence, fanse perein - Missowi, ee WAUUneie of ‘arth Teele, Grend Yorks, leDe University of Oklahom, tndversity of Tulen, Tien olds ee we evalty ee Yankton College, Yanicton, Se haylor University, Waco, Temes Rise Insti Houston, Texas Seen melee Unie inivarssty, Dallas, Toons Toons Agritg & othe Soliogrs © Stetion, Temes Tens Christian University, Pte Tece.s University of Arizona, Tucson, Arige University of Temes, Austin, Tams University of ( Boulder, Coles SaeeaEee oe tensors huwer, Onbne ¢ University of Ue Je tai City, Ut INTERCOLLEGIATE CONFERENCE Office of the Commissioner of Athletics Hotel Sherman Central 2824 Chicago September 18, 1939. Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear "Phog":- Your letter of September 6th addressed to Dean Nicolson has been referred to me for reply. I have been asked to act as Secretary-Treasurer of the N.CAA. for the present as Dean Nicolson was injured in an automobile accident last winter and has not fully recovered. I am sending you under separate cover a copy of the last Proceedings of the N.O.A.A» which gives a list of the members. I have added in pencil the names of the new members that have come into the organization since the book was published. Yours very sincerely, } ‘ : , JLG:F John L. Griffith. October 7, 1939.6 Mr e Le We st. John Mre He Ve Porter Mre He He Salmon, Jre Mre Oswald Tower Mre John Bumn Mre Floyd Rowe Dear Colleagues: I am sending you a copy of a post card that I have just received from Clair Bee. I thought maybe you would want to have this informatione I am not sending any material in, but I wondered if you knew of this move. This is for your informatione Very sincerely yours, Chairmen, 5th District. (THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS | Dr. F.u. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. October 3, 1939 x have been appointed editor of the 1939-1940 ILLUSTRATED 3 rm ANNUAL, Will yeu please send me your photograph and aawshort resume. of your team and prospects for the coming season. I should like to use this material and your picture in the magazine which goes to press October 23. Please name several players from your section whom you think outstanding. The book will be distributed naticnally and on sale about November 17, Dtte Bee aio Sincere personal regards, Clair Bes c/o Townsend Publishing Co. 1331 Madison Avenus Lawrence, Lansas Decenber 29, 1959.6 it 4 et My 8 : With best wishes for a happy and prosperous New Year, I am Very sincerely yours, Chairman, Sth District, N.CeAA. NATIONAL COLLEGIATE A. A. - CHAIRMEN OF SUB-COMMITTEES Publication Oswatp Tower Executive H. H. Satmon, Jr. Research Forrest C. Aten Game Administration Sumner A. DoLe Complete List of Committee Members F.C. Allen Univ. of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas John Brown, Jr. 347 Madison Ave. New York, New York John Bunn Stanford Univ. Palo Alto, California Forrest Cox Colorado University Boulder, Colorado J. H. Crocker Univ. of Western Ontario London, Ont., Canada M. C. Cunningham High School Desloge, Missouri Sumner A. Dole Connecticut State College Storrs, Connecticut J. Mark Good Sun-Gazette Co. Williamsport, Pennsylvania E. J. Hickox Springfield College Springfield, Massachusetts A. F. Jefferess 114 Carrick Ave. Hamilton, Ont., Canada Frank P. Maguire Dept. of Public Instruction Harrisburg, Pennsylvania H. G. Olsen Ohio State Universi Columbus, Ohio : Curtis Parker Centennary College Shreveport, Louisiana H. V. Porter 11 S. LaSalle St. Chicago, Illinois Floyd A. Rowe Board of Education Cleveland, Ohio J. W. St. Clair Southern Methodist Univ. Dallas, Texas H. H. Salmon, Jr. 40 Wall St. New York, New York Oswald Tower Andover, Massachusetts Questionnaire H. V. Porter NATIONAL FEDERATION H. S. A. A. . Y. M. C, A. - C:ANADIAN I. A. U. and A. B. A. NATIONAL BASKETBALL COMMITTEE of the UNITED STATES and CANADA Vice CHairmAN, JOHN BUNN Stanford Univ., Palo Alto, Calif. Treasurer, FLOYD A. ROWE Board of Education, Cleveland, Ohio Epitorn, OSWALD TOWER Andover, Massachusetts Cuairman, H. H. SALMON, Jr. 40 Wall St., New York, N. Y. Secretary, H. V. PORTER Il S. LaSalle St., Chicago, Illinois December 15, 1939 “Ur, fo. Biign Univ. of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. “llen; It occurs tome that the National Collegiate tournament may result in crowded hotels at Kansas City during the last week in March. For that reasm, we should probably begin to make arrangements for the meting of the National Basketball Committee. You are probably familiar with the hotel accommodations in that city. What do you suggest in connection with a meeting place and accommodations for the committee? Yours truly, Secretary HyP/j January is, 1940. Mire Robin MeGeorge, Hotel Continental, Kansas City, Mo. Deax Rebins . _ Hye He Ve Porter, secretary of the N.CeAsAs, has sent out letters regarding the meeting at the Hotel Cone tinental in tmreh, asking that the members write you for ratese I just wanted you to imow thet this organization is one of our group about whieh I talked to yous Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA: All Varsity Basketball Coaches January 8, 1940 To Members, National Basketball Conmittee: & You will recall that the committee voted at the last annual meeting to hold the 1940 meeting in Kensas City, Missouri, on Saturday and Sundey, March 30th and Slst. The finals of the National Collegiate Tournament are to be held m %,turday night, Merch 30th, and provision will be made for the committee toattend that session. This is to inform you that arrangements have been mde to have the meting at the Hotel Continental. Special rates of $2.00 for a single room ani $1.50 for each person in a double room have been made. Since the National Coaches association will be meeting during the same weekend, it will be best for you to make reservation at anearly date. I suggest that you do this and mark yow letter for the attention of Robin McGeorge of the Hotel Continental, Kansas City, Missouri. -" Unless circumstances necessitate a change, the first session of the Basketball Committee will be on Saturday morning. Material for Yue stionnaire fi ms been the custom to make up the basketball questionnaire at a date éarly enough so that it will be possible to circulate these at some of the late seasm games or tournaments. Bach member is urged to send sug- gestions for the questionnaire. Som time within the next week or ten days, you will receive a sheet which will outline some of the things which in the opinion of the chairman of the Questionnaire Committee should be included. You will have the opportunity of commenting on these and of making additions before the matter is definitely presented to the Question- - naire Committee for final action as to what is to be included. In the © meantime, you should be giving this mtter some thought. Yours truly, Whi bhe Secretary HVP/§ osel .8 vues os ,atedmell of reoddiosoD [[edvedaed [ancital ‘ . aett és betov cedtiamoo eit dadd [fsoet [I iw vol a itoom O8@L edd blo oat 20 sozzees dextt odd ,egmade 2 otatieresen eeonstemmito se el a sgakomom yabwiae so od {Liw seddinmod I [advecdesd ttee? wit [sisetsM k ‘Ltedtedaad edt ¢ wv elem of motewe eft need wai Jt telwouo ot elite ed [ftw sk tedd of dgxoce ylxab sez oF :