ae Che National Collegiate Athletic Association ‘PRESIDENT HONORARY PRESIDENTS SECRETARY-TREASURER .-~ PROFESSOR W. B. OWENS BRIGADIER-GENERAL PALMER E. PIERCE JOHN L. GRIFFITH STANFORD UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR CHARLES W. KENNEDY HOTEL SHERMAN, CHICAGO, ILL. CALIFORNIA MAJOR JOHN L. GRIFFITH HONORARY SECRETARY-TREASURER DEAN FRANK W. NICOLSON VICE-PRESIDENTS MEMBERS AT LARGE “EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Dean L. K. Nerpitincer, Dartmouth College, First District ProFessor C. E. BILHEIMER, Gettysburg College Tue PresIpENT AND SECRETARY Dr. E. LERoy Mercer, University of Pennsylvania, Second District Director W. J. Brincuam, Harvard University Proressor P. O. BapGcrr Dr. A. H. Armstronc, Georgia Tech, Third District Proressor H. H. Kine, Kansas State College Director H. W. Crarx Director Frank J. McCormick, University of Minnesota, Fourth Proressor E. L. Larson, University of Arizona PresipEnt T. J. Davirs District Proressor T. N. Metcatr, University of Chicago Director R. A, FETZER Dr. F. H. Ewreruarvt, Washington University, Fifth District Proressor S. C. Parmer, Swarthmore College Dean L. K. NEIDLINGER Proressor JAMEs C. Dotizy, University of Texas, Sixth District Prorrssor H. C. Wittett, University of Southern Proressor L. W. St. Joun Recistrar R. E. McWuHInnNIz, University of Wyoming, Seventh California j Proressor C. C. May District Prorrssor C. C. May, University of Washington, Eighth District October 25, 1940, From: John L, Griffith, Secretary of the National Collegtate Athletic Assn, To: The Athletic Directors in the N.C.A.A, Colleges and Universities, Subject: Athletics in the N.C,A,A, Colleges and Universities and National Defense, Last summer President W. B. Owens asked Mr. H. W. Clark to £0 to Washington, D,C, and to ascertain, if possible, what was contemplated or being planned by the Government or the War Department along the lines of developing a physical and athletic training program, On October 21st a committee of three, representing the N.C.A.As, met in Washington and the members of this committee conferred with indi~ viduals representing various governmental and other organizations regard- ing the part that the colleges might play in the efforts that are being made to defend America, While no one probably knows at this time just what will be expected of the educational institutions, it seems clear that if the athletic, physical education and health education departments in the colleges and universities that compose the National Collegiate Athletic Association are conducting a satisfactory program, there would then be no need for the Government or the War Department to improve the work that was already being done, | It occurred to me that if a report of what the majority of the member institutions were doing or were planning to do by way of assist~ ing in the defense program were made available ‘to the proper officials in Washington that these officials would be glad to have such a comprehensive statement, Therefore, I, representing President Owens and as Secretary of the N.C,AA,, am attaching blank with the request that you fill it out and return the same at your earliest convenience, On September 18th copies of a resolution adopted by the N.C.A.A. Executive Committee on September 6th & 7th were sent to all of the Presidents and Athletic Directors in the member colleges. . Some of the university and college presidents have since then advised that they have decided to make physical education compulsory for the four undergraduate ..