The other phase that is quite worthy of mention is the one rela- tive to the coaches, meeting for organization. ‘There were 18 boxing coaches who accompanied men to the tournament, and, in addition, there were four visiting coaches. This group assembled for an organization meeting with the thought in mind of forming an organization similar to the Football Coaches Association, in order to have some form of better representation in placing their problems and suggestions before the Boxing Rules Committee. The outcome of this meeting was most significant in that they did organize and the following men were elected to office: Honorary President: John S. LaRowe, University of Virginia. President: John Walsh, University of Wisconsin. Vice President: Leo Houck, Penn. State College. Secretary: William Regan, University of Miami. Treasurer: W. S. Lafon, Catholic University, Washington, D.C. W. H. Cowet., Chairman, N.C. A. A. Boxing Rules Committee. REPORT OF THE N.C. A. A. WRESTLING CHAMPIONSHIPS The Eleventh Annual National Collegiate Wrestling Meet was held at Pennsylvania State College on March 25th and 26th. From every standpoint the meet was most successful. The general set- ting of the meet, and the local arrangements for handling it and for the pleasure and convenience of the visitors could not have been improved upon. The general standard of wrestling throughout the meet was decidedly superior to that of last year. A total of 86 contestants participated, representing 29 different colleges or unt- versities. In comparison with previous meets, the number of indi- vidual participants has been exceeded only once and equalled once. In institutions represented, the number has been exceeded twice and equalled once in the eleven years these annual championship meets have been held. Five institutions which have not previously been represented in National Collegiate wrestling championship meets participated this year. ‘These institutions were Amherst College and Yale University in New England, Colorado State College and Utah State College in the Rocky Mountain District, and San Jose College of California. The following geographical representation is of interest :— Individual Institutions Participants New England 4 5 The East (exclusive of New England) 9 33 Middle-West 9 21 Southwest 4 16 inOGiCy WOobHiaIn 2962S a ee Se = Z Z Pacific Coast 1 3 Totals 29 86