better understanding among competing institutions in intercollegiate sports?” Friday Morning, December 30 The program is as yet uncertain. There may be a public open session to be addressed by one or two people of prominence, or, if plans are not completed for such a meeting, the annual closed busi- ness meeting of the Association will be held, to be followed by a meeting of the 1940 Council. If the public meeting of eaihy morning is arranged, the business session, to be followed by the Council meeting, will be held on Friday afternoon. Questionnaire sent out by the Committee on Conference with Organized Baseball, L. W. St. John, Chairman. THE N.C. A. A. BASEBALL SURVEY, 1938 Answered by 416 Institutions—Tabulation complete to June 1 Yes No 1. (a) Does your institution support intercollegiate baseball ?......... 299 17, (b) If so, approximately how many games are played? ........... co ee (c) How many baseball diamonds do you maintain? ou 473 2. (a) Approximately what amount is spent annually for base- ball? $577,050.61 (b) Approximately what is your deficit for the support of baseball $422,036.28 3. If you do not support baseball, please check any of the reasons why? (a) No available grounds 39 (b) 2Bacle of stident-interest... es 23 (c) Too heavy expense 78 (d) Other reasons 28 Yes No NoA: 4, In case you do not support baseball as an inter- collegiate activity, did your institution ever sponsor the sport? 108 9 0 5. Do you consider baseball a desirable intercollegiate sport? 291 16 9 6. (a) Do you support baseball as an intramural sport? 201 215 0 (b) Approximately how many intramural teams play a scheduléof-gamés? .-ucacos ee 1,947 7. (a) Does professional baseball as a possible source of future employment help to encourage boys in’ going out “lor baseball i See 207 159 0 (b) Does professional baseball assist baseball in your institution in any Other Way? cece 205.7343 53