3. Treasurer's Report. The report of the Treasurer, duly audited, and showing a balance on hand of $6,056.45, was accepted, adopted, and ordered on file. 4. Place of Meeting in 1939 and 1940. It was voted to refer to the Executive Committee with power decision. as to the place of meeting of the Conventions of the next two years. 5. Reports of Special Committees. (a) Mr. Frank McCormick outlined the plans of his committee to try to raise $100,000 from the colleges for the 1940 Olympics. (b) Professor Aigler reported on the efforts of his committee to relieve the colleges from paying the Federal Admissions Tax to games. In view of the adverse decision of the U. S. Supreme Court in the matter, he moved the discharge of his committee, which was voted. (c) In the absence of Mr. Garland, chairman, President Owens told the delegates about the National Collegiate Tennis Tournament successfully con- ducted last summer, in codperation with the U. S. Lawn ‘Tennis Association. (d) Mr. Payseur recommended, on behalf of the committee on conducting a National Collegiate Golf ‘Tournament, that the N.C. A. A. take over from the undergraduate Intercollegi- ate Golf Association supervision and control of the tournament. The report was accepted and adopted, and President Owens was authorized to appoint a committee to ‘carry out the details. (e) In the absence of Chairman Olsen, Professor St. John reported on the plans for a National Collegiate Basketball Tournament this year, the best team from districts 1-4, selected by competition, to be matched in final competition with the champion team of districts 5-8. The personnel of the general committee and of the selection committees will be found later in this Bulletin. (f) Professor Badger told of the conferences held by our committee with a com- mittee representing organized professional baseball on the subject of contracts between undergraduates and professional baseball teams, and read an agreement which has been drawn up and agreed to by both parties, subject to certain possible modifications before signing. ‘The Convention voted its approval in principle with the agreement, and our committee was continued. (g) Mr. Bilheimer reported progress for the committee on the activities of the smaller colleges. 6. Telegram to General Pierce. ‘The Secretary was directed to send to Honorary President Pierce a telegram conveying the affectionate regards of the Association, and best wishes for the New Year. 7. Committee on Publicity. In view of the unfavorable publicity given to the colleges in certain quarters in the matter of inter- collegiate competition, Professor Badger moved that the president appoint a committee of not more than three to stimulate and dis- seminate information with respect to the basic values in inter- collegiate athletics, and to the aggressive work that is being done by universities and colleges to keep their sports on an amateur basis. 4