mittees for one Rules Committee meeting each year, such committee meeting to be held at the time of and at the site of the national meet or championship in that sport with which the committee is identified ; and that, in such instances, the expenses shall be paid from the income of the meet or tournament.” 6. A discussion was held relative to the whole matter of finances of the Association. As the outcome of this discussion, the president was empowered to appoint a special committee of three, to be known as the Finance Committee, to study the whole matter of the Asso- ciation’s finances and to bring in a report with definite recommenda- tions at the next meeting of the Executive Committee. President Owens subsequently appointed the following men to serve on the Finance Committee. Director W. J. Bingham, Harvard University ; Professor H. C. Willett, University of Southern California ; Professor Philip O. Badger, New York University, Chairman. 7. Frank G. McCormick, Chairman of the N.C. A. A. Olympic Finance Committee made a brief report on the functioning of his committee. He submitted a plan under which it is proposed that each member college select one football game on its schedule during the coming fall at which ten cents will be added to the price of the ticket ; such amount raised to be contributed to the fund which the N.C. A.A. is expected to raise to assist in the financing of the teams for the 1940 Olympic Games. The Executive Committee voted approval of the principle of the plan as described by Chairman Mc- Cormick. It is understood that the N.C. A.A. Olympic Finance Committee will very shortly send out a letter covering this subject to all member institutions. 8. President Owens read a letter which he had received from Leon M. Schoonmaker, suggesting that an official letter go forward from the N.C. A.A. to the President of the United States, request- ing that consideration be given to naming a new United States naval vessel after the late Lieutenant George C. Calnan, U.S.N. Lieuten- ant Calnan, who died in the crash of the U.S.S. Akron, April 3-4, 1933, was Captain of the United States Fencing team in the 1932 Olympic Games and was selected from among all of the United States athletes to carry the Olympic torch in connection with the opening ceremonies. ‘The committee voted to empower President Owens to write such a letter to the President of the United States. 9. The Committee considered the matter referred to it by the action taken at the December, 1938, Convention, namely, the request from the National College Trainers Association to become affiliated with the N.C. A.A. The Committee voted to empower President Owens to write this Association a letter expressing our interest in their organization and urging them to attend the open meetings of the N.C. A.A. No direct affiliation was approved. 10. It was voted that a revised draft be made of Section 4, Article ITI, of the constitution dealing with allied membership in the Association, and submitted to the Executive Committee for further consideration; the thought being that this section could be worded in such a way as to make it possible to admit to allied mem-