Section 5. Annual Dues of Members. The annual dues of each active member shall be twenty-five dollars. The annual dues of associate members shall be ten dollars. The annual dues of allied members shall be twenty-five dollars, but no dues shall be required of an allied member when all of its constituents are active members of this Association. (Incorporates Article V of the present By-laws [page 129]. The pro- visions as to allied members is changed to require payment of dues unless all the constituents are active members.) Section 6. Termination of membership. (a) The membership of any member failing to maintain acceptable scholastic or athletic standards may be terminated by the vote of two- thirds of the delegates present at an annual convention, provided notice of intention to move such termination is given in writing to the Secre- tary ninety days prior to the Convention and provided such notice is in- cluded in the official notice of the convention. (b) The membership of any member failing to pay the annual dues for two successive years shall be terminated. (This is a new and important provision submitted by the Executive Committee after careful and long consideration. Subdivision (b)_ states the existing practice though it is not expressed in the present Constitution or By-laws.) ’ AREI CLE UN: ORGANIZATION A. ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANIZATION. Section 1. Council. The government and general direction of the affairs of the Association in the interim between Conventions shall be committed to a Council which shall be elected at the annual Convention of the Association for a term of one year. The Council shall be constituted as follows: (a) One representative from each of the eight geographical districts— to be elected from the Faculty. (b) Seven members at large—to be elected by the Council. (c) The president and the secretary-treasurer as ex-officio members. For the transaction of business, a quorum shall consist of a majority of the members of the Council. The Sai shall meet as follows: (1) Immediately after election. (2) At the time of the annual convention, prior to the business session thereof. (3) At such other times as the president may direct. (Incorporates, with some modification, Article III of the present By- laws [page 127].) Section 2. Executive Committee. An Executive Committee of seven shall be elected by the Council immediately following the close of the annual convention, to serve for one year under the general instructions of the Council. The president and the Secretary-Treasurer shall be ex-officio members of the Executive Committee. For the transaction of business a quorum shall consist of a majority of the members of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall represent the Council and is empowered to transact the business and direct the affairs of the Association, during the period between conventions. It may transact such part of said busi- ness as it may deem wise, by correspondence—such action, however, to be noted by the Secretary in his minutes and reported to the Council and the 8