Committee shall be published. Rules committees may, with the approval of the Executive Committee, arrange with other National organizations for the publication of joint rules. (Incorporates Article IV of the By-laws [page 128] with some re- arrangement. Note in Section (2) the provisions for nomination from the floor. Also note the inclusion of some committees not mentioned in the present Constitution or By-laws.) ARTICLE VIII. AMENDMENTS This Constitution may be amended at any annual convention by a two- thirds vote of the delegates present and voting; provided that the pro- posed amendment shall have been submitted in writing to the Secretary of the Association at least three weeks before the convention meets; and further provided that a copy of the proposed amendment shall have been duly sent to all members of the Association. (Is taken from Article IX of the present Constitution [page 126].) REGULATIONS ADOPTED BY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (The Executive Committee during the past year has adopted certain regulations governing finances and the conduct of tournaments and meets sponsored by the Association. Expanding activities of the Association, with the consequent increase in expenses, have necessitated a thorough review of financial operations both as to sources of income and items of expense. The Executive Committee has devoted a great deal of time to this problem, and the regulations adopted are designed to systematize the financial operations of the Association and keep expenditures within the income. To insure this, provisions have been incorporated in the pro- posed Constitution for an annual budget. Regulations adopted, which will be submitted to the Council, and presented at the business meetings of the Convention, follow:) 1 ORDER OF BUSINESS (At Convention) At meetings of this Association, the order of business shall be as follows: (1) Reading of minutes of previous meeting; (2) Appointment of a Committee on Credentials; (3) Reports of officers and committees; (4) Miscellaneous business; (5) Election of officers and committees; (6) Adjournment. (This is taken from Article VI of the present By-laws. The order of business is a subject which should be subject to easy change and inasmuch as arrangements for the Convention are in the hands of the Executive Committee it is properly a part of the committee’s regulations.) iZ