5. G. L. Duke of Grinnell College was appointed to the Track and Field Rules Committee from the Fifth District, his appoint- ment to become effective September Ist. He will succeed Franklin e Johnson of Drake University who is moving to the Eighth istrict. _ 6. It was voted to approve the definition of “affiliated members” in Article IV, Section 3, of the Constitution, as referred to the Executive Committee by the Convention. 7. It was voted to appropriate $250.00 to assist in the research by Professor Floyd Eastwood on football injuries, with the under- standing that copies of the report be furnished the Executive Com- mittee and that sponsorship of the Association be indicated in the report. 8. Professor Badger was appointed a committee of one to arrange for the proper engrossing of the testimonial resolution to Honorary Secretary-Treasurer, Frank W. Nicolson, adopted at the 1939 Convention, and also to purchase a suitable silver plate to be appropriately inscribed for presentation in accordance with the action taken at the Convention. Professor Badger was instructed to make an informal presentation to Dean Nicolson at an early date and to express the hope that Dean and Mrs. Nicolson might attend the December Convention as guests of the Association for a formal presentation at that time. 9. The Secretary was instructed to forward, on behalf of the Committee, a resolution of sympathy to Mrs. Palmer E. Pierce, respecting the death of Brigadier General Pierce, first President of the Association. 10. It was reported that Colorado State College of Education, Montana State University, and the University of Dubuque had qualified for membership under Article IV, Section 4 (a) of the Constitution. 11. ‘The President was instructed to draft a constitutional amend- ment clarifying admission of conferences to allied membership. 12. It was voted to adopt the recommendations of the Tennis Rules Committee with regard to conduct of the N.C. A.A. Tennis Tournament as they are set forth on Page 71 of the 1939 Pro- ceedings. 13. The Secretary reported that Olympic funds in excess of $17,000 had been forwarded by Chairman Frank McCormick and deposited with the Northern Trust Company of Chicago. The Secretary was instructed to maintain the account pending decision on final disposition of the funds. 14. It was voted that a five dollars per diem allowance be authorized for such members of rules committees as cannot obtain 2