5 tines * the best August 2, 1940 of the Executive Sherman in Chieago on Septeaber aslnowledge receipt of your fevor planned neeting This will dates by other outside partiess We but Ci % important you might if you a ae Auge 2, 1940 : a A ute Be 83 1e23e34 TH Binevelly’ youth, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FoAsdg THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Howarp L. Bevis, President DEPARTMENT OF PuysIcAL EDUCATION L. W. Sr. Joun, Director . COLUMBUS July 31,1940 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Department of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear "Phog": At last I think the date has been set for the fall meeting of the Executive Committee of the N.C. A. Ae I have the word that they are planning to meet in Chicago at the Hotel Sherman, September 6 and 7; I also understand they are expecting to give some time then to a consideration of the basketball tournament program. I have written Owens sugcesting that you, St. Glair and myself should be there to present the tournament picture to the Executive Committee. I feel if we three. are there we can get this whole matter straightened out so we can shart a course for this next tournament immediately, thus enabling us to zo ahead with definite plans in a way we haven't been able to heretofore. Just as soon as I get further information I will get in touch with you. I still do not know what to think about the eight-team tournament in Kansas City as opposed to the Eastern and Western play off item. I feel pretty definite, from a financial standpoint, the Eastern and Western play-off program offers a good deal more in the way of financial income than if we were to hold the eight- team tournament in Kansas City. If you have any definite reaction in this matter, I would be glad to hear it. Have you been able to sound out any of the men out in your section as to what they think of the relative merits of the two plans? It has been terrifically hot here the last two weeks and I am going back to camp today. However, any mail addressed to me here will be forwarded and 1 will be looking forward to hearing from you. Very sincerely yours, He Ge. Olsen amf Basketball Coach THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY re : Howarp L. Bevis, President DEPARTMENT OF PuysicaAL EDUCATION L. W. St. Joun, Director COLUMBUS ) V August 14, 1940 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear" Phog": I am making a canvass of the members of our selection committees, etc., plus a number of other coaches, to find out if they have any definite reaction about the relative merits of the eight team tournament as compared with the present set- up of Eastern and Western play-offs with the final game between the two winners. : I do not believe there is any particular advantage in the eight team tournament idea. First of all, I think it has less chance of succeeding financially, and, secondly, I think the total time away from classes would be greater under the eight team tournament than it is under the present plan. The only teams that suffer under the present arrangement are the two teams who go through to the finals and I have the feeling they for the most part are rather glad to make a sacrifice of this kind in order to play for the National Collegiate Basket= ball championship. I suppose by this time you have had word from either John Griffith or Bill Owens to the effect that they want you to come along to Chicago for the meetings on September 6 and 7. I hope to have some reactions from these letters so that we can dispose of the matter of whether we are. going to run a eight team tournament or continue with the present scheme. As to the place of meeting for the Basketball Rules Committee, I have not heard further from Floyd Rowe but I also registered with him the definite opinion that the Rules Committee should again meet in Kansas City at the time ofthe N.c.A.A. Tournament or shortly thereafter. I hate to see Nat Holman and some of that Eastern gang succeed in pulling the Rules Committee to New york after the way they selected their place of meeting. I am here in Columbus only for a couple of days and am going back up to camp, but in case you have anything to write me about, mail addressed to me here at Columbus will be forwarded immediately. I will be looking forward to seeing you in Chicago if I dontt hear from you prior to that time. SOY SEES RL TS A eS Se en et F.C.A. #2 August 14, 1940 By the way, I had a letter from Jom Doyle, Editor of the American Sports Publishing Company in New York. He tells me that Dan Partner's article was too sketchy and sparse. I am in hopes you have been able to get Partner to write a better article including more of the highlights of the tourna= ment at Kansas City. If you are not too busy with things I wonder if you would follow this up and see that he gets some=- thing suitable into John Doyle's hands just as soon as possible. Also, was there a NeCeAsAe "All" team picked? If there was, Please get that into the write-up. Very Sincerely yours, HGO:M He Ge Olsen Dictated Aug. 13 P.S. By the way, Phog, can you send on to me the final report for your Western play-off and the final game? I am under t+he necessity of presenting a final report to the N.C.A.4, when we arrive there on September 6 and, of course, my report will be incomplete unless yours is complete. He GO. THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY oe Howarp L. Bevis, President a DEPARTMENT oF PuysIcAL EDUCATION L. W. St. Joun, Director COLUMBUS August 16, 1940 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear "Phog": After the National Collegiate Basketball Tournament last season, there was some comment to the effect that we would be following a better procedure if we had one tournament of eight teams, representing the eight districts of the NeCeAsAe, play off at some good spot like Kansas City, for example, rather than to conduct the tournament as we have been doing heretofore through a Eastern playeoff and a Western playeoff, followed by the final game between the winners of these two tournaments. I am wondering if you have any dofinite reaction as to tho rolativo merits of the two plans, The objoction to the prosent plan, as offored by a fow coaches, was that it moant too much timc away from classcs. I am not suro that this is a valid objection, because tho time away from classes would probably bo greator, on tho wholc, if wo wero to havo the singlo cight toam tournamont. Tho only teams that would be forced to bo away from classos under the present plan would be the two teams who play in the final gamo, fThore is no qucs» tion but what a single cight team tournament would be a big tournament, but I am pretty definitely of tho opinion that such a tournamont would have less chanco of succecding financially (unfortunately, wo do have to leok at this side of tho picture) than tho plan we have had in effect. Thoro is to be a mecting very shortly of the Executive Committee of the National Collogiate Athlotic Association and the matter of tho basketball tournamont will come up for dise _ cussion. I wonder if you wouldntt be kind enough to forward to me immediately any reaction you might have concerning the tourna» ment. It is our hope that wo can announce definite plans for the coming N.CeaeAds Tournamont much carlier than we have been able to do in the past. I am sure you will agreo the carlier wo can make dofinite plans the better satisfied all coaches will bee So wontt you please write to me at once, if you care to registor an opinion in regard to this mattor? ha Very sinceroly yours, e ¢ HeGe Olson Chairman, NeCeAcAs Baskotball HGOsM Tournament Committco “Tes te acall lt Hi 7 it i a 13 ea Me HEH a ea) A Mh he en ii HL i Hh tis ae : geaes det i ee i 3 al a fi hi eal a i : il Ht | jis hil al GME Hf alt eo ie b24e ‘re Glom and me to this mootings — Varettey Mastostbel Conoh é Che National Collegiate Athletic Assoctation PRESIDENT HONORARY PRESIDENTS SECRETARY-TREASURER PROFESSOR W. B. OWENS BRIGADIER-GENERAL PALMER E, PIERCE JOHN L. GRIFFITH STANFORD UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR CHARLES W. KENNEDY HOTEL SHERMAN, CHICAGO, ILL. CALIFORNIA MAJOR JOHN L. GRIFFITH HONORARY SECRETARY-TREASURER DEAN FRANK W. NICOLSON VICE-PRESIDENTS MEMBERS AT LARGE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Dean L. K. Nerptincer, Dartmouth College, First District ; Prorressor C. E. BILHEIMEr, Gettysburg College Tuer PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY Dr. E. LeRoy Mercer, University of Pennsylvania, Second District | Direcror W. J. BincHam, Harvard University Prorrssor P. O. Bancer Dr. A. H. Armstronc, Georgia Tech, Third District Proressor H. H. Kine, Kansas State College Director H. W. CrarKx Director Frank J. McCormick, University of Minnesota, Fourth Proressor E. L. Larson, University of Arizona PresipEnt T. J. Davies District Proressor T. N. Metcatr, University of Chicago Director R. A. Fetzer Dr. F. H. Ewernarpt, Washington University, Fifth District Proressor S. C. Parmer, Swarthmore College Dean L. K. NEIDLINGER Proressor James C. Dotrey, University of Texas, Sixth District Proressor H. C. Wittert, University of Southern Prorrssor L. W. St. Joun Recistrar R. E. McWuinnie, University of Wyoming, Seventh California Proressor C. C. May District Stanford University, Proressor C. C. May, University of Washington, Eighth District Stanford University, Calif. August 12, 1940 Doctor Forrest C, Allen, Athletic Director, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, Dear Doctor Allen: You will recall at the time of our discussion in Kansas City last Spring, that I suggested that representatives of the Basketball Committee attend the next meeting of our Executive Committee to discuss problems in connection with the basketball tournament, Our Executive Committee meets in Chicago September 6th and 7th at the Sherman Hotel, I will be very glad to have you attend if possible at that time, I am also asking Mr, Olsen of Ohio State to be present, Sincerely yours, Ziv Owens, President, WBO: AG nS ttle (re Vu ~ patience, his neeting with the Bresutive waking meetings lither we will set outa — a lair enough | of which will cause then to not to support it, and the NeGeleie tourtanent will die, It will take uch best brains that we have to put ine Nelsieie basketball tournament enong the toperanking NeCelsle activities made @ definite money makers | » and with all of that it can be | AS pre £ the nation will suppdrt this to My notion we to havé an cightetean tourmmnent ¢ Raster vacation and not z sane ; Bef aii Page Two You will understand that I have no objection to the Eastern-lestern play=c and then the national, but personally, a big play-off during Easter week in my opinion is the biggest thing that could come to basketballs In your circular letter I noted that, of course, you did not mention Baster vacation ‘timee Also in the letter you asked for an opinion, and at the same time ee ee Sees 1 eek ES wR SP : unbiased vote by this procedures | 7 dhs sack Oh GALT Sites rene a Hines Stmmisée cbr litg ned Un : ee ee ee 8 ee ee ee Hotele le sayss *You will youd at the time of our sinha 4 in Kansas osty last Spring, that I suggested that representatives of the Basketball Comittee attend the next meeting of our Executive Committee to discuss problems in connection with the baskete ball tournaments Our Exeoutive Comittee meets in Chicago 6th and 7th at the Sherman Hotel. I will be vory s ‘gina to have you attend if possible at that. tines “I en also aslitig Mr. Olsen of ohio Bate to be presente" | I an replying to him this morning, seriding a copy of my wire to him and imploring him to have Mre Ste Claire Personally, I would not want to take the responsibility of you and I alone doing this job without Sainte And too, since I have borne the blunt of this distribution problem in my conversation with lire Owens and Professor May, I would not want to put myself in a position of opposing these gentlemen who feel that the ileCeAsis organizae tion should have all the moneye In my opinion, this scheme of President Owens' is doomed to failure and our tournament is whipped forever So I prefer to let them outline their strategy and policy rather than to have | me oppose it because I would be misunderstood if I presented the case as I see ite ; ‘If the three of sn‘ aaitbiaie Ws could so uals oie tinal, go that all of us could be agreed upon the policy presented to the NeCeAske and no one individual in particular could be put in & position of opposing | the men of high authority. For that reason, I stand on my former statement ‘that I would not @are to attend the meeting unless Saint, you and I were there to diseuss the matters in fullest detail before we presented them to the NeCeAshe Rxcoutive Camittee. 1 would have felt very much better last year had I riot been represented by @ teame I could have then without stint of selfishness presented the case even more vehemently for the team members who participated, I am not for the : individuals getting a pot of gold, in fact, I see eye to eye with the officials of the Executive Comittee having the players assume the role as pot hunter, but I do believe that these institutions who go to the finals should have their treasuries enriched in a small degree because it then gives that sport — prestige with their own athletic committee and their University. Every adninis= trative officer of any institution that I have talked with thinks that the Very cordially yours, — Director of Physical Bduea tion and ‘Reavention Varsity Baketball Coach 7 FOAslg Ene es ect Ste Clair Fansas August 22, 1940 HAROLD Ge GLORY BASKETHALL COACH OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY COLUMBUS, OHIO HAVE JUST RETURNED PROM MY COACHING SCHOOLS AND AM DISTURBED REGARDING MY CONVERSATION WITH JIM STs CLAIR AT DALLAS, BILL, OWRNS WANTED ONLY ONE REPRRSEMEATIVE BESIDES YOU AT CHTOAGO AND JIM NOMINATED isi INSTRAD OF HIMSELF. AT OUR KANSAS CITY MSETING SUNDAY MARCH THIRTY*PIRST YOU IF SAINT IS HOT TO BE THERE THI I FEEL THAT I MUST DEHCLIIG SHCAUSE HE 18 CRAIRMAN AND I WOULD NOS WAI 10 TAKE ii ASPONSIBILETY UNOER THE FORREST Cq ALLEW August 23, 1940 Ga a uy cae Cctld whs'e Bee sont tases Gaia Poker with a letters T have dono this and en sending you a carbon copy of the comunication to Oles — | Ssh eee ed. typ, oemmmeiaathens AN Nowe not etn be Chioage unless you are asked to attends © Mp8» Allen said this morning tat if you people cane she ‘was going to write you and ask you to stop in our home over nights You may hear from her shortly because we are counting on that get , together in Chicagos | "Wath all good wishes, I an, Sincerely yours, onan Bah eee e —— and Resreation Mre We Be Owens, President National Collegiate Athletic Association Stanford University | California Dear President Owens: I have just returned from my trip to Chicago where we had our meeting with the ene Committee of the NeCeAeds and I find your letter awaiting me. I will be very happy to cooperate with the National Collegiate in every way possible. I am happy to comply with your request Noe le I fear, however, that I would not be a good contact man with Achele organizations because we have not had pleasant relations since 1936 when I refused to have anything to do with basketball when it was under their dominatione This refers to the trip to Berlin.g I withdrew and labeled the outfit as a quadrennial, oceanic, hitch-hiking crew. Doubte less you could get someone else in this district to serve a better purpose and whe would be more harmonious with the AeAeUs than I ame Yes, I realize that more than 90% of all our Olympic participants are either undergraduates or recent college graduates. I heartily agree that the AeAeUe has assumed a lot more authority than they should possess. When we realize that the AsAeUe does not own a hurdle, an athletic field or a single building that is used for athletic participation, - then we realize their inherent wealmesse The NeCeAehe serves a clientele so much differently that no like comparison can be mad@e I emphatically feel that the college should and must see to it that qualified men are in charge of the programe You may count on my active participation but I am afraid that I am not the best man in this locality to do this jobe Will you please advise me of your choice? Sincerely yours, Director of meee) Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach The National Collegiate Athletic Association PRESIDENT HONORARY PRESIDENTS SECRETARY-TREASURER PROFESSOR W. B. OWENS 5 BRIGADIER-GENERAL PALMER E, PIERCE JOHN L. GRIFFITH STANFORD UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR CHARLES W. KENNEDY . HOTEL SHERMAN, CHICAGO, ILL. CALIFORNIA MAJOR JOHN L. GRIFFITH HONORARY SECRETARY-TREASURER DEAN FRANK W. NICOLSON VICE-PRESIDENTS MEMBERS AT LARGE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Dean L. K. Nerwiincer, Dartmouth College, First District Proressor C. E. BILHEIMER, Gettysburg College Tue PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY Dr. E. LeRoy Mercer, University of Pennsylvania, Second District | Direcror W. J. Bincuam, Harvard University Proressor P. O. BapGER Dr. A. H. ArmstroneG, Georgia Tech, Third District Proressor H. H. Kine, Kansas State College Director H. W. Crarxk Director Franx J. McCormick, University of Minnesota, Fourth Proressor E. L. Larson, University of Arizona PresipEnt T. J. Davirs District Proressor T. N. Mercatr, University of Chicago Director R. A. Fetzer Dr. F. H. Eweruarvt, Washington University, Fifth District Proressor S. C. Parmer, Swarthmore College Dean L. K. NEIDLINGER ProFessor JaMes C. Dottey, University of Texas, Sixth District Proressor H. C. Wittett, University of Southern Proressor L. W. St. Joun Recistrar R. E. McWuinniz, University of Wyoming, Seventh California Proressor C. C. May District Prorrssor C. C. May, University of Washington, Eighth District September 9, 1940. Dr. Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen:- The Quadrennial Meeting of the Olympic Association is scheduled to be held this November in Washington, D. C. The National Collegiate Athletic Association is interested in securing the selection of proper officials for the conduct of the Olympic Games, which we assume will be continued when the present disturbed world conditions are over. I am asking several men in different parts of the country to take steps to insure proper representation at the Olympic Association Meeting of the organizations in their districts which are entitled to vote. I would like to have you serve in this way in your area. The important steps to be taken appear to be these:- (1) To contact the college conferences which are, or have been, members of the Olympic Association, and urge them to see that their dues are paid, and further to urge them to send a representative to the Asso- ciation Meeting. Proxy voting is not permitted. (2) To contact local A.A.U. organizations which are entitled to vote and emleavor to secure their cooperation in the selection of proper officials for the conduct of the Olympic program. As you know, in several of the major sports on the Olympic pro- gram, college undergraduates, or recent graduates, constitute over of the competing athletes. We feel that the colleges should, and must, see to it that properly qualified men are in charge of this program. May I count on your active cooperation? Time is short and we must act at oncée § FU. Jp. C2 7 WBO:F We B. Owens. e The National Collegiate Athletic Association i PRESIDENT HONORARY PRESIDENTS SECRETARY-TREASURER PROFESSOR W. B. OWENS BRIGADIER-GENERAL PALMER E, PIERCE JOHN L. GRIFFITH STANFORD UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR CHARLES W. KENNEDY HOTEL SHERMAN, CHICAGO, ILL. CALIFORNIA MAJOR JOHN L,. GRIFFITH HONORARY SECRETARY-TREASURER DEAN FRANK W. NICOLSON VICE-PRESIDENTS MEMBERS AT LARGE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Dean L. K. Nerpiincer, Dartmouth College, First District Proressor C. E. BiLHemMer, Gettysburg College Tue PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY Dr. E. LeRoy Mercer, University of Pennsylvania, Second District Director W. J. Bincuam, Harvard University Proressor P. O. BapGER Dr. A. H. Armstrone, Georgia Tech, Third District Proressor H. H. Kine, Kansas State College Director H. W. Crark Director Frank J. McCormick, University of Minnesota, Fourth Proressor E. L. Larson, University of Arizona PresipEnt T. J. Davizs District Proressor T. N. Mercatr, University of Chicago Director R. A. Ferzer Dr. F. H. Ewrruarpt, Washington University, Fifth District Proressor S. C. Parmer, Swarthmore College Dean L. K. NEmiincEr Proressor JAMES C. Dottry, University of Texas, Sixth District Proressor H. C. Wittett, University of Southern Proressor L. W. St. Joun Recistrar R. E. McWuinniz, University of Wyoming, Seventh California Proressor C. C. May District Proressor C, C. May, University of Washington, Eighth District Stanford University, Stanford University, Calif, September 18, 1940 Doctor Forrest C, Allen, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, Dear Doctor Allen: I found your letter of September 12 awaiting me on my return from the east, I was very glad of having the opportunity of seeing you again and hope that the arrangement we worked out will prove satisfactory. I am sorry to note that you feel your inability to serve in the matter of contacting the local A.A.U. organizations, but I quite appreciate that some of our most vigorous members have disqualified themselves somewhat so far as the A,A,U. is concerned, I wish there were more who had made the fight along that line. Could you suggest anyone who might be of help in your area as to that part of the program? If you can check up on the college groups which are entitled to membership and endeavor to secure as large a representation as possible from them, it will be of real assistance, Thanking you for all your interest and cooperation, I am Sincerely yours, W. B. Owens, President, WBO: AG in which will not be held wtil November 1041. : I will be happy to keep this in mind and work to secure & large representation for the 194] meetings 7 i am glad that we will be able, in view of the | extended time, to work out-a more complete plan of procedures ; Assuring you of my desire to cooperate in all things, I em, he Sinseselly yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach RWAsig Che National Collegiate Athletic Association PRESIDENT : HONORARY PRESIDENTS SECRETARY-TREASURER PROFESSOR W. B. OWENS BRIGADIER-GENERAL PALMER E, PIERCE JOHN L. GRIFFITH STANFORD UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR CHARLES W. KENNEDY HOTEL SHERMAN, CHICAGO, ILL. CALIFORNIA MAJOR JOHN L. GRIFFITH HONORARY SECRETARY-TREASURER DEAN FRANK W. NICOLSON VICE-PRESIDENTS MEMBERS AT LARGE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Dean L. K. Neipiincer, Dartmouth College, First District Proressor C. E, BiruEimer, Gettysburg College Tue PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY Dr. E. LERoy Mercer, University of Pennsylvania, Second District Drrector W. J. Bincuam, Harvard University Proressor P. O. BAapGER Dr. A. H. ArmstroneG, Georgia Tech, Third District Proressor H. H. Kina, Kansas State College Drrecror H. W. CrarKx Drrector Frank J. McCormick, University of Minnesota, Fourth Prorressor E. L. Larson, University of Arizona PresipEnt T. J. Davies District Proressor T. N. Mercatr, University of Chicago Director R. A. FETzer Dr. F. H. Eweruarvt, Washington University, Fifth District Proressor S. C. Parmer, Swarthmore College Dean L. K. NEIDLINGER ProFessor JAMES C. DotiEy, University of Texas, Sixth District Proressor H. C. WiLtett, University of Southern ProFessor L. W. St. JoHN Recistrar R. E. McWuInnNIz, University of Wyoming, Seventh California Proressor C. C. May District Proressor C. C. May, University of Washington, Eighth District Stanford University, Stanford University, Calif. October 11, 1940 Doctor Forrest C, Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, Dear Doctor Allen: I wrote you sometime ago regarding the election of officers for the Olympic Association for the next Olympic period. At the time I wrote I assumed that the Quadrennial Meeting would be held next month. A check of the Constitution of the Olympic Association shows, however, that the Quadrennial Meeting is held the year following the Games, which means that the next meeting will not be held until November 1941, However, I think we should regard this merely as giving us a better opportunity to prepare for the meeting, so I hope you will continue to keep the matter in mind and work to secure proper representation at the '41 meeting. We will be able to work out a more complete plan of procedure in the time which it now appears we have available. I want to thank you for the interest and activity you have already displayed and urge you to continue your efforts, Sincerely yours, W. B. Owens, President, pally ] dP a Hy opp Wide “ge i iret Fa igs s eaey intial # ae nea Hp ” ils it its sf ae ie He - cae iy Hee a | : i fils sift iti a qi ; ig gill Vj id bats siyts i te a an a Tan 1 diad ia poamiad wink de tb tea lhig Gide vole Varn Me book was too fer set, but Os sent it on to John ‘ty and I also sent a Copy of Hareld Keith's comamication on to iire Doyle so I ws letting lorgan stu? inthe trent of the books Morgan stuff in the front of the boo + dave not weivtee Dr, Keene an yet but I have planned thet you, should keep all the etuff 1 have sext yous i have learmed that. Dre Keene would be away on a vacation during the swimer and I thought it would be better to communicate with him during the school poriod than at presente I do know that there are many medical men who are irate regarding the fast break game in basketball, That caused me to develop the Goalelli because many people are concerned about the hearts of the youngsters. The circular goal causes the focus of the _aetivity to be toward the center of the goal, thereby o@using the ball not ‘to go out of bounds. By this method the ball is kept in play and ball handling and shifting end goal shooting are developed to the maximun eve the amount of shifting back and forth reduced considerablys eg As an answer to the protest of the physicians on the fast break , I am still of the opinion that the rotation of the center jump by having a . jumping order the same as we hive a batting order in baseball, may be the logical solutione Ceftainly we should consider the possibility of taking _ tthe ball from owt of bounds fran after a goal and putting it in place ' @t the division line as one of the possible solutions for slovring up this heotic game that is causing much excitement and too much unfavorable -@omment toverd the game. Basketball is too good a geme to drew ali the fire of the criticte | We should be able to lessen the fire of - Criticism against this game because it has too many educational qualities ’ = aan to this machine guming by the medical professions ar “Tem lilo you, I am tied up in a mss of detail, tut when | you eles Pee Ment for tide Melly T sould spores Sate your checking — om me regarding thé Keene article, and if I have not sent it I certainly want to write him a personal letter and present to pan ay tent ae for ‘the elimination of as many evils as possible, as I see ite — Iam leaving with my family to drive to louisville to visit ny daughter ‘and grandehildren, and then I may be called to Chicago on. September 6 and 7 to moet with the NeCeAcde Executive Committee, We have not ironed ovt all : our difficulties regarding tournanent sia ee | Ak yor tivwh bad Woy, phates Sinnial aha dink you dsp’ tueting 100% again, Somewhere in my agenda I have a letter ¢i ; the politics Oe rae Fr We Nalakoton $00. + 117) gee analaimisie arlaers Page Three sl, Gibbins bassah © WALLY Gee Quek kes some boys down | ek Gat tt bee ee ee Tem not a jealous cuss at heart but Sonetines i recognize situationse = =—«_—> With alt good wishes, T an, Sincerely vn Director of Physical Rduation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FOAsi gz “NATIONAL COLLEGIATE A.A. - NATIONAL FEDERATION H. S.A. A. Y.M. CLA. - CANADIAN I. A. U. and A. B.A. CHAIRMEN OF SUB-COMMITTEES Executive Publication Ftoryp Rowe Research Questionnaire Forrest C. ALLEN Complete List of Committee Members F.C. Allen Univ. of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas John Brown, Jr. 347 Madison Ave. New York, New York Forrest Cox Colorado University Boulder, Colorado J. H. Crocker Univ. of Western Ontario London, Ont., Canada Sumner A. Dole Connecticut State College Storrs, Connecticut C. S. Edmundson Univ. of Washington Seattle, Washington J. Mark Good Sun-Gazette Co. Williamsport, Pennsylvania E. J. Hickox Springfield College Springfield, Massachusetts A. H. Jefferess 114 Carrick Ave. Hamilton, Ont., Canada Frank P. Maguire 46 N. Cameron St. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania H. G. Olsen Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio Curtis Parker Centennary College Shreveport, Louisiana G. Warren Phillips High School Hebron, Indiana H. V. Porter 11 S. LaSalle St. Chicago, Illinois Floyd A. Rowe Board of Education Cleveland, Ohio J. W. St. Clair Southern Methodist Univ. Dallas, Texas H. Jamison Swarts Univ. of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Oswald Tower Andover, Massachusetts Oswatp TowER H. V. Porter Game Administration Sumner A. Dote NATIONAL BASKETBALL COMMITTEE of the UNITED STATES and CANADA Vice Cuairman, F. C. ALLEN Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. Treasurer, H. JAMISON SWARTS Univ. of Pa., Philadelphia, Pa. Epitorn, OSWALD TOWER Andover, Massachusetts CuairmMan, FLOYD ROWE Board of Education, Cleveland, Ohio Secretary, H. V. PORTER 11 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, Illinois July 26, 1940 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: Replying to a couple of your letters, wish to say first of all, that it looks as though the vote is against you for the meeting place next year. I haven't announced it yet, but it is four for New York, one for Kansas City, and I am not voting. Confidentially, I talked to Saint about the situation, and I have written to Olie, After I hear from Olie, if he has any strong prejudices in the matter, I think I will take the liberty of using some of the material in your letter and ree Canvass the committee in regard to the meeting. I am sure you appreciate the necessity for abiding by the majority opinion of the board in regard to the date and place of the meeting, Incidentelly, the time is set. Everybody agreed on that. As indicated, however, I will try to handle the situation, if it requires handling, when I hear from Olie, as tactfully as I can, and so as not to embarrass you, will not quote you direct- ly but simply state your viewpoint as though it were mine, if this is agreeable to you. Now then, replying to your letter with the copy of the criticism, wish to say I think that is good stuff, We on the committee know Tower sufficiently well so that we kmow he is not hide-bound, He may be conservative, but he certainly is open-minded and will take more abuse from the members of the committee good-naturedly than any one I can think of, I believe there is a point to the criticism voiced and for that reason, believe it would be helpful in making out Guide a better one another year. I have gone over quite carefully the material you sent me, and think it is pretty good stuff. Dr. Forrest C. Allen Page 2. July 26, 1940 I am not particularly excited ebout Keene's material, but at the same time, it does represent a point of view which I believe is deserving of attention, Later on in the Fall, I shall again canvass the situation insofar as members of the committee are concerned, see how many have seen fit to reply to Keene, and try to arrive et a summation of opinion of the committee in regard to it. At any rate, the criticism was written constructively, and it seems to me that we should give the case consideration. I didn't know whether this material you sent me was a file copy. If it is, I will be glad to return it. If not, I will be glad to keep it, Kindly let me know what your wish is. Probably a copy of it should go forward to Keene because I think it has some bearing on his contention. However, if copies are scarce, I will be glad to send him mine, providing you allow. me to keep it, because he is a most meticulous cuss, and I am sure he will give it careful attention and return it. With personal regards and trusting that the Summer treats you not too un= kindly in the way of hot weather, I am Sincerely yours FAR:McG Chairman & Rules committee, etc. I have just received a postcard from the Townsend Publishing Company «= - = - S22 imagine you received a similer notice, but ? 2 wented to keep we advised of the fact that apparently | eres not ici Sleds ha in putting over the job of pub= lishing their basketball rule guide. This is for your informatione re Dr. Forest C. Allen U,ivessity of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear sir = = 4 Publication of the ILLUSTRATED BASKETRATI. ANNUAL has been postponed until December, 1940.4 A complimentary copy will be mailed to you at that time, TOWNSEND PUBLISHING CO, New York, N. Y