N. C. A. A. Track Meet It was voted to authorize our committee on the Meet to deter- mine the date when it shall be held. Basket Ball Games with Professionals A letter was read from J. L. Bingham, Assistant to the President of the A. A. U., calling attention to the fact that some college basket ball teams, in various parts of the country, have been playing teams known to be professional, though claiming amateur standing. While the N. C. A. A. makes no rules governing the conduct of its members, and recognizes the fact that occasionally a college with the highest amatuer standards may play with a professional baseball team early in the season for practice, the Executive Committee went on record as deploring college basket ball games in the middle of the season with professional teams, when there are plenty of ama- teur teams available for the schedule. Committee on Athletic Injuries At the December Convention it was voted that a committee be appointed to study and report on athletic injuries. The Executive Committee appointed the following: Dr. J. E. Raycroft (Prince- ton), chairman; Dr. Edgar Fauver (Wesleyan) and Dr. A. F. Thorndike (Harvard). Relations with Other Amateur Organizations The recommendation of the Council confirmed by the Convention authorizing the appointment of a new standing committee on rela- tions with other amateur organizations was discussed at length. It was decided to postpone final action on this point until the next meeting of the Committee, which will probably be held in the early summer in Chicago. Organization of District Conferences It was voted as the sense of the meeting that the president com- municate with the vice-presidents of the N. C. A. A., callirig special attention to certain suggestions made in his circular letter (see Number One of this series of News Bulletins) regarding the desir- ability of organizing conferences of leaders in athletics in each district for the purpose of discussing topics and situations that are important to the institutions in that district ; to bring to the attention of these conferences discussions and resolutions that came up at the National Convention; and to call attention to the experience of Dean Sackett, Vice-President of the Second District, in conducting meet- ings of this type during the past three years. FRANK W. NICOLSON, Secretary.