Boxing Dr. F. C. Grant, Philadelphia; James Driver, University of Vir- ginia; Hugo Bezdek, Pennsylvania State College; Capt. I. C. Giffen, U. S. Naval Academy. Ice Hockey Albert I. Prettyman, Hamilton; L. F. Keller, University of Minnesota; Joseph Stubbs, Harvard; L. K. Neidlinger, Dartmouth. Fencing H. W. Craig, University of Illinois; Hugo Alexandroni, Colum- bia; Dernell Every, Yale; Miguel A. de Capriles, New York Uni- versity. Gymnastics Dr. C. Abbott Beling, Newark, N. J.; Chas. W. Graydon, Flush- ing, N. Y.; D. L. Hoffer, University of Chicago; P. M. Clark, Chatham, N. J. Rowing Julian Curtis, Yale; Maxwell Stevenson, Columbia; Elliott Far- ley, Harvard; William Monahan, University of California. Swimming Fred Luehring, University of Pennsylvania; Edward T. Ken- nedy, Columbia; Nelson A. Kellogg, Lehigh; Matt Mann, Uni- versity of Michigan. Track and Field T. N. Metcalf, University of Chicago; W. J. Bingham, Harvard; K. L. Wilson, Northwestern; Al Masters, Stanford. Wrestling Dr. R. G. Clapp, University of Nebraska; Dr. J. A. Rockwell, Mass. Inst. of Technology ; Z. G. Clevenger, University of Indiana; E. G. Schroeder, University of Iowa. N.C. A. A. Wrestling Championships The Seventh Annual National Collegiate Wrestling Meet will be held at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich., on March 23 and 24, 1934. The local Tournament Manager will be Mr. Clifford Keen, Wrestling Coach at University of Michigan. ‘This meet will be both Team and Individual Championship. All wrestlers representing recognized colleges and universities who are eligible under the rules adopted by the National Collegiate Athletic Asso- ciation on December 29, 1933, are eligible for this meet. The annual meeting of the Wrestling Rules Committee will be held in connection with this meet. 3