Che National Collegiate Athletic Assoriation PRESIDENT . SECRETARY-TREASURER HONORARY PRESIDENTS = PROFESSOR W. B. OWENS PROFESSOR FRANK W. NICOLSON BRICADIER-CENERAL PALMER E. PIERCE STANFORD UNIVERSITY WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR CHARLES W. KENNEDY CALIFORNIA MIDDLETOWN, CONN. MAJOR JOHN L. CRIFFITH MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL ee VICE-PRESIDENTS MEMBERS AT LARGE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE > ae MR. MALCOLM FARMER, Yale University, First District PROFESSOR C. E. BILHEIMER, Gettysburg College THE PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY ke PROFESSOR P. O. BADGER, New York University, Second District PROFESSOR W. D. FUNKHOUSER, University of PROFESSOR P. O. BADGER S PROFESSOR N. W. DouGHERTY, University of Tennessee, Third Kentucky DIRECTOR W. J. BINGHAM District PROFESSOR H. H. KING, Kansas State College PRESIDENT T. J. DAVIES ee lL. W. St. Joun, Ohio State University, Fourth PROFESSOR E. L. LARSON, University of Arizona Dr. F. H. EWERHARDT Dr. F. H. EWERHARDT, Washington University, Fifth District PROFESSOR JAMES C. DOLLEY, University of Texas, Sixth District PROFESSOR C. C. May, University of Washington DIRECTOR R. A. FETZER PROFESSOR T. N. METCALF, University of Chicago prorrssor L. W. ST. JOHN PROFESSOR S. C. PALMER, Swarthm 11 PROFESSOR C. L. ECKEL, University of Colorado, Seventh District - ree Frownenon H.C. Waeeee PROFESSOR H. C. WILLETT, University of Southern California, Eighth District Washington University December 8, 1938 Mr. Gwinn Henry Direotor of Athletics University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr, Henry:- The National Collegiate Athletic Association is organizing a basket- ball tournament to be held at the conclusion of the 1938-39 season. This tour- nament, organized at the suggestion of the National Association of Basketball Coaches, is to be the only official National Collegiate Basketball Tournament. Mr. H. G. Olsen, of Ohio State University, is the Chairman of the Tournament Committee, and Forrest C. Allen,of the University of Kansas, is the Chairman for the Fifth District. They are very anxious that all member schools cooperate fully. Further communication in regard to the plans for the holding of this tournament and possibly qualifying tournaments in the various districts will be sent to you very shortly. Your active support is needed in order that the development of so- called national tournaments by non-collegiate interests be retarded. There has been a growing tendency toward the promotion of this type of tournament, som- times under the guise of charity and sometimes, apparently, for private gain of promoters. As an example, may I site, that in our district, during the last two years, groups of private individuals, not officially associated with our Universities, promoted a tournament calling it the National Intercollegiate Basketball Tournament. Naturally, since the National Collegiate Athletic Association is sponsoring their own official tournament, we members of the Fifth District should give it our unlimited support to the exclusion of any other national tournament. It seems to me that it is not out of order to suggest to all mm- bers of the National Collegiate Athletic Association, who last year lent their support to the National Intercollegiate Basketball Tournament, to transfer their allegiance to our own National Collegiate Basketball Tournament. Yours very truly, a ae fhesm F, H, Ewerhardt