Chairman, L. W. ST. JOHN Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio answers and RETURN THE QUESTIONNAIRE PROMPTLY to Vice-Chairman, FLOYD A. ROWE Secretary, GEORGE T. HEPBRON Board of Education, Cleveland, Ohio 105 Nassau Street, New York City NATIONAL BASKETBALL COMMITTEE of the UNITED STATES AND CANADA ANNUAL QUESTIONNAIRE This questionnaire is sent annually to representative basketball men of the country in order that their views may be presented at the annual meeting of the National Committee. The Committee will be grateful if you will check these The Committee Member whose name appears above will send all replies received up to March 25 to H. V. Porter, 11 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois. I. oO Relative to jumping: (a) Is crowding around jumpers a problem in your locality? Yest{. $4 No. fi 3 (b) Are too many fouls committed during jumps? YaSbS.No.69 3 (c) Should the abnormally tall player b¢ deprived of part of his advantage? Ye3 73, NoZ Concerning the rule which prohibits coaches from addressing players or officials: (a) Should the present rule be retained? Ye - (b) If you faver modifying the rule make sugges- tions on the back of this sheet. Would you favor making it permissible to move the baskets a specified number of feet farther in the court on courts that are at least 75 feet long? vest No. a : Has the smaller ball size which _was adopted last year been satisfactory? Would you favor raising the baskets to 11 or 12 feet? Yes. |.4 . No..4.Q . @Vould you favor changing the size of the bas t to 20 inches in diameter? Yes. 11.0. No. QD. $ (a) Is the pivot post play in the free throw lane causing undue trouble . locality? Yes}. $4- No. 7 : This questionnaire checked by 8. 9. (b) Would you favor some rule change which would take away the right of a player in the traditional position to tr or a field-goal?____ rh 2.. 0. When a player, in driving in toward the basket, is fouled but succeeds in scoring in the continuing offen- sive motion the foul should be charged against the offender but the field goal should be allowed and no free Sime | Would you favor such a rule? L/No... Yea 3 .O Relative to the traveling rule: A player in motion receives the ball and comes to a legal stride stand stop on the count of two. Do you favor retaining the present rule which,dges n6t allow a pivot from such a position? Yes .¥j &@*” “ Comments: QUESTIONNAIRE COMMITTEE, J. H. CROCKER, E. J. HICKOX, W. E. MEANWELL, OSWALD TOWER, Editor, H. V. PORTER, Chairman Location Treasurer, A. E. METZDORF 97 Elmsdorf Ave., Rochester, N. Y. —