a de na er: 7 Bay Sects af Amectiony Land Banke Bui a Kansas City, Mlesouris ly dear Koes oe cuit came tine agp 1 out out © cltoning tran te Kansas City Tames es in which you were signally honored @s being one of the three distinguished citizens in Yenses City, Missourie I expected at that time to write imal aiid Sd thls saasien- amie hoon but I still have that promise of buying that dimer or luncheon definitely in mind, and I will surprise you sme day this sumer or fell, I hope. I have a coaching school down in Texas, and go to Topelm, Kansas, later in the sumer for a coaching school, but I have not forgotten : SS you paid our National Association of Basketball Coaches and with what enthusiasn it was re~ eciveds With all good wishes, en | Very Sincerely yours, 7 aa Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FOAsAH Varsity Basketball Coach. Pedic this does not require a replys