Reread 5 Reds endh Qe, . a AY: Bante v Mr. Oswald Tower | Andover, Mass ih gelec. Late in 1934, while I was oa at Hazelgreen, vA wrote Everett Dean the suggestion that a second circle at center be dra and that players not be allowed inside this on tip-off plays. I do know how many others suggested this but I do know it became a rule. Dear Mr. Tower: Now, after having watched Indiana basketball a few more years and having served as coach, league organizer, etc., as part of my job, I want to offer another suggestion which may help solve the "big man! question and also aid in determining the penalty for fouling. I sugzest that the free throw line be extended in a semi- circle until it cuts the end lines of the floor and that no pivot play be allowed inside this zone with the penalty being that the ball be taken out of bounds. Zl Also, that any held ball inside this zone be called for a jump at the nearest portion of the line to where the ball was held. Third, that any foul committed inside this zone when a player was shooting or attempting to shoot a field goal have as a penalty the awarding of two free throws to the team attempting to shoot with a field goal counting if made. The first suggestion takes care of the "big man" question and will open up play under the basket, in this way helping officials at the tight spot. The second will eliminate "rule bfeaking" on the part of many officials and one which I saw wrongly followed more this year than ever before. The third Will help eliminate the intentional foul which has been so common in tournament play this month. These suggestions are not made out of critcism but because of an interest developed in 32 years active participation in Hoosier basketball. 20 7 Witter. Rit» DirectorJof Recreation Edw. JM Ronsheim