GENERAL DISTRIBUTORS “for TORO GRASS CUTTING MACHINERY MILORGANITE FERTILIZER BUCKNER SPRINKLING EQUIPMENT EVERY THING FOR THE 1826-28 GRAND AVENUE KANSAS CITY, MO. L.D. TELEPHONE HARRISON 4714 D. B. BELL & SON GOLF COURSE, PARK AND LAWN EQUIPMENT GOLF COURSE Apr. 18, 1940 Dr. Fe. Ce Allen, Director of Physical Education University of Kansas lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: The Lowe and Campbell Company of Kansas City, Missouri has just called this office and requested us to send you information ami prices ona double cup for Sand Greens. Five or six years ago at the request of a number of clubs in Nebraska, where there are so many sand greens, we developed a double cup, which is about 18 or 20 inches long, a standard size hole cup with an outside shell that is installed permanently in the green, and the inside shell is a cup with a bottom in it that has a frog in it to support the flag pole, and this inner cup can be lifted out aml emptied when filled with sand. These cups are made of galvanized steel, and the price is $2.25 per cupe They are furnished only on special order, aml it takes about two to three days to get these cups mde upe We trust this is the information you want, and if we can serve you, we will be pleased to have your order, which will have our prompt attention. We would like to call your attention to a special foMer which we are inc losing which may be of interest to you or whoever might be the proper authority. This folder is in regard to a perticuler sprinkler thet has been recently developed for the watering of athletic fields. It is the most perfect aml lowest priced watering system ever provided for football playing fields, polo fiels, etc. You will observe from the inclosed letter, which is a form that we are seming out to every University in the middle west, that it is already installed on a mumber of the leading University fields inthis section of the country. Mr. Spurling of the University of Missouri sent me word a couple of weeks ago that it is the finest thing he ever saw, and he would be gled for me to use him as a reference for anyone who wanted to inquire of its efficiency for athletic field watering. If the University of Kansas is interested in this piece of equipment, we would be glad to send one of our men over there with one of these sprinklers and let you see the performance of it. We are inclosing a mailim card for your conveniene, and trust we may hear from youe 3 Sincerely yours, D. Be BELL & SON = fo f? e S fi f, of s r fp ie ff AY Vas GLK f a © ee ee DBB:IB WE DO NOT SACRFICE QUALITY FOR PRICE