POSSIBLE IMPRGVEMENTS IN WORDING OR ARRANGEMENT SUGGESTED BY EDITOR AND SECRETARY PAGE 2 (DIAGRAM). Insert alley marks under backboard. l-5elast paragraph. Change second and third lines to: "shall be marked and lettered on the free throw lanes as in the diagram". Umit remainder. 4-]1. Consider changing limits in ball tolerance. 5-3. Make second line of first question read: "He has reported to the Scorers ond to an Official. Consider allowing player to withdraw or enter before play has been resumed. In last question change "several" to "three or more". Another alternative is to have no line-up of playas. 6-8. Take out in Section 8 “same play" (used twice). 6-il. In seventh line insert “and its coach" after "team". Add to last paragraph “and it should not be blown after the ball has been placed at the disposal of the free thrower". Authorize rulings on situations related t< the first question. 6-12. In fourth paragraph third line should be; “or permission for a substitute to enter the court", Should watch start immediately if ball misses ring? Second Question: This may be out of date. Change answer to first question. Conch can no longer ask official and should not be permitted to bother Timer. RULE 7. Make all definitions consistent in wrding. Section 3. Omit last question. Secticn 5. Omit. ft Section 6. Should read: "Own basket is the one for which a team is throwing". tlsc should become Section 5. Present Section 21 should become Section 6. Section 7. First line should read "fhe ball becomes dead, etc." When does ball cease to be dead? Is ball in play during freo throw? g Shculd read; "After each free throw following a double foul or technical foul;" j should read: "After each free throw of a multiple throw, except when the last such throw awarded for a personal foul is unsuccessful." Question and answer might cover influence of touching of ball before field goal in cases such as where it is passed from out of tunds.