Page two - 7-7-Note. Phrase "play continues 2s if the ball had not touched him" (last sen- tence) does not apply st division line. Section 12. Omit note. Secticn 1l-lst Q. Remove “or blocking" Section 15. Make mre specific. hat if one foul calls for two throws? Secticn 13. Omit last sentence "Technical fouls, etc." Secticn 20. Sh.uld this be "overtime"? Section 2%. In third line substitiwe "noarer" for "front". 8-1. This should read: "The game shall be started by e jump ball in the centor circle, ctc." In the fourth paragravh, should the officisls' time-out be compulsory? 8-5. Omit c. 8-6. In next to last line omit parenthetical statement. Note thet this situation will be covered in 14-ll. In next tc last line, where is ball out of bounds? How can second question be justified by rule? 8-8. In next to last line of Note under (b) substitute "any player of that toam" for "a teammate". 8-9. This should read “After a goal fromthe field, any opponent of the team credited with the score snail, etc." NOTE: Make consistent with 10-1. 9-3. Use “extra period" or else “overtime” to be consistent. In ninth line of second paragraph substitute “any extra" fo "this". kK 9-2 and 5. Combine these two sections. Fdlow first sentence of 4 with "If no points have been scored or if theseore is a tie or if the offending team is ahead, the score shall be 2 to O in favor of the offended team. If the offending team is behind, the score at the time of forfeiture shall stand." Permit referee to deciare current score the final score. *x* In eleventh line substitute "any™ for "this". Use “overtime™ consistently. ***Make question cover college games. + 10-l-Note. Should Inst sentence be part of Rule 1? The 2nd note should be in itdics and rewritten. 10-2. Insert "by a jump" after "again" in last Line. No caps in "jump ball". Last clause should read “the same players shall jump again at the same point". ll-1. Insert Q. ond As: “Ques. the scorer sounds his horn following a held ball. When should the timer stop his watch? ans. When the Official signals as provided in the fourth paragraph of Rule 6-12." Note: "Thrown for goal" is included under “lost control". 13-1. Make this read: “When a foul has been called an Official shall immediately secure possessicn of the ball, take it to the free throw line and place it at the dispesal of the player entitled to throw. During the free throw a player cf the home team and of the visiting team respectively shall occupy the spaces marked H and V. Teammates are entitled to alternate spaces. In all free throws