CougsrTritrrTics# aro STeL AWS of the NATIONAL BASKETBALL COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA ARTICLE I - NAME The name of this organization shall be "The Natioml Basketball] Committee of the United States and Candda". ARTICLE II + PURPOSE The purpose of this organization shall be to legislate upon the official rules of basketball as played in the colleges, schools and by amateur teams in the United States and Canada; to supervise the administration of the official rules and to pro- mote the welfare of the game to the end that recreation, healthy competition, and good sportsmanship may be aided thereby. ARTICLE III - MEMBERSHIP Section l. fhe constituent organizations holding membership on t his committee and the number of representatives for each shall be; (a) The National Collegiate Athletic Association....seeeseeeseeeee8 representatives (b) The National Federation of State High *chool Athletic Associations.....4 representatives a The Young Men's Christian Associati Onsesccccccccccsecscesesecee representatives (a) The Canadian Intercollegiate “thletic Union...........0.-+.--l representative (9) The Canadian Amateur Basketball Associntion....e.eeeeeeee> ool representative In addition to the representatives mentioned above, the shall have the privilege of designating honorary member John Brown, Jr., as 2 voting member as long as he may be actively connected with that organization. Also Oswald Tower shall be considered a National Collegiate member-atelarge as long as he continues to ve edi- tor and interpreter. The committee as a whole shall elect an editor who may or may not be a regularly ap- pointed member of the committec. By a two-thirds vote of the committee, an invitation to other organizations for mem- bership on the committee may be extended and by the same vote members or former mem- bers may be designated as honorary members for life when by long and distinguished service such members may merit this distinction. Honorary members may attend meet- ings of the committee and shall have the privilege of the floor but no vote. Section 2. Constituent organizations holding membership on this commitee shall provide the secretary of the National Basketball Committee annually with credentials of member- ship on the committee. ARTICLE IV -- OFFICERS Section l. Officers of the Committee shall be oa Chairman, a Vice-Chairman, a Secretary, a Treasurer am an Editor. Section 2. The term of each officer shall be for one year. NOTE: In order to insure some degree of stability it should be the general policy of the committee to continue the officers through their term of committee member- ship, except that the term of the chairman should not excoed four consecutive years. Section 3, Election of officers shall take place at the annual mecting of the Com- mittee and the newly elected officers shall take office immediately upon election.