Page two - ARTICLE V - EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of the officers of the National Basketball Committeo and such other members of the Committee as may be duly elocted by the membership. The Executive Committce shall handle all business of the National Committee between tho onnual or any special meetings of the Notional Committee. Four members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum. ARTICLE VI -- DUTIES OF OFFICERS (a) Chairman -- Shall preside at all meetings of the Committeo and of the Executive Committee and in general shall porform the duties incident to his office. (b) Vice-Chairman -- During the absence or inability to act of the Chairman, shall perform the duties of that office. (c) Secretary -= Shall keep the records of all meetings of the Committee and the Executive Committée. He shall give ond serve all noticcs of meetings and in general perform the duties incident to his office. (d) Treasurer -- Shall keep full and accurate account of all moneys received and shall deposit the seme in the name and to the oredit of the National Committee as may be designated by tho Executive Committee. He shall disburse the same under the direction of the Naticnal Committee and shall present at each annual meeting a written report of the Treasury. In general, ho shall perform the dutics incident to his office. (e) Editor .-- Shall assemble and edit all material for the Official Basketball Rule Book and Guide, keep accurats record of all amendments to the rules and interpre* by mail, if requested, any and all questions arising out of the rules and in general perform the duties incident tc his office. ARTICLE VII. -- VOTING Each member of the National Committee shall have one vote and the vote of a majority shall prevail in all. matters unless otherwise provided herein. Members unable to attend may, with the consent of their constituent organizations, send an alternate with power to vote. Voting may not be by proxy. ARTICLE VIII -- MEETINGS Section 1. The annual meeting of the Committee shell be at the close of tho basket - ball seasun in the spring at a time determined by vote of the committee at the time of the last preceding annual meeting or, in tho absence of such vote, at the cal 1 of the Chairman. The order of business shall be in accordance with the agenda made up by the Secretary and approved by the Executive Committoe. Section 2. Special metings of the Committee: may be called at the discrotion of the Chairman and shall be called upon the written request of six members. ARTICLE IX -- DUTIES AND POWERS Section le It shall be the duty of the National Committee to formulate the playing rules for the game of basketball for schools and amateur circles generally. These shall be considered the official mules. Section 2. The National Committee shall have sole jurisdiction over the publication of the official rules and the ownership of the copyright shall be vested in the com~ mittee. Publication of the rules may be by contract or an undortaking of the Com-