Pace three - mittee at the sole jurisdiction of the Committee of the whole. The National Federa- tion of State High School Athletic Associations shall, while they are a member group of the Committee, have the right t. publish and distribute a high school edition of the official mles as adopted by the Committee. This same privilege may be granted to any other member group by a majority vote of the Committee. ARTICLE X -- SPECIAL COMMITTEES Seotion l. All Special Committees shall be appointed by the Chairman and shall con- sist of the number of appointees designated by the Chair and perform the duties out- lined at the time of their appointment unless otherwise designated by the Chair. The Special Committees shall be: (a) Committee on Research. te} Committes on Game Administraticn. (c) Committee on Questionnaire. ARTICLE XI -- FINANCES Section 1. After payment cof all current committee expenses and the establishing of a suitable reserve (approved by the Committee as a whole), the balance of the receipts shall be divided as follows; 85% to the National Collegiate Athletic Association 10% to the Young Men's Christian Association 5% to the(Canadian Intercollegiate Athletic Union (Canadian Amateur Basketball Associaticn NOTE: The share paid to the two Canadian groups will be paid haif and half until such time as the Committee by majority vote might choose to apportion the amount to the two groups on some basis tc be agreed upon. The percentage allotted to ths Canadian groups may be increased by the committes at any time the sales of the guide in Canada exceed 5% of the total sales. Section 2. As long as the National Federation elects to print and distribute the special high school edition of the guide, they will not share in the income from sales of the regular guide and they shall be expected to take caro of the expenses of their own representatives on the committee. ARTICLE XII -- AMENDMENT This constitution may be smended by a two-thirds majority vote of the duly scoredited members of the National Committee either at the annual meeting orat a special meet- ing called for that purpose. In either case written notice of the proposed amend- ment shall we been mailed to all members at least fifteen days prior to the mecting.