DATA ON BALL REACTION coneral Statement: Three balls were used. The pressures were such that ball num- ber 1 bounced 48 inches when dropped from a height of six feet, the second bounced 52 inches and the third 55 inches. The balls were used alternately umer actual game conditions and later were used for spot shooting from 22 feet in frmt of the basket and during practice drills which involved a one-bounce dribble followed by one~hand push shot and then with a follow shot. AT 48" A? $2" AT 55" No. fumbles per hour of playecccrccceesecsecvees OU 37 36 % Field Goals made; a ee ee eer eer 20% 12% ook ic ss cee seks cies vavenccss OOF 30% 25% CiewNOG amd FOLLOW si cccissiccccsvscccnixas OO 52% 49% % Weed THOME GAR s i vcs ecasecsecssissccccccs 3% 50% 4% No. times ball was out of bounds (Not opmb ine afber GON) )eciscccccscecceeses 81 49 75 Opinions of Players and Observers as to which reaction seemed to be most satisfactory...-. 26% 58% 16% Players proferred the 52" bounce andtigh. inflated ball. FQUR-FOOT END LINE DATA FOUR=FOOT OTHER NUMBER OF OUT OF BOUNDS AT END; ge oe er ene ee re ee ee 29,5 Soar REGIONAL evcesscvvevscvessenvesesssreesesscessens 29.8 36.2 Sect ional. @eseseovneeeoeoneoesereaseeoeseeeeveeeveeocoeeesee eee ee Se 6 49.8 JUMP BALL SITUATIONS; RAG 4 ots 601s GOO Oe 40 498 OO Owes soooevpeseeea ee 25,0 2642 Regionale csecsecccoeeecnssresssesesrcvessessese e0e2 Liat CL ee ee a a en eee Te a ee ee ee 19.0 ceeo ib os bE AAS 4 AOS Cb UNE Oe 4 OO ES OOD Teel