MINUTES OF BUSINESS SESSION OF THE NATIONAL BASKETBALL RULES COMMITTEE ~ APRILS5,1956. i The National Basketball Rules Committee went into executive session at 4:00 P.M. Sunday, April 5, 1936. The following members were pre- sent: F,.C, Allen, W. McK. Barber, J. W. Bunn, Wilson Collins, H. G. Crisp, J. H. Crocker, W. BH. Meanwell, H. V. Porter, Samuel Rogers, F. A. Rowe, J. W. St. Clair, L. W. St. John, H, H. Salmon, H. A. Swaffield, Oswald Tower, W. 4, Witte. The meeting was called to erder by Chairman St. John, The chairman gave a resume of the salient facts connected with the history of the basketball committee. In the early years of the century bas- ketball was played only sporadically and under various local sets of rules. The greater number of games were sponsored by the various Y,M.C.A. groups, The colleges gradually adopted the game and by about 1909 the college group sought a degree of uniformity by ap- peinting a committee to draw up a set of rules which would govern all college games. This committee, of which Ralph Morgan was chair- man, met in New York and during the period between trains drew up a code which was the forerunner of the present one, For the next several years this code was in common use in college games, but the Y.M,C.A. and A.A.U. organizations used other rules, About 1913 Dr, Raycroft called a conference of men representing the various or- ganizations for the purpose ef attempting to set up a single code for all groups, This conference resulted in the formation of a joint basketball committee and a resultant joint code of rules. This code remained in force during the next fifteen years. In the meantime the high school and college groups had perfected a nation- wide organization embracing thousands of schools. The colleges were organized into eight districts under the National Collegiate Ath- letic Association and the high schools by states under the National Federation of State High School Athletic Associations. It soon be- came evident that the school organizations had become the major factor in the development of basketball since it had become one of the major school sports. In contrast to this the sport occupied a relatively minor position in the program of the :,M.C.A . and the A,A.U. the representation of the two latter groups came to be more or less confined to a small section of the entire erganizations. It was evident that any fair plan of representation would have to embody consideration for the powerful influence exerted on the sport by the high school organization, In consequence, largely through the influence of L, W. St. John, the National Federation was invited to join forces with the other organizations in drawing up suitable rules of play. This resulted in a committee which was so large as to be unwieldy and the result was a reorganization in 1933 which provided for a committee made up ef eight representatives from the N.C.A.A., four from the National Federation, two fro1 the Y,M,C,A., two from the A.A,U, and two from Canada, This committee was still regarded as rather large for efficient work, Hewever, it functioned during the next three years, In 1935 the Y,M.C,4, and A.A.U, groups protested against the existing type of organization and pro- posed increased representation for their groups, This proposal did not meet with very great favor by either the National Collegiate, the National Federation or the Canadian representatives and, as a result, a proposed reorganization in 1955 resulted in a split vote and no action, Between that date and the 1936 meeting, the National Collegiate and the National Federation parent bodies instructed Page two ~- their delegates to attend a reorganization meeting called by Mr. St. John for April 4th, 1936, To this meeting all of the various groups were invited with the understanding that if they chose, the representation would be in the same pra3portion which had existed during 1935. The A.A.U. and Y.M.C.A. groups did not choose to be- come affiliated with the other groups on that basis, As a result the committee organized with the understanding that it would re- present the National Collegiate Athletic Association with eight re- presentatives in addition to Chairman St. John and Hditor Oswald Tower, the National Federation with four representatives, the Canadian Amateur Basketball Association with one representative and the Canadian Intercollegiate Athletic Union with one representa- tive, The chairman then called for suggestions relative to the name of the reorganized committee. It was moved by Barber, seconded by Swaffield and unanimously carried that the name "National Basket- ball Committee of the United States and Canada" be adopted and that the notation be carried that this committee represents the four or- ganizations mentioned above, The committee then proceeded to a discussion of the adoption of a constitution to serve as a guide for the various activities of the committee. It was moved by Tower, seconded by St. Clair and unani- mously carried that a small constitutional committee be appointed to remodel the previously adopted constitution and to bring it up to date and that the constitution as redrafted by the committee be sub- mitted to the secretary for distribution to all members of the com- mittee, this redrafted form to be considered in effect wntil such time as the committee meets again to formally vote upon its rati- fication, The committee then proceeded to a discussion of matters pertaining to the printing and distribution of the guide. It was made clear by the chairman that under the new articles of agreement relative to reorganization that the National Federation or any other constituent group would have the right to print and distribute the rules as made by the joint committee in any manner which might best fit the type of organization of that particular group. It was further made clear that if this right were exercised by any one of the groups that that group would then take care of the expenses of its own representa- tives to the National Rules meeting. It was moved by Rowe, seconded by Barber and unanimously carried that this type of organization be approved. 3 There was a short discussion of matters pertaining to the proper time of distribution and the sentiment was expressed that distri- bution should be made as early as possible without interfering too greatly with a widespread sale of the guide. It was further under- stood that the time of distribution of the separates to be published by any one of the constituent organizations would be determined by the machinery of distribution in that organization. It was recom- mended that the time of distribution should not be later than the first part of October. Page three - The committee discussed the matter of distribution of funds which may accrue to the committee through royalties. It was moved by Salmon, seconded by Collins and unanimously carried that all re- ceipts from royalties should be placed in a committee fund, that from this fund all overhead expenses such as the editor's fee, cost of executive committee meetings and printing should be paid and that the remainder should go to the National Collegiate Athletic Association except that a percentage of this residue should go to the two Canadian organizations, this percentage to be in proportion to the percentage which the Canadian sales bear to the total sales of the guide. It was moved by Salmon, seconded by Barber and unanimously carried that each constituent group recommend to its parent body that of the amount which is to be distributed from the fund which remained in the treasury from last year, one-fifth of the amount due each organization be left in the committee treasury for one year as a loan in order that the committee micht have funds with which to meet current expenses, It was moved by Meanwell, seconded by Allen and unanimously carried that a publications committee be appointed to make necessary ar- rangements for the publication of the 1936-7 guide and to transact 311 business matters which might properly come under the juris- diction of a publications committee. It was understood that this would include the right to make proper arrangements with the various officials’ organizations insofar as they are concerned with the material which is to be included in the almanac section of the guide. The chair appointed on this publications committee H, H. Salmon, Chairman, Oswald Tower, H, A. Swaffield and i, A. Rowe. The chair appointed the following standing committees: Research Committce: F, CC. Allen, Chairman, H. V. Porter, FE, A,” Rowe, J.’ 4. Bunn, Questionnaire Committee: H,. V. Porter, Chairxzan, J. W. St. Clair, Samuel Rogers, Wilson Collins, Oswald Tower, W, H, Meanwell, It was moved by Barber, seconded by Tower and unanimously carried that the committee donate {10.00 to the McAlpin Hotel Employecs' fund and that an expression of appreciation be sent to the hotel management for the excellent services which had been rendered the committee, The meeting adjourned at 6:00 P.M. Signed: H,°V. PORTER, Secretary NOTE: If there are any suggested corrections they should be sent to the Seerctary seon after these minutes are received, Wational Basketball Committee: Wye leosed are the minutes of the business meeting which was held ay afternoon, April Sth. Because of the fact that notes for the earlie were taken by Miss Smith, it will be necessary for etary to wait until her notes arrive before be possible to suuely Ghadbere of tan Gomaveee With tes for these earlier meetings, They will be sent as soon as the various parties concerned oan get their Yours truly, MRks H. V, PORTER, Seeretary THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY ‘ Georce W. Ricurmire, President DerarTMENT oF Puysicar EpucaTion L. W. Sr. Joun, Director COLUMBUS April 28, 1936 Mr. John L. Griffith, President, Dean Frank W. Nicolson, Seereteary-Treasurer, The National Collegiate Athletic Association. Gentlemen: As Gheirman of the BC .AsAs Commit tee and, also, Chairman of the Joint Basketball Committee, 1 wish to report as follows: held at the MedLpin Hotel Friday evening, April 3. At tai a e Me ay ev A ° 8 Executive Committee meeting all matters pertaining to the operation of the old National Basketball Committee of the United States and Canada were officially closed. A full membership was present. A report received today from Treasurer A. E, Metzdorf, of the 014 Committee, practically eloses that chapter. (Copy of Metzdorf's report attached) Pursuant to your Basketball Chairman's interpretation of the N.C ane Exoou tive Conatiy tee estes of Mey 5, 1955, a mecti } CAA : Se was called for the MeAlp rote, in fork, : April 4. . Other oFgmizations previously ssrostated wit n the N,C.AsAe wore invited to attend and clpate in the Rules Committee work on the former whats of esentation. (4-National High School Pesarett on BoAvA Vey BaXoMsCo Aes .) The National Hi, chock Fodsratien ana the Ganadian delegates acce the invitation and, therefore, were represented in the/reorganization of the Baske tbell Rules Commit tee «) mn i ee Sth ; g ‘ Oareeet te athe gry: =e “ the Permigsion was granted to the National High Sehool Federation to print and distribute the rules adopted this Hules Committes, it being understood that the # : Federation would not share in the ey aceruing fron the the sale of the Official Basketball Geaneadian interests do not wish to print the setr"cotfoclatsy “it is the untaratendibe poor Se s & er | nee that the question of Canadian interests cnavlne i basketball guide royalty was left open to be considered later Mr. John Ls Griffith Dean Frank ¥. Nicolson #2 April 28, 1936 on a basis of the number of Guides actually sold in Canada. fhis Committee (National Basketball C ommittee of the United States and Canada) organized electing the following officers: ¥ ™ Chairman Le. We St. John Viee Chairmen H. H. Salmon, Jr. Secretary H. V. Porter Treasurer Floyd A. Rowe Edi tor Oswald Tower Additimmal members of the Executive Committee: d. H. Crocker BH. Ae Swaffi eld W. Mek. Barber A further action of the new organization was a motion that twenty pereent of the funds distributed by Treasurer Metzdorf be loaned to the Committee for one year, in order that the Committee J pc have funds with v to meet current expense. May —— therefore, that freasurer Nicolson ead te to on A. Rowe, Treasurer, Address, Board of Edueation, Cle land, Ohio, Tw Hundred Dollars ($200.00) to comply with the action taken. I am assuming that the National High School Federation will send Mr. Rowe One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) , and thet Canada will supply Mr. Rowe with Twenty Dollers ($20.00), which ne place in our Treasurer's hands Tr Hundred Twenty Dollars ($320.00). These amounts are to be considered as a loan to the new Committee, seid loan to be repaid out of the 1936-57 reyal ty : All N.C.A.A. Districts were represented at this year's Basketball Rules Committee meeting. If my member of the N.C.A.A. Executive Gommittee or ay member of the Rules Committee to =e this report is being sent desires more detail information, I will be glad to supply the same to the best of my ability. Respectfully submitted, EWStd : MP £22 April 21, 1936 oe | Ae Ge Spalding & froses, ve few York ae Dear Geor get The bills are now all in and paid. The balance on hand is $2,276.78. I am sending out ehecks for this as follows: Pidesetion’ef High Sehoaks ade Ae As Ue 227 .68 Ye Me Ge As 27.68 Board of Education Cleveland, Shio May 22, 1936 ul Dear Sir: Attached you will please find a suggested copy of the Constitution and By-Laws of the National basketball Committee, the same having been drawn up by Mr. H. 4B, Salmon several years ago. lly reason for including the paragraph concerning the membership of the A.oA.U. and YsMeC.4, is so that it will be clear to every one who takes time to go over the Constitution, that those two organizations have voluntarily withdrawn, If you have suggestions to make in regard to changes you feel should be made, 1 will be very glad to hear from yous Very truly yours Floyd A. Rowe NATIONAL BASKETBALL COMMITTEE FAR :MeG Attachment CONSTITUTION ABD BY@LAPWS ARTICLE I = NAME The name of this organization shell be “The National Basketbell Committee of the United States and Canada”. ARTICLE II = PURPOSE The purpose of this organization shall be to legislete upon and publish the official rules of basketball as played in the colleges, schools and by amateur teams in the United States and Canada, and to foster the dnktonk elk of the rules by amateur teams in every country of the world: to supervise the administration of the official rules, and to promote the welfare of the game to the end that recreation, healthy competition and good sportsmanship may be sided thereby. 3 ARTICLE III = MEMBERSHIP Section 1 - Membership on the Committee shall be by the appointment of the several constituent organizations as provided in Section 2 of this articles Section 2 = The National Collegiate Athletic Association of the United States shall appoint ennually one member from each district of the Association to the Committee; the National Federation of State High School Athletic Associations shall appoint annuelly four members of the committee; the Canadien Intercollegiete Athletic Union and the Canadian Basketball Association, each, shall appoint one member of the Committee, the Amateur Athletic Union of the United States and the Y.M.C.A. shall each have the right to appoint ennually two members of the Committee; the Chairman and the Editor may or may not be duly appointed members but may be added to the appointed membership list by a majority vote of the Committee. An invitation to other organizations for membership on the Committee may be extended or the membership of any constituent organization may be terminated upon a two thirds majority vote of the members of the Committee. The Committee may designate as Honorary Members for Life any of its members or former members who by long and/ or distinguished service may merit this distinction. woe Honorary Members may attend eny meetings of the Committee and shall have the privilege of the floor but no vote. Section 3 = The term of membership of members shall be for one year ending on the day of the Annual Meeting automatically but notwithstanding this term of office, no member shall be prevented from succeeding himself provided he is so appointed by the constituent organizetion. ARTICLE IV = OFFICERS Section 1 = Officers of the Committee shall be a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman, a Secretary, a Treasurer and an Editor. Section 2 = The term of each officer shall be for one year. Section 3 - Election of officers shall teke place st the annual meeting of the Committee and the newly elected officers shall take office immediately upon election. ARTICLE V = EXECUTIVE COMVITTEE There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of the officers and four other members of the National Basketball] Committee appointed by the Chairman, each of whom shall hold office for one year. The Executive Committee shall hendle all business of the National Committee between the annuel or any epbetet meetings of the National Committee and five members thereof shall constitute a quorum. ARTICLE VI = DUTIES OF OFFICERS (a) Chairman - shall preside at all meetings of the Committee and of the Executive Committee and in general shell perform the duties incident to his office. (bo) Vice-Chairman - During the ebsence or inability to ect of the Chairman shell : perform the duties of that office. =3- (c) Seeretary - Shall keep the records of all meetings of the Committee and the Executive Committee. He shall give and serve all notices of meetings and in general perform the duties incident to his office. (d) Treasurer - The Treasurer shall keep full and accurate account of all moneys received and shall deposit the same in the name and to the credit of the National Gommittee as may be designeted by the Executive Committee. He shall disburse the same under the direction of the National Committee and shall present at each annual meeting a written report of the Treasury. In general, he shall perform the duties incident to his office. (e) Editor = The Editor shall assemble and edit all material for the Official Basketball Rule Book and Guide, Keep accurate record of all amendments to the rules and interpret by mail, if requested, any and all questions arising out of the rules and in general perform the duties incident to his office. ARTICLE VII- VOTING Rach member of the National Basketball Committee shall have one vote and the vote of a majority shall prevail in all matters urless otherwise provided herein. Members unable to attend may vote by proxy accredited in favor of another member of the Committee. ARTICLE VIII = MEETINGS Section 1 ~ The annual meeting of the Committee shall be at the call of the Chair- man, usually in the month of April of each year, and the order of business shall be in accordance with the Agenda approved by the Executive Committee. Section 2 = Special meetings of the Committee may be called at the discretion of the Chairman end shall be called upon the written request of ten members. =~4e ARTICLE IX =» DUTIES & POWERS Section 1 - The National Basketball Committee shall have the sole duty to promulgate, devise and construct the playing rules for the game of basketball as played in college, school and ameteur circled generally. Rules edopted for the game shall be the official rules. Section 2 = The National Basketball Committees shall have the sole jurisdiction over the publication of the Official Rules end the ownership of the copyright of the Rules shall be vested in the Committee. Publication of the rules may be by contract or en undertaking of the Committee at the sole jurigdiotion of the Committee of the whole. ARTICLE X = SPECIAL COMMITTEES Section 1 = All special Committees shall be appointed by the Chairman and shall consist of the number of appointees designated by the Chair end perform the duties outlined at the time of their appointment unless otherwise designated by the Chair. The Special Committees shall be = (a) Committee on Research and Visual Investigation (b>) Committee on Publication (c) Committee on Questionneire and such other committees as it may be deemed advantageous to appoint from time to time. ARTICLE XI =— FINANCES Section 1 = After payment of all current expenses the balance of receipts, after a suitable reserve (approved by the Committee as a whole) shall have been established shall be divided as follows: (Tentative agreement only approved by all) ae ARTICLE XIl- AMENDMENT This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the duly accredited members of the National Committee either et an annual meeting or at a special meeting especially called for that purpose provided in the latter cese that written notice of the proposed amendment shall have been mailed to all members at least fifteen days prior to the meeting. Financial Report NATIONAL A.A.U. BASKETBALI CHAMPIONSHIPS MEN Held under the auspices of the Rocky Mountain Association at the City Auditorium in Denver, Colorado, March 15-21, 1936, RECET FP TS Receipts less the government tax on ticket sales $18,167.53 BAPERDIiTURES Allowance to Associations: SOP OL i. + cbs cdcstcssee. 9S60.00 District of Columbia... 350.00 Indiana-Kentucky.seceoe 150.00 MOCPOPCLIGCERs occ cnceckee 600,00 MiGacie AGLENCI GC. oscs case 200.00 Missouri Valley.....«.. 754,60 Northeastern Ohio.....-. 200.00 OPEBOD ess ade ecanrsaeeres LOO. 00 CRN i a eee hb bane 00 ea ae 100,00 Pacific Northwest...e«e. 100.00 We Se nn co 4s 64S KH 250.00 SOULHOR Ties c< cs inesecues 200.00 Southern Pacific....... 250.00 $3554.60 Hotel expenses of teams, officials, and Dr. Naismith; transportation of teams to and from Auditorium. 6053,43 re Oss bs ooo en we 0 6% Be oe ka 800,00 Telegraph, telephone, stampsS..ecceees 133.72 Rental Auditorium, additional seating capacity, loud speaker, stage PUIG i aks & 4 0c OC 66 e066 0% sce 68 759.67 Organization expense, signs, brackets, balls, scorebooks, tournament MONO BET. cet cseveccsessceveseser 007.94 Ticket sales, collection, printing... £121.37 ROAVOPCISING s 6 odds ccesecceestesveceees 414.95 MOGGLG, TPOPNLCS.+.0,06,0 -e0.00 + seen ceers 90.15 Transportation expense of Dr. Naismith 56.70 13,472.53 NET RECEIPTS Net POGGOL NUE cc 6 0 0.6 ee EE ds bob 608 wh thane 860004 s 60608065504 cbs es Less 30% to the Rocky Mountain Association....cesscceccceces 70% to the National PEE I age aerate Gren ras me miemgne ys at oer Less expenses of Mr. Bingham from National headquarters..... Entry a ko ok ca oi ek ek a KS Ea Ke 8 he eae a hee an Total siomisted to the Wational AcAcV cs oc oc cc cckwesdckoececbiss 4~36-200 $4695.00 1408.50 3286.50 86.30 3200.20 540.00 $3740.20 OOWOUNAWN—-OOANOUAWH= thee £44 | eet Teste eeeetirit eset SECHEVEPE CAPER E CE ERA ARTI Eee te | BRACKET SANTA FE TRAILS, KANSAS CITY--— [SANTA Fe TRAILS 44° BYE PHILLIPS UNIVERSITY, OKLA.-- WESTERN STATE, GUNNISON, COLOs~41 *CoLo SPRINGS ec caRial UptcK's TIRE UNITED FUEL—PINNACLE COAL ~~~ NORTHWESTERN STATE TEACH. COL.- UNITED SERVICE, ST. LOUIS WARRENSBURG TEACHERS - ~~~ eaheeciina New MEXICO STATE COLLEGE - New MEXICO STATE TEAGHERS ~~~ SOUTHWESTERN ST. TEACH. ‘OKLA. ~ = SPENCER MERCH. OWA. GAYLORDS, BOGALUSA, Lae Gitmore OILERS, ABERDEEN, WASH. wtb eteneeenee 56 | SANTA FE TRAILS 43 cell 35 5 33 }URLCK TIRES x. SANTA FE TRAILS 34 BYE - GRIDLEY CHIEFTAINS, WHCHITA - BYE ees a WESTERN AUSTINS, AURORA, ILL.~ SEIDELS, RAPIC CiTY,. S. "De om GREELEY "STATE - riers ther 96h SOUTHWESTERN COLLEGE, KAN. shee MAY COMPANY, CLEVELAND KANSAS GAS ELECTRIC, WICHITA - KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, SEATTLE.- HENAGER BUSINESS COLLEGE - YOUNG MEN'S INSTITUTE - AMERICAN BEAUTY MACARONI ROYAL HEARTS, ST. Louis CONNERS CAFE, -LARAMIE ~~ GLOBE R REFINERS, _MCPHERSON - YE toe eal cates: BYE : WEST TEXAS. TEACHERS | SOLLEGE « ARKANSAS TEACHERS CONWAY ~ GOODYEAR, MILWAUKEE ~ - NEW MEXICO SCHGOL OF } MINES - ve sseeane KANSAS CITY LIFE, DEWER ~~ POND V6, BLACKFOOT , ‘oa DENVER UNIVERSITY-- oon ADAMS STATE TEACHERS, ALAMOSA- BROOKLYN, N. BYE .. LOWER BRACKET PHILGOS, KANGAS CITY, MOs----~ Ye COLL: EGE - Ree e NO GLOBE REFINERS +77 "28 juni rep SERV. 3g LUNITED SERVICE 2 re BURG “Ts ACH an | NSB 52 SANTA Fe TRAILS 41 36 iT $4} GavLoros ARRENSEURG 23 Nace oruers 42 | SAV bones : , 1 GRIDLEYS 70 aot ESTERN AU GRIDLEYS 4} Boys STERN AUSTINS 27 ~ $3) 9R ELEY STATE 50 ae +n = CO. : 39| GREELEY SG SO) ore. SEATTLE, 30. any mM. 1 32 | ¥, Ws ft. 37 GLOBE REFINERS 54 -- 35, 2s s 2. i 58 7 ae ; Eso seta 22 GLOSE REFINERS 67 close REFINERS 64 GLOBE REFINERS 50 ]KeCe PHILCOS 53 o» 32] Anke TEACHERS 56 |-Kefe Puricos 36 meee ling __20 i tie 36 ~ OF | Ke GC. Lire ont te Ce LE e 4} 79) pevwer UNE Vs 45 40 N WESTERN TRANSIT 16 } BROOKLYN, N.Y. } : NEBRASKA WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY -— UNIV. OF IDAHO, SO. 3RANCH - oe TRANSIT , HUTSON EON YE UNIVERSAL PICTURES, ‘HOLLYWOOD ~ YE eee COLORADO COLLEGE - -- es cussk Ai cqctaieabacenec ae HASTINGS, NEBR. COLL=GE- enone SUL Ross’ STATE TEACH. COLLEGE ~ OREGON NORMAL, MONMOUTH ---—- PENN ATHLETIC "CLUB, ics... BYE - - RINALD! ‘TAILORS, WAS4. 0O,C.-~ PANHANDLE A.&!¥ NOSLITT SPARKS, COLUMBUS, IND.~ KiNG MOTORS, HESSTON, KANSAS Sees 20} OBERLIN, KANS. ALL-STARS ~ MARINE CORPS BASE, SAN DIEGO SAFEWAY STORES, DENVER =~ *COLLE ZGE, OKLA. 20 23]}!DAHO So. BR. 24 —_? WESTERN TRANSIT WestemN TRANSIT 26 | WESTERN Transit 39° lanes PicTURES 45 ——_ COLLEGE 20} UNIV. PICTURES 32 -25) ai OREGON NORMAL 27 UNIV. PICTURES 45 UNIV. PicTuRES 35 BYE a UNIV. PICTURES 31 ] PENN A. ¢. 3g PENN Ap Ce 2 “43 RINALDI TAILORS 39 |ho | ‘51 Nose 17 Sparks 31 |-RUNALO! TAILORS 18 42] Mar INE corPS _32 : SAFEWAY 30 "7 SAFEWAY 4d L MA 8 (tT WILL BE No. IN THE BOOK. ) 2mM2zef-= L “a "PH OFFICIAL PROGRAM A.A.U. National Basketball Championship of America Under the Auspices of The Rocky Mountain Association of A. A. U. of the United States DENVER MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM March 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 1936 4 4 A. A. U. National Basketball Compliments of CLARENCE J. DALY for the Capitol Life Insurance Company and The Thomas F. Daly Agency (General Insurance) Home Office 16th at Sherman Championship of America J. H. K. MARTIN, President Rocky Mountain Association of A. A. U. Special Tournament Committee J. LYMAN BINGHAM Cc. L. PARSONS WILLARD N. GREIM National Chairman LOCAL COMMITTEE C. L. Parsons, Chairman WILLARD N. GREIM Percy LocEy GEo. ScruGGSs Cac HUBBARD W. N. HaRaway WALTER JUDGE J. H. K. MartTIn ELTON Davis CHESTER NELSON Lou H. MAHONY Gro. E. WHITMAN CaRL RoatH ROBERT RUSSELL WALTER HAKANSON RECEPTION COMMITTEE CarRL RoatH, Chairman Epw. HAYNES TICKET COMMITTEE WILLARD N. GrREIM, Chairman ELToN Davis Gero. Scruces HENRY MEIER PROGRAM AND TROPHY COMMITTEE Gro. E. WHITMAN, Chairman W. J. LOEFFLER GAMES COMMITTEE Lou MAnHony, Chairman Jon MoHANA Bert PoTTEeR Don McDovuGauL COACHES CLINIC Cac HUBBARD, Chairman Percy Locey REFEREES E. C. QUIGLEY, St. Marys, Kan. Lou VIDAL, Denver PARKE CARROLL, Kansas City WALTER HAKANSON, Denver ALVIN BELL, Little Rock, Ark. ARLIE Beery, Colorado Springs Bintt MILLER, Denver Tournament Manager, C. L. PARSONS WELCOME .. . Coaches and Players to Denver and Whitney’s Make this your headquarters Whitney Sporting Goods Co. Colorado’s Largest and Finest Sporting Goods Store 7 1640 California, Denver, Colo. PE For Your Convenience ® Free telephone service @ Delivery service @ A place to meet your friends 4 . Az A. U. National Basketball Old salt: and Gaahabbess & alike leave their troubles } = ashore when they come’ aboard the Ship Tavern! *.3 Refreshments that really : refresh served in a rollick- ing nautical atmosphere, make the Ship Tavern Denver’s most popular rendezvous. And you may lay to as SF a At ike Beoimn Palace Hotel BE ONE OF THE WINNERS in the Cosmopolitan Hotel Nea arate Sweepstakes EVERY THURSDAY avo BENE $1.00 Bon Dancing Only 50c Per Person Amateur Night Every Friday Sunday Night CAROL LOFNER’S NOVELTY FLOOR SHOW DANCING Championship of America Denver Honors Father of Basketball De has as its honored guest in the National A. A. U. Basketball Tournament Dr. James A. Naismith, the inventor of the game. What the committee hopes was a fitting tribute was paid the “father of basketball” opening night. None was more deserving of the honor than the only living inventor of a major sport, one that has swept the world and is being included on the Olympic program for the first time this year. We hope this has been a happy homecoming for Dr. Nai- smith. You see, he coached the first championship team ‘in the Rockies at the Denver Y. M. C. A. in 1897. That was just a few years after he invented the game at Springfield Y. M. C. A. College in 1891. So we trust his return to the scene of early triumphs will revive pleasant memories. A. A. U. National Basketball The DAVIS BROTHERS DRUG COMPANY DENVER Always Be Sate ~ - - Complete Tire—Brake—Battery and Lubrication _ Service Authorized Brake Station (City—County) STATE PERMIT No. 112 ~ KENT ROBINSON TIRE CO. 1917 Broadway TAbor 2267 Acme Ticket Company Reserved Seat Tickets for Every Purpose 12 anv 14 East Kiowa STREET COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO Championship of America Roster .. . National A. A. U. Basketball Championship Tournament... 1936 Denver University, Denver, Colorado Bob McWilliams 3 Al Pima 2 eS 6 Mandel Berenbaum ..................0.-s200---+- 7 Al Kavanagh 9 Rery- johnson. 22S Se as ll Jit. Bahcoekss =F ee 13 Romig 1 oung =e ee ee 15 Willie Wilson 18 PAD yi rns ee OS i ee 19 CoW: Hubbard 4.22 2s sees Coach Central Missouri State Teachers College, Warrensburg, Missouri Pierre, Carmdgey 2.75. Se eS 19 Herold Howardes: 282 ee oo ee 11 Earl Keth 25 Idck -Niebrugge: 252 20 Howard Schneider ................-..-.-00--0-20-0-+ 10 Al Schrik 17 Fred: Troutwine 22s 26 Tod: Wiklund’ = sos Sega 13 Chatles Workman. 3.02 ot 18 17 CORO 225226 eee eae Coach American Beauty, Denver, Colorado Louis:-Ay DOCker 22. ae ee 7 Rawr A. sd ope: sn eo 11 Robert Ac: Morehead=.33 eS 9 Pa@prA: Moore: 2 25a Ser Sen sees 9 4 PSOE iso INO = ics ee IS es 8 Frank: M.) Derby. es 10 George Ralph Brumo...u......2..2-....---2-----00 2 Eimer: DECkOr ee ana 3 IGMOs HOGMOT 82 eee ee 6 Brice ti. Lott 4 ee Manager 7,000 miles of trout streams in Colorado Southwestern State Teachers College, Weatherford, Oklahoma Porker Everett. ce se 2 43 Bob Smith 94 @scons Retz 2 i se eo 33 Carl Nikkel 92 jdmos-Duncom = oe ee 17 Grady-i6Wis ==> 22st ee 74 Bille Batisback.-- = eee 66 Manries: trancis 22. 2-5) Se fe 77 1. D-" Norton. = 28 ee ee 13 Rankin= Witicins 2 oss Coach May Company, Cleveland, Ohio Raysnond 2-3 sso ee 8 William Wolfe 11 Alton Christenson 12 Harold Berg 16 Carroll ;Bullock 2-4-2 ie es es 18 GoryDon: Cook 34 ee Be 19 JOG wirish< See eee a Coach Mount of the Holy Cross furnishes the inspiration for an annual pilgrimage Udick Firestone Tires, Colorado Springs, Colorado Frank D. Wood Jack D. Haines Harry E. Atkinson Guy C. Martin Don W. Glidden Samtiel Ww. Sioute= a ee ee JohnA’ Livingsion=232= 3 eee John A. Day WB eKiCe 32 See Sesser, ee Manager New Mexico State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, State College, New Mexico TSEWUITO ADO GCCGE it: es eee 71 Anastecio Apodacc ..:2 22S sik 64 Clayborm: Wayne <2 oe ae 65 Jules; Von Dersale 22 eres 69 Marshall Palen. ec eee 66 Francisco Martinezs ss ee nuk 67 Pecos: Finley ee eee es 68 Morris: Woods222 25. soca i eee: 73 Frank Kozeliski s 74 G. H. Hines Coach 10 A. A. U. National Basketball After the Game the SHIRLEY-SAVOY TAVERN J. Edgar Smith - Ike Walton - Ed C. Bennett SFO SEVENTEENTH AVENUE AT BROADWAY CHAMPIONS IN THEIR CLASS! Supreme Toasts, the toasted butter crackers, have a prize-winning fla- vor! These crisp, round toasted crackers just naturally team up with soups and salads, and bever- ages of all kinds! Get SUPREME TOASTS from your 2rocer! Baked by THE MERCHANTS BISCUIT CO.—DENVER Championship of America Roster .. . National A. A. U. Basketball Championship Tournament. . . 1936 Pond V-8, Blackfoot, Idaho Dick>Grmnet.0). ees 8 loron Seamions 5. cs 5 Harry SanGdow 20) bea ee 10 Heyrim:- Gatister <2). ee 4 Floyd: Morkleyss). 22:82 5 aS 9 Lyle Dillard 3 Afton Barrett Douglas Gibson 22.235 se ces 6 Seville -tilenquist<. eee 7 Eee Nichole. 22-3 Manager Nebraska Wesleyan University, Lincoln, Nebraska Arthur ‘Barrett: 5 3 ees ee y. Neil Davis 9 Dawson Hawkins 2.2228 ose 3 Dell Hedges 8 Bdsone Hubbards: 6s. e o 4 Dale Larson 13 William Ptacek ii ssc. coc pte 11 Rodney shuman 2.0 2s es 5 Ronald Shuman 6 John Roberts............... presen Coach Oberlin All-Stars, Oberlin, Kansas Leos HidgGway <.2.:3 he 3 Victor Claussen 6 Joo Goodrich: i204) sere eos ee 8 Vovle Ridgway: sine ss eet 4 Carrol Hall 5 Pauktoandy 2423.25 ee Bas 9 Joe FE Wilmore 22255 3 ee 7 Week, Goodrich: 232s Manager Lovely Boulder Fails ll Safeway Stores, Denver, Colorado Jack 2McGrackens::/ 7a at 3 Jack Osboriissss oe 11 Robert Gnienigis.. fs. se a 7 Robert Dowelle 3-2-2 ee es 4 Francis: Wachter. 22.2 os 8 Haskel-Lotty.i asi ee 9 Ermest oGHmiGt =) a Se 6 John: EGwards <7... a 12 Tom Merrick ae = 5 Glen Sticobe oe Se NOE ee Coach Hastings College, Hastings, Nebraska Lee Todd 11 Art Stevenson's. edente cs 3 John Hopp 2 Ray Rickelie. 3 oo ee ieee 9 Dicks Marvels co Fee ere A bork Hoppra sh See car een eee 8 Aubrey. Givens a 6 Ray. GrossOn as 5 Termes We Cn eae a ect 4 Thurlo<2 McGrady ss= eS Coach 12 A. A. U. National Basketball Truly Shirts laundered as they should be LAUNDRY The Largest Laundry in the Mountain States Macaroni, Spaghetti, Elbo-Roni, Shel-Roni, Salad-Roni, Vermicelli, Egg Noodles and Alphabets Wholesome, flavory American Beauty Macaroni Products are ideal health foods for rapid-growing, hard-playing youngsters. They con- tain more food value than meat, potatoes, eggs or milk. They contain an abundance of health-building elements, and are 100 per cent pure. Serve with or in place of meat Complete Line, All Varieties, Featured at All Grocers GET YOUR K & B MORNING GLORY VITAMIN D WEINERS IN THE LOBBY / K « B Packing « Provision Co. Championship of America 13 Roster .. . National A. A. U. Basketball Championship Tournament .. . 1936 Marine Corps Base, San Diego, Northwestern State Teachers California College, Alva, Oklahoma A; Lock 91 Red White D. M. Beeson 14 Howard: Goyles.20 2st 47 56 L. Reynolds 22 Curtis; Ensminger... 2.5325. 52 58 WW: Ge talbert 3s ae 11 Carl: Heaton.22 3 eo 49 54 W. Kenton 13 Joe: Maddox: 22 es 48 46 J. H. Neil 18 I. J. Mitchell Al 43 S=Beakalarzoks sears or 15 Forrest: Mussen:=2 i ol 51 Hees Lindielts 2s eee 17 Sanford Newsom...............2:.-:0-+- 43 50 He Aer Brazke 838 ees ee eee 20 RoyE.Patierson:) eee 54 §4 CaMci ott, Capt. eee Manager BYTOn: RODSIB =k. tee ne 53 OL Knights of Columbus, Seattle, GES Simmmonse ss. 265 ae ey Coach Kansas Gas and Electric Washington ie a Company, Wichita, Kansas Mark Antoncich 3 Harold Davis 5 George Fredderich -....2...5.1.0c2i cine a Harold: Groves ee 12 Robert MoOole Milner: tin 55 Herb Higgins 66 Jomos* McManus:42 5. tes 44 Sam Mulay 88 William Bul -Cochrans23 =.=. 10 Jack Sanders 3 a ee 4 Elmer Serb 5 Henry Krey 6 Allan Hug 8 Oswale- tran: ine ee 12 Harm. Es Brown, Jt 3 ee ee a Elmer Ackmann 252-6) Ao ea 11 Georgs Weiss... .3220., 8 Manager Colorado has 49 peaks exceeding 14,000 foot altitude Penn Athletic Club, Phila- delphia, Pa. Aloysiuse le Carlin! ses ce es ae ae slanloy.