family for a week or two» The hypertensions of this modern life are a little too much for sane finely fabricated souls, and I think a rest will do them both goods Mrse Allen bought a home in our eight hundred block aie 4% ticpoied ta bu Gu thd Gens TEMG AF Gk eteees at our house is one Milton wants to finish with his law degree, and ale though he has a degree in the business school, he is with the personnel division of the Stanolind 011 Corporation, and he thinks @ law degree will permit him to-go much further, And I rather share his opiniones However, he is wavering between two proposi-« tions = at the present the Stanolind people are offering him a very nico increase to stay with then, but they have also pramised him @ leave to get his lew degree. And I believe Mrs. Allen bought thet house on the same strect as ours just to get that little red- haired child, Judy, in the neighborhood for a while. Gee, Cob, she is a swell iid, and Isabel and Mit are doing fine out at Elling woods So you can see the Allen family is in quite a dither at the present, wondering whether Miilten is going to stay by the guns for an increase in salary, which I think is not as important as coming tack and finishing his lew degree while he has the opportunity. The financial side is all worked out and it is just up to him as to wat future he sees in both propositions. With all good wishes, I an, as ever Sincerely yours, — Director of Physical Edueation and Recreation, Varsity Basle tbat Comehe,