#4 asked for information as to the liberties of a player when he has brought a dribble to an end. The chairman called upon Mr. Porter to discuss this matter and the discussion brought out the fact that the rules prescribe that a player may pick up the ball at the end of a dribble even after a fumble but that he cannot again dribble. It was the sentiment of those present that the dribble rule as rewritten last year is satisfactory and that there is no evil in allowing a fumble at the end of a dribble any more than there is in allowing a fumble before a dribble starts. However, it was believed that a detailed analysis of the footwork during a fumble would be valuable in clarifying the rule. M. St. John returned from a meeting of the executive committee of the N.C.A.A. and advised that that group had passed a vote of confi- dence in the basketball rules committee as now constituted, The rest of the session was taken up with a discussion relative to proposed rule changes. Action relative to this matter is to be found on attached sheets. The meeting adjourned at 6:15 and provision was made for the committee to attend the Olympic basketball games in the evening. SESSION 10:00 A. M, Sunday, fpril s The meeting was called to order by Mr. Salmon, Mr. St. John sug- gested that the rules seemed to be in & fairly satisfactory condi- tion and that it might be a good plan to refrain from making any great number of changes. He expressed the opinion that what the game needs is greater uniformity of interpretation and administration and that he felt that this group would render a valuable service if each member would encourage various meetings whereby uniform inter- pretations would be adopted by the coaches and officials in the var- ious sections of the country. Mr. Tower expressed the belief that there is quite general agreement on rule interpretations except in a few sections and that in his opinion the greatest deviation from the rules as written is in a few of the eastern groups in connection with the rule on blocking and screening. Messrs. Hepbron and Metzdorf appeared before the committee to accept the invitation to become honorary members, to thank the committee for conferring the honor and to assure it that they were ready to cooperate in every way in further improving the game of basketball. Most of the session was taken up with a thorough discussion of var- ious proposed rule changes. The meeting recessed for luncheon at 1:00 P.M, and reconvened at 2:30 to continue rules discussions, NOTE: The minutes of the executive session on Sunday afternoon were sent under separate cover,