The following is a compilation of the discussion and action on vari- ous questions concerning the Basketball Rules by the National Basketball Coaches! Association, held at the Sovereign Hotel, April 5, 1935, Chicago, Ill. l. Se 4. 6. Te 10. ll. Discussion of the size of the official basketball. Moved, seconded and passed as satisfactory. Size of the goal approved, with the following suggestion, that the incoming Officers have a Research Committee to continue to work on a 20 inch basket. Motion was made by the Eastern representatives that back stops be made of a uniform. material, to be specified in the rules. This motion was lost. Rule 10, Section 1, page 19. A motion was made and passed that the Note under this rule be made a rule to read as follows: "That a half inch broken restraining line must be drawn 3 feet inside of any court where obstructions are within 3 feet of the side line." Discussion was held concerning the rule on traveling. Motion made and passed that the present rule is satisfactory. The suggestion that the field goal made from 20 feet out in the court count as 3 points. Voted that rules concerning scoring remain as they are in the book. Suggestion that stepping out of the ring in any jumps be made a violation, rather than a technical foul. Voted that the rule should remain as it is. Suggested that stepping across the center circle line be made a technical foul, to make it wmiform with stepping out of the cir- cle to side or rear. Carried unanimously. Suggestion that when a double foul is called that the scorer re- cord the fouls but no free throws attempted. Ball to be put in play by jump ball. Voted that rule covering this be retained as it ise ; Suggestion to increase number of personal fouls for disqualifica~ tion was presented. Motion that the present rule covering per- sonal fouls be retained. Suggestion that a team fouled be allowed to decline the penalty. Motion made that some provision be incorporated in the rules, if passed, to permit refusal of the penalty and acceptance of goal, if made. Motion lost. Refer to Research Committee.