HOTEL ASTOR; NEW YORK CITYs NOVEMBER 28, 1930. An EASTERN BASKETBALL INTERPRETATION MEETING Was held at the Hotel Astor, New York City, November 28, 1930. Meeting convened at 8:30 P.M. Chairman St. John presided. om a eck le lle ow “a! Members of the Joint Basketball Committee present:— L. W. St. John G. K. Tebell Wm.McK. Barber Oswald Tower A, E. Metzdorf E. Jd. Hickox G. T. Hepbron I.C. Matheny John Brown,Jr. F. W. Helm Ralph Morgan. Basketball Guides were on sale at the meeting. Attached sheets include names of those present and who signed slips. This list numbers 152 individuals. There were also a number who did not sign the slips and roughly I should gay —_ attendents was about 175 which is a little larger than usuale Following States were represented:— Connecticut New York Delaware Ohio Maryland Pennsylvania Massachusetts Virginia New Jersey Vermont. Chairman St. John introduced Dr. Brown who spoke breifly on present status of Approved Officials Organizations throughout the United States and greeted the new Brooklyn & Queens District Board (recently organized) which attended the meeting thirty (30) strong. Chairman St. John made a few opening remarks including information regarding the experiment he is about to make by the use of three (3) officials instead of two (2). Chairman St. John then introduced Oswald Tower, Editor of the Guide, who interpretated the changes to the group that were made by the Committee at their Annual Meeting in April, 1930, and which appear in the Official Guide after which the meeting was thrown open by Mr. Tower for questicns on interpretation of other Rules. Meeting closed at 10:30 P. M.. A number of those present spoke to the Secretary person- ally and volunteered their opinion that this was the best meeting we had ever held. The size of the room no doubt contributed to the comfort and pleasure of those attending. espectfully submitted, SEO. T.,.HEPBRON, Secys fy