B. T. GROVER, OHIO UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT *- THE NATIONAL Assoc DR. JAMES A. NAISMITH, UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS HONORARY PRESIDENT OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS B. T. GROVER, President Nat. HOLMAN, First Vice-President NELSON NORGREN, Second Vice-President EVERETT DEAN, Third Vice-President EDWARD J. Hickox, Secretary-Treasurer FRANK W. > Edi BOARD OF DIRECTORS W. S. CHANDLER MarsH W. H. Browne VaL. LENTZ EDITOR OF BULLETIN FRANK W. KEANEY, State College, Kingston, R. I. MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE Bair GULLION, Cornell University, Chairman a a dene eae A. E. Haves, Dome Doane College Jack Gray, Texas Universi . DAHLBERG, Montana State H. A. Hosson, Oregon University BASKETBALL RULES COMMITTEE Don Waits, Connecticut State, Chairman ForRREST C. COACHING ETHICS COMMITTEE C. B. Hoy, South Dakota University, Chairman JAMES BAKER, South Dakota State E. S. Hickey, Creighton University J. W. Hutton, Hamline University JosePH LAPCHICK, St. Johns University ROLLIE F. WILLIAMS, Iowa University VISUAL INTERPRETATION COMMITTEE Nat. Bg come ee N. Y., Chairman W. H. versity mene Stanford University Harowp E. Foster, Wisconsin University CuuckK TAYLOR, Converse Rubber Co. RESEARCH COMMITTEE GEORGE EDWARDS, Missouri University, Chairman H. C. CARLSON, Pittsburgh University Everett DEAN, Stanford University Bair GULLION, Cornell University HIGH SCHOOL COMMITTEE ELLS, a, Chairman ge wae CoLLINs, Omaha South . T. McCotiouas, Crawfordsville High Toul Tracy, St. Ignatius High, Chicago OFFICIALS COMMITTEE Tome Cox, Colorado University, Chairma W. J. FERGUSON, St. a hs College, Pecistenaile Ray OosTING, eae wie _— Connecticut E. L. RoMNeEy, Utah S CONVEN acl COMMITTEE ARDS, i Universi H. W. Browne, Nebraska University CONVENTION DISPLAYS E. A. KELLEHER, Fordham University, Chairman eee T AND OLYMPIC COMMITTEE - G. OLSON, Ohio State University, Chairman rE C. ALLEN, Kansas University JOHN W. BUNN, Stanford University PRESS COMMITTEE PauL D. HINKLE, Butler University, Chairman NAT. HOLMAN, CITY COLLEGE, N. Y. FIRST VICE PRESIDENT EDWARD J. HICKOX, SPRINGFIELD COLLEGE SECRETARY-TREASURER March 5, 1940 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Basketball University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: When I wrote you a few days ago, I forgot to answer your question with reference to the recognition badges for our convention. I do not believe that this has been a duty of the chairman of the Convention Com-= mittee in past years. I know that when I was secretary and treasurer, I looked after the matter and I believe the last two years it has been taken care of by the chairman of the Membership Committee. I will write to Blair Gullion, chairman of this committee, at once and bring this matter to his attention. I hope everything is shaping up fine on your end for the convention. I just now have my program completed and hope that it will prove of value as well as interesting and entertaining. I am figuring on your discussing "The Zone Defense," and its many ramifi- cations during one of our sessions. I know you can do this better than any one I can think of, and I am cer- tain that every one will appreciate it very much. . Hastily yours e crbver, President BTG d